Some small balance issues.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Caliostro, January 24, 2011.

  1. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Someone didn't realise the grapple revamp which turned it into a beast-grapple.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I would like to contribute but this thread is just de ja vu.

    I don't understand how within a few weeks players want balance chances. Play the game, all it's classes and explore the game fully for at least 3 months then come back with some whining changes.

    Bottom line Monday Night Combat is not a Deathmatch and meaning that each class isn't balanced to fight each other exclusively. The Tank is the counter to Assassin, The Assault is the counter to Tank. Sure when you factor in skill every Pro can kill each other.....ehhh I don't even care anymore. /post
  3. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Because topic starter is a sniper whining about the fact he has a counter to his class.

    Sin > Sniper > tank/gunner

    Sin grapple is fine, tank blossom is fine, just put gold armour on your sniper and cry less.
  4. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Way to go to ignore everything thats been said in the thread.

    The issue is that to avoid OHKO face grapples, people are FORCED to go armour and ignore all the other endorsements. The experimentation of different endorsement builds is nigh exctint because of this because in the end, every class will roll Armor, Rate of Fire and Clip Size/Reload Speed.
    Unless youre an assault, assassin or support, you might want to consider skill recovery.
    The rest: Useless.
  5. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    You are not forced to do anything, if you are worried about grapples wear armour, if you want to play offensive without armour then do so with risk. No need to whine about it, customisation is there for a reason, you cant have BOTH gold rate of fire for rapid body shot kills AND gold armour.

    And like i said most classes have a hard counter, if you dont like the fact the sniper is hard countered by a sin then maybe the assault class is more suitable for you since its a good all rounder with no hard counter.

    Anybody find it ironic that a sniper that has the ability to insta kill headshot other classes cry about being insta grapple killed, some people are just never satisfied.
  6. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Actually, if you had read the thread you'd see that even gold armor is torn to pieces by lunge+face grapple. As are most classes without armor.

    Also you'd know I play assassin and gunner as much as I play sniper, and it's just too stupid easy to kill people with the lunge+face grapple, a behavior that shouldn't be rewarded as much as it is. Face grappling is easy and reliable, it shouldn't reward a sin as much as doing their actual assassination (back grapple) which is still stupid easy to pull.

    In other words, poster is a failsin crying for his bread and butter facegrapple because, like failsnipers that live of body shooting, he'd have to switch class without that crutch.

    Also, if your answer to everything is "use gold armor", there isn't much of a point to having another option as gold endorsement is there? If gold armor is a necessity. Or, you know, you could stop rewarding a character for doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing to begin with... We could do that.
  7. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    I beg to differ on that one. Armour is not mandatory for Gunners and Tanks. It sure helps and keeps tanks from being OHK'd, but other loadouts can also be very effective. RoF is also useful for Tanks, but not a necessity. Tanks can experiment with movement speed, skill recovery (God, I love gold skill recovery on a Tank), clip, reload speed and even health regen (combine with armour for a real TANK Tank) and most of these are valid in every slot.
  8. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    Oh, but you ARE forced to do that. Its natural that nobody wants to die from instant easy-to-accomplish face grapples and hence go armor. Unlesss you noticed, 90% of the gameplay community runs armor, the light classes too. Why? Because every server has either 2-3 assassins on the other team who can simply face stab the default classes and they are dead with un-upgraded skills. The rest of the endorsements are just useless in comparison and armor is made a must have endorsement at all times, say a sniper wants to run RoF, Reload Speed, and Clip size... Or opposite... But they won't because there are assassins on the other team and they can simply lunge-facestab you anyway and your chances of survival are zero.
    Speaking of the Lunge-Grapple, the snipers supposed counter to sins is nullified because of it. You say every class has a counter to something, snipers has a counter to uninvited guests, the freeze traps. But they dont work lately and guess why? Because sins can simply charge over them and grapple you to the face. Now isn't that a lame exploit to use?

    Also I like the way you throw the "Whiny Sniper" Badge on my chest. Real mature, I give you that... Yes I know every class has a counter to something and excell at it, but more and more sins lately have started to become the lunge-facestab OHKO people they shouldnt be able to OHKO like that, for instance a gunner.

    A gunner taking a lunge to the face then instantly grappled is dead. Nothing he can do about it, he wont see it coming but he will hear it since everything happens in less than 1 second. This makes makes face stab to rewarding for what it should be, people should be discouraged to face stab people and go for the backstabs since they are OHKO, on everything except the tank. But sins ignore the backstabs and instead just lunge up someones *** and grapple right afterwards, face stab or not that opponent is dead.

    That is the problem. Now go join your friends in the stupidity section and keep your assumptions to yourself. I am not just a sniper player, I am a support player too. And tank.

    rrr.... Okay I wasn't really going to go into detail but thanks nonetheless? :)
    Myself I run RoF, Armor and Speed on my tank I think.
  9. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    No, don't be an idiot.

    People run armour because there's a ******* lot of things that want them dead. It's not just Assassins.
  10. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    It is also stupid easy to counter by just jumping, i wont explain to you how to play your class, this is sth you need to learn for yourself, but after jumpinbg every class has a way to then kill the sin, be it charge/grapple throw/shotty to face etc.

    and your point is?

    Nothing wrong with player choice, majority of players feel safer with armour, some exceptional players like xeno run an assault with no armour and just pure offence capabilities because they have good environmental awareness and movement skills so want to maximise attack potential. I understand that your main is a sniper and has low hp, you feel weak and scared of the sin, guess what, tanks and gunners are scared of your instant headshot kill OR rapid body shot killing ability.

    Actually when i play gunner i react well to sin, i kill them more than they kill me (especially since uber patched the gunner grapple throw priority), i fear the sniper more, i dont have ONE SECOND to react to the headshot and being a big slow target makes it difficult to avoid the bodyshot kill. Im not asking for sniper to be nerfed, i know the strengths and limitations of playing a heavy class.

    Sniper has good strengths and weaknesses, if you are incapable of accepting the cons that go along with being a sniper then yes you are whiney in my eyes, just telling it how it is, sorry.
    Last edited: January 26, 2011
  11. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    You really overestimate the tank match up as an assault. Its not as easy as you say it is.
  12. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    You really should play against Statement then. He needs to be nerfed.

    He said he was floating on a 10.6 KDR, which isn't at all surprising considering I've seen him play.

    But yeah, I agree that Assault is the counter to Tank. I'm easily weakest against Assault, then Gunner.
  13. Vleessjuu

    Vleessjuu New Member

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    I agree that Assaults mop up tanks or at least keep them at bay very well. Tanks usually can't get close enough to assaults to use the jetgun because he will just kite you and assaults are to fast to use the railgun properly against them. Charging is useless when he can also charge you or charge away from you. Or stick a bomb on you and call it a day.
  14. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Assaults need to keep the tank at medium distance. Then its easy. It takes a lot of focus to kill a tank like that though since the assault's rifle takes a while to kill them.
  15. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    Nooo, don't nerf me! :(

    In the Tank vs Assault matchup it's the Assault's fight to lose.

    When I encounter a tank I try to keep on the edge of the sweet spot of the assault rifle, that way they can't hit me with a charge or outdamage me with the railgun. If they try to close the distance I just back up as needed, or if they run... well... good luck running from an assault as a tank. If they blow their charge to run I can feel safe using mine to catch up.

    The only time a Tank is ever a threat is if he has great aim at long distance. Even then, it's simply a matter of falling back.

    And yeah, when I was talking to you before I was on a 10.6 kdr, 10.4 now (7 uberstreaks :D), I joined a server and was killed twice by an aimbotting sniper. :(

    Not really, I can kill a tank in one clip most of the time (running rof/acc/clip).
  16. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Does gold rof really do that much more than silver considering the frame lag I've been hearing about? Wouldn't acc/rof/clip work better in that case? Or is that just a myth carried over from the xbox version?
  17. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    Gold rof doesn't make a massive difference to the assault rifle, but it makes a significant difference to the grenade launcher which I use a lot. Additionally, gold acc is a bit overkill anyways.
  18. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Yeah, you don't need gold acc. It's actually detrimental if you're trying to cover very close range, and it won't help THAT much at long range anyways.

    And yeah, I use the same setup, RoF/Acc/Clip size. Works like a charm.
  19. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Just want to say that KD ratio means nothing in this game, I am at 1.9 mainly because I throw myself at the moneyball to you know, win. If I can land one assault bullet on it to stop the shields raising again I will do.

    Saying that I think the assault is too good on the PC, I can use bombs and grenades to RAPE the moneyball single handed from range, only the support shotgun can match it and that is point blank. I have been using the assault a lot lately because he is just that good.

    What he needs I think is a slight drop in damage from the grenade launcher and bombs on the moneyball, he is good against pros as is.
  20. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Gold RoF does help more than silver on the AR. Maybe not by as much as the configs say it should, but it's still better. And like Statement said, it helps the grenade launcher a lot.

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