Some of the achievements are excessively grindy.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Zoolooman, February 4, 2011.

  1. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Some people seem to forget the meaning of the word achievement. I'm with DeadStretch on this one.
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    True but I would hope that people learn not to build Laser BLazers at some point. That might make it impossible to get the 2,500 destructions. Oh, who am I trying to kid, it won't be a problem to get it... xD
  3. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    These achievements are too grindy even if you play only Blitz. At an average of a buzzer a second (which you'd never even get close to, even in Blitz), you're 67 hours of Blitz away from the achievement.

    Just do the math. You'll see that these some of these achievements will have average completion times of literal gameplay years.
  4. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    I haven't forgotten the meaning of anything. I'm simply aware of how long these achievements will take, and the realistic time to completion is easily two magnitudes of order too large.
  5. nSmoothCritical

    nSmoothCritical New Member

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    Are you actually playing the game to collect all the achievements? Are you going to stop playing it when you will finally get them all? Do achievement tags have any value for you really?

    Surely, there's something more than just a single player mode online in this game.
  6. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    You're missing the point. I'm not here to score achievements, but achievements do provide interesting incentives. For example, how many newbies would've actually meleed a pro to death (or even known about melee) if it wasn't for the protags and achievements?

    Achievements are meant to be achievable. Now, there's nothing wrong with long term grinds. TF2 gives each class a single 30 to 60 hour achievement. But these MNC achievements are even LONGER than long term grinds, realistically requiring time investments comparable to earning a PhD.

    You don't find that funny?
  7. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You melee people because it gives a nice amount of juice not because of the achievement.
  8. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Achievements should be achievable. 100,000 Buzzers is unachievable. Therefore, it should be lowered.

    Makes sense to me. I don't mind difficult achievements - anyone else try to give Lamar a gnome companion for his trip to the stars? - but they shouldn't be boring.
  9. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    It is when you're playing super sudden death. All I can say.

    I still think destroying lazer blazers or shave ice would take a bit too long compared to the rest of the achievements.
  10. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    The achievement led the horse to water, friend. The protags do the same. Rewards to drive interesting behavior.


    I'd like to point out that there are achievements in CS:S which less than 1% of all players have. They are generally "kill 1000 people with X weapon."

    MNC's weapon and turret achievements ask for 2500 kills each. Two and a half times the value of CS:S achievements so grindy that less than 1/100 people have them after about a year of play.

    And MNC's bot kill achievements put the weapon and turret kill achievements to shame by two orders of magnitude. This is especially troubling, as with a few exceptions (slimbots and blackjacks) most bot kills are accrued at a rate measured in the same order of magnitude.

    Because that last sentence is spaghetti, I'll put it bluntly. Some of these achievements will take between 2 and 250 times longer than comparable achievements which have been achieved by about 1% of the population.

    Lowering the thresholds for these achievements by two orders of magnitude won't make them easy. It'll make them possible.
  11. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    you melee BOTS because it give a nice amount of juice.

    you melee PEOPLE because you desire to reveal their lack of skill in the killfeed for all to see.

    you "Heck Yeah" bots because its the quickest way to get them from hitting the moneyball.

    you "Heck Yeah" people...
    and i think the devs threw in a few impossible ones to get a rise out of some people. they didnt even make the target of the achievement impressive, just long. buzzers dont make a threat to any class but the assassin.
  12. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    Do you get at least a thousand buzzers in a single playthrough? If so, you'd have to repeat that playthrough 100 times.

    Edit: Look, this was meant to be a lighthearted "let's laugh at how silly the achievements are," then wait for them to be fixed.

    Instead, people are trying to defend them, so I'll summarize my entire point thusly.

    Do the math. Stop arguing with me and do it. You'll be shocked.

    Every grind achievement in the game is many times longer than any comparable achievement in any other game, to such a degree that expecting even 1% of the player base to complete them is unrealistic.

    I think that's both humorous and problematic.
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    And 100 times isn't much for an "achievement".
  14. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    You'll never kill 1000 in a single round of Super Sudden Death. That was a ludicrous example meant to illustrate that even in a beyond ideal scenario, it'd still take an extremely long amount of time.

    Achievements are not meant to be lifetime achievements. This obsession with making them impossible is astonishing and stupid. Most "easy" achievements are unachievable to the average player. These "hard" achievements are literally unachievable without spending more time on them than it takes a crew to lay twenty miles of pavement.

    Your dedication to making achievements hard has blinded you to the fact that even if the values were 100 times smaller, the vast majority of MNC players still wouldn't even get close to succeeding. They'd still be hard achievements.
  15. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Provided you actually had a point, what would change? (not a troll question)
  16. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    Steam should be giving the Uber guys some EXCELLENT stats.

    I would take each grind achievement, look at how the active people are doing, and find a good average value of the number of points scored per an hour. Worse people will grind slower than this value. The best players will grind faster.

    Set a number of goal hours for the average grind.

    Goal hours * points per hour = total points to earn achievement.

    That way Uber can choose however long they feel is an appropriate effort, then adjust the value to match. I'd suggest adjusting the protags as well, since some top tier protags (Annihilator) are super easy to get compared to other top tier protags (Kill 100,000 Buzzers).
  17. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I still don't think killing 100,000 buzzers is too out of proportion. :|

    ...... on second thought, my profile says I've killed 240. I know I've done some Super Sudden Death Match and killed more than that. :|

    They should make it 10,000 if it isn't counting super sudden death match or something.
  18. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Have you considered that they consider the current values to be appropriate?
  19. Zoolooman

    Zoolooman New Member

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    The ones killed by turrets or by hitting you don't count, unfortunately.

    Yes, I considered it, but then I also considered that achievements and protags are fun, extra features and not core game elements. They weren't scrutinized when they were added, and mistakes of scale were very easy to make.

    I mean, it's not OBVIOUS that there's any problem. This is because your brain has no intuitive grasp of what 100,000 means. Mine doesn't either. Nobody has an intuitive grasp of numbers that large.

    It's only when you sit down and do a little math that the reality begins to show itself. These numbers are way too large--some of them by as much as two orders of magnitude, meaning they are 100 times too large to even compare with grindy achievements from other games.
  20. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    In that case, I'm not too confident that I'll be finishing that achievement 'til my late 20's. :lol:

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