Some general questions from a newbie.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Otherworld Odd, July 26, 2011.

  1. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    I thought I would love the assassin but meh...-.-.
  2. Philychesteak

    Philychesteak New Member

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    Until you get custom classes to put armor on them sniper and assassin are generally not good choices. They have no armor and will get killed rather quickly. One of your posts was asking what to upgrade first and generally passive (grey skill) is the best choice for most classes. Support your going to want Hack (blue) or airstrike (red) first. Assault you'll probably want bomb. Tank you will want charge at 3 ASAP. Also his passive if you buy it when your dying you will be put to max health.

    After passive you'll want:
    Assassin: I like sprint but it's preference. Also if you play assassin use RB to lunge around a lot. You can also time a grapple immediately after a lunge to kill most pros, minus fatties.
    Sniper: Trap 2 at spawn so they actually freeze.
    Gunner: Get passive 3 ASAP. Other skills are mediocre. Slams useful and deploy can help.
    Guides will help you more.

    Oh one more tip, if someones juiced, GRAB THEM. It'll waste their juice and generally irritate them :D
  3. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    Yeah, I was playing a custom sniper with er... I don't remember. I think it was this:

    Edit: Okay, this is what I was running:

    Gold: Armor
    Silver: RoF
    Bronze: Clip size

    Also, another question. For these private games, are there usually people who bitch at you or is it a friendly environment where I can learn? I remember played L4D2 way back when I was a newbie at that game and the community was just unforgiving.
  4. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    If you play with me you will wish you had never been born!
  5. Undertaker4uplr

    Undertaker4uplr New Member

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    :roll: for gods sake I hope you don't make assault your main class.......There are enough of them already playing because they tend to be favored by the "halo" crowd, and are considered overpower. Gunner is a good beginner class until you learn the ropes.
  6. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    Aren't you still a newbie xD I've never played a Private match id like to though.
  7. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    Yeah, I'm still new but it never hurts to know ahead of time. I pick up on stuff rather quickly.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    As for private matches it depends on who's you join. Mainly though it's about being flexible with your class selection, being good at one class and one class only not only pins you into a corner but you also don't know how to counter or flee from certain classes.

    So of the crowd play privates for tougher competition while other play to avoid pub stomps. In the room for those looking for tough comp. one wrong move could easily have the whole room against you. If you are in the other room allies and enemies will let you know what you did wrong and some tips to avoid it next game. Something as simple as "You may want to try X as silver instead of Y" all the way to the complex stuff like "Assassin's main job is bot control, try not to go for kills unless you are sure you will get the kill and be out back to the lanes."

    As with any game it's all about finding that right crowd where you can learn as well as just have some fun.

    Fyi, from the looks of it you may fit into TOM#'s privates. His gamertag is TOM12121112 give him a shout and whenever he hosts some private matches he may reach out to you. The thing with privates is just finding enough players to fill both teams. TOM hosts more of the light hearted matches although we do tend to get a bit rowdy, err at least I do. :D
  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    private matches can be friendly people dont get aggrivated unless you blatantly disregard advice multiple times that is crippling your team i.e. heal the gunner as support, kill the bots as assassin, etc. despite what you may/will hear from people and around the forums, new people are cut slack, we dont expect anyone new to be a superstar, but some of us do expect general competence as far as following directions (if the game's nature turns competitive, some privates as of late are friends splitting sides and not caring about the win or loss).

    as far as advice, all the reading in the world wont improve your game really, the best advice u can get that you would have figured out on your own is to use gold armor and silver rate of fire on basically everything, tied in with bronze accuracy, skill, or clip. refer to shammas's guides (think he main recent one was xshammas's guide to end all guides) for the best advice about public/private play for every class and map.

    as for progressing in skill, everyone has their own capacity for how good they will get in 2 fields. 1 gun-game, some people are better than others and some people can just flat out shoot better than others, it takes a little more time than most mainstream shooters to pickup the shooting in this game and how to shoot at certain classes effectively. 2-decision making and mental game (this one i feel is far more important). knowing how to properly approach your opponent, fake out your opponent, utulize skills to fullest potential, use cover properly to evade or approach, coordinate with teammates via the class you are on and your teammates' classes within your proximity. (basically if you are an assault approaching a mid range gunner, dont expect much help from your assassin behind you, etc)

    to progress said skill, playtime helps most, people you play with sort of helps and advice is nice, but for the most part it's you who develops your playstyle and mental game and nobody other than you can fully convince yourself how to decision make and effectively use each class in all situations
  10. lilslayertorres

    lilslayertorres Member

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    Wow toms games sounds awesome I should check with tom about it.
  11. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    I honestly cannot fathom how there's people out there with 20 wins and 1 or 2 deaths. I just played against a guy who had 27 kills and 0 deaths at the end of the game as a gunner. And they still won so he wasn't just buffing his K/D. Ugh, how the hell.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yeah I was in that room and sorry I can't help how other players play. Although I am an objective whore and I tried to end those games as fast as I could.

    Next time you join me quit then go to you recent players and join me in progress.

    Sorry about those games.
  13. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    The spawn camping one or the one with the 27/0 dude? -_-. What's your tag?
  14. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am not sure you were in few of my matches tonight. My gamertag is "DEAD STRETCH."

    You joined a few mid-match and were there from match start for a couple more.
  15. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    Oh, hrm, I don't remember seeing you.
  16. Otherworld Odd

    Otherworld Odd New Member

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    Baaahhh! Thattt's it, I'm giving up! x__x. I've been playing this game for a couple weeks now and I still come out failing every game. Every game. Damn assaults with their 20-0's. How the hell do you manage that when it seems like a bullet grazing your cheek will freaking kill you!? I'll be shooting another gunner as a gunner for two seconds before he starts shooting me and I'll STILL DIE BEFORE HIM. RaawrrWHghthwAg *rage life*
  17. Pilkey420

    Pilkey420 New Member

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    Otherworld, get some friends together and play with them until you are the assault going 27-0. Its a lot easier to learn and play/win with some teammates that you know. and dead stretch, good games the other night. i dont remember what ones but i remember seeing your name for the first time ingame.
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yeah, you played a mean Tank. It reminded me of how rusty I was with him. Good games indeed.
  19. Pilkey420

    Pilkey420 New Member

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    I've been trying to get better with him, nice to hear you say that though.

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