So who are we losing this week (9/14)?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Morph Mode, September 13, 2010.

  1. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Last minute Pre-Order last night.

    I was getting sick of Halo too, in some respects. the REACH Beta didn't do a lot for me; for the most part it's just the same with a few fancy tweaks and minor 'Class' aspects added in. The armour perms were a bit overkill and the starting weapon set-ups were a waste of time, too.

    However, looking into it more, the Forge World is amazing, the graphics Post BETA are top-notch, some of the added features like weapon bloom make the game a bit more of a challenge over the others and I can't resist the Halo Universe, plus the Campaign's and Split Screen options are really really good on Halo games (despite ODST).

    I'm a real sucker for Customisation, too.

    MNC has been good to me and I have no doubt I'll still be playing it on and off as an Arcade Game after bad sessions on REACH, but to think this game was going to keep me interested into the next full title release was a bit optimistic. I would hope the guys from Uber dont take that personally, the game they've created was some of the most fun I've had in a long time, but it's definitely more Short Stay Parking than 3 week holiday.

    Current Xbox Playtime is: MNC 100%
    When REACH comes: MNC 20%, REACH 80%
  2. Wooglin

    Wooglin New Member

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    Man, you dudes set up a lot of false dichotomies. In any event, I picked up Reach. I plan on playing it a lot. I also on plan on continuing to play the crap out of MNC.
  3. OptiMAT

    OptiMAT New Member

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    Wish I had the time to play them both a lot :p
    Nevertheless all my friends list will either be:

    Sticking to BC2
    Sticking to MNC
    Moving on to Reach

    Seeing as I really dont want to do the first one, it's 'having fun' that sets up the ultimatum :p
  4. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Sorry if I'm a bit out of it, but what is this "patch" for Reach that everyone is talking about?
  5. Chimpotle

    Chimpotle New Member

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    They're talking about the patch for MNC. People are planning to play Reach until the updated version of MNC is available to cut back on lag, matchmaking issues, etc.
  6. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    That's what I thought... someone early mentioned a patch from Microsoft though, so I got confused. I get it now, thanks
  7. Chimpotle

    Chimpotle New Member

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    Probably just talking about Microsoft testing it.

    Back on topic, Reach has been pretty awesome in my limited play so far. It's going to take me a while to get adjusted to playing Halo again. I think I've grown too accustomed to seeing a MNC class and figuring out how to work their weakness that I just keep getting filled with holes with players all being equally equipped. The knife in the back animation is sick.
  8. Cornstalk

    Cornstalk New Member

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    I haven't been playing much because I hate playing without a friend or two and my work schedule has been brutal.

    After trying the solo campaign for Reach, since I had no one to play with, I'm actually really disappointed. The story is great, the characters are interesting, and the enemy AI is satisfyingly challenging... it's the friendly AI.

    So I had active cammo. I was trying to flank because I'm not a very good shot in Halo games. Everywhere I went, they just freaking followed me. They may as well just take the AI out of the game and make it you vs the world. Seriously, they were ruining my fun because there was always some idiot standing in my way... or falling back on top of me when I was trying to get my shield back and getting me shot.

    And just when I think I can be clear of them, they FINALLY figure out how to kill something and steal my kills.

    I'm so disenchanted right now.

    Back to trying for personal bests on solo sudden death blitz. -_-
  9. Rawfulll

    Rawfulll New Member

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    I can't see myself being able to play MNC until the DLC comes out, as I'll be playing reach way too much for another game :D

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