So... the older players were all terrible?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by onetimeuse, April 17, 2012.

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  1. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Realistically chron, no old players really venture on over here. Deadeye/Peachy refuse, bolt, rarely and I saw zander post the other day. I was talking to Sir Hulk Z about getting back into the game.

    F5in, if you don't want to agree that's fine. I see what you're saying, but you would honestly have to play to understand. Sigmar may have had better accuracy, but it's debatable to me. Zatch has landed so many crazy headshots on me it's ridiculous. Accuracy is far from everything in this game. I don't know if you remember but I considered you a better sniper than sigmar even though I thought he had better accuracy. It was because you played your meta game roll better than him.

    Chron's right about him being surrounded by good players that allowed him to play passively. When we played them (I think adaeon subbed for you) I don't remember him being contributing a lot. He pretty much covered the meta-game as well, but to put it simply there was such a huge lack of teamwork it's almost unbelievable. Juice was a huge crutch in game play. It honestly hindered it competitively and teamwork wise, and everyone has improved with juice off. The game's evolved so much that everyone has pretty much figured out everything, so everyone is trying to out-smart each other and break the "norm".

    Games play vastly different than they did back in the day. The only thing that could compare was **** vs GP. Even all those TEG privates weren't close competitively as they are now.

    Personally I would put money on these players

    Gunked - Gunner
    Chollo/CrimsonAutumn - Assault
    Knives - Sniper
    Headcase - Support
    LeadLP - Tank

    over GP's roster before they broke up (their skill level at the time) in a setting where juice buying is off.
  2. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    the day i start caring what people think of my ability at a video game will be the day i start playing video games for competitive purposes
  3. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Well, you ridicule people for trying to get noticed in a dead game, while on the forum for said dead game you attempt to get noticed by ridiculing people for trying to get noticed in a dead game. In other words, hypocrisy.
  4. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    seems like you came to quite the conclusion from that one sentence. if you analyze further, you will notice i said game and not forum.

    this community will always be entertaining for me, dead or not....

    carry on
  5. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    agreed. does joker really think anybody read his essay that he typed up?

    also, why does sin care so much when he hasn't played this game since this time last year?
  6. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    I'll just sum everything up with an analogy, a 20 year old is more athletic than a 60 year old or the Boston celtics from the 60s would get destroyed by this eras celtics.Had the older guys stuck around for the change of play style and competition they would've been good since they would learn to adapt.
  7. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Did I say game? I explicitly said forum. Same thing. You're just seeking attention through the internet, just on this message board rather that on the game itself. Last post on issue. I'll enjoy reading your responses to this, should you care to do so.
  8. The_Jeff

    The_Jeff New Member

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    Truth, case and point Chaos.
  9. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Oh so basically the meta didn't change, because anyone that wasn't retarded already did/tried to do your "now" things in the first place. Not everyone played as simply as you. You basically just wrote "then: don't do everything your class can, now: do everything your class can." New tactics just don't come out when the meta has been stale for that long.

    Didn't read all of Teapots because walls of text repeating the same thing are not going to change my mind. Idk why people on this forum thinks walls of text means you're good at arguing. I will say one thing, however. That is that you've played with Zatchmo 100x more than you've played with Sigmar, creating bias. This may sound hypocritical because I like Sigmar, but I have nothing against Zatch either, and I've played with them even amounts (maybe not recently). The fact is that any ACTUAL good player could come back, unrust, and dump on people the same as they used to. I mean ACTUAL good players, not people like team oxyteam. I stopped thinking they were good after my first couple of weeks of playing.
  10. De Troll

    De Troll New Member

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    Then do it! We've had players from back in the day do nothing but come back and just be bad, so prove us wrong!

    On a side note, if this game had as large of a community as CoD or even a game like Shadowrun during its prime, only myself, Kckzi, Chron, and Miracle would be considered decent or good, and the rest would just be for the most part irrelevant. Not to say I don't love you guys, it's just that some times you like to over-analyze/think too hard about stuff. Teapot, I know you make good points sometimes, but you also post lots of silliness.
    TL;DR- There are 4 players in this game on one top level, the rest are quite far from it.
  11. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I would but I haven't touched my Xbox since I have this gaming PC now. The only reason I came back to this forum is because I'm playing SMNC now. Also lol@that post, there were more top players than just you 4. LMAO the arrogance.

    edit: forgot to mention that I gave my Xbox to my little brothers since I stopped using it.
  12. joker

    joker Active Member

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    If you can provide any evidence that players/teams fully played in the "now" ways i described, can provide names of players who would come back and prove us wrong or even played in the ways i described in the "now" ways with ANYONE able to support your claim, or find someone who can back up the talk for the "older" players who would come back and slap us around, feel free to do so. its nice to think that anyone used to play with my "now" descriptions, but the truth is nobody did, nobody. it all makes sense as to what they should be doing though right? its a shame they didnt though right? oh looks like we did advance on the great juice-wars and stats-driven results of "competitive play" that you guys so skillfully paved the way for. as of right now, you could put together your best "wanna-be" lineup of old pubstars or once-a-month pm players let them shake the rust off, and they can serve as warmup for the people shammas mentioned plus teapot and zatchmo before a real private match later that evening.

    of course this will never happen because people just love to talk on this forum and never back it up, might as well put you in the deadeye and PP category.
  13. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    You can't just say that and think you won, because the fact is, people move on. I always backed up everything I said on this forum, but now that I've moved on, I don't give a ****.

    Dude people should totally go back to Metroid Prime: Hunters just to prove to the remaining 0.5% of the community that they're good, totally.
  14. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    F5in small text this time..

    I'm sure you could come back and be good, but were saying what we do now and the overall caliber of players now are very different from before. Which guys were good F5in? Some I'd probably agree with.

    Shammas, you kckzi chron and miracle are good, but you can't be serious if you think you're the top 4 and nobody's close :lol:
  15. gunked

    gunked New Member

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  16. The_Jeff

    The_Jeff New Member

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    Ehhhh... we know we are. Sorry teapot but our second and third classes are better than everyone elses mains. Not to mention if we focused on any class we could be the best at it or only behind another of the Fantastic Four. (expected response- No you couldn't or well you aren't that much better.) Response- We have switched to become the best, Kckzi to sniper/assassin, me to gunner/support, Shammas to sniper/assassin, chron to sniper/tank/gunner. For the we aren't that much better thing, I really can't trust your eye for talent after you said zatchmo was the best sniper and lucky slick was good I stopped listining to who you think is good. Once again not trying to be mean, we just know we are better. No one else makes the plays we make or can slay as well as us. It's just a fact. If 3 of us are on one team and only 1 is on the other the teams are already unbalenced almost no matter who you give the team with 3 of us. Hate to do this but we also have massacred everyone when we played together if we played on class and half tried and were kinda sober. ****, you people still brag to this day about bringing us to overtime on Lazer which is near impossible to get the bots in unless you spawn kill for a minute and a half. Also, check that ubies thread a large majority of those categories were won by one of us, and to be honest we should have won more seeing as we continue to improve still and people didn't vote for us on our secondary classes (ex. To say deadpool is a better assassin than kckzi or feedle has better bot control than feedle is just crazy and laughable.) I dont know how you are going to make an argument for being close. To not say we are not on at least a different level is ignorant.
  17. gunked

    gunked New Member

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  18. The_Jeff

    The_Jeff New Member

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    Quite. But seriously my post was more of an ode to how bad everyone else is, this is a dead game with a small community bragging about being the **** would be funny. I was just adding to shammas' point that if the community was bigger everyone else would become irrelevant and the Fab Four would struggle to become somewhat known. We are just medium sized fish in the worlds smallest fishbowl.
  19. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    Yea I don't think I'm the best Sniper by any means. I'll put money on me having one of the best shots, but when it comes to playing I am not nearly as consistent as kckz,sham,kniv,chron. I don't know how they use their traps, but I never hear anyone complain about mine lol. Maybe I could use some wisdom here.

    As for bot pushing, that's by my choice. I rarely get explosive rounds before Flak and trap 3. And I don't use any skill regen, so that has its effects as well.

    In regards to the four, I'd have to agree. Jordan's post is truly accurate, and while you can put a few people up there with them, you can't argue with their constant success on any class that they try to play. That kind of versatility is unmatched and deserving of whatever ego they decide to flaunt.
  20. joker

    joker Active Member

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    I won before this debate even got started, the older players would come back and get stomped, period. Oh u think you can say they are better because they played first and moved on and "win?" you seriously are an idiot. But we all know the extent of downloading a couple gigs to the hard drive to back up ten pages of stupidity about how you "paved the way for us." I'm going to go pave main street with ketchup then walk away forever demanding everyone respect me for paving it first. If you really don't give a **** u will stop replying, but you will be back because you're pissy that you aren't as good as us at a meaningless arcade game and the older players were a headless chicken circus. Come on, prove me wrong
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