So... the older players were all terrible?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by onetimeuse, April 17, 2012.

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  1. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    That's not the "next wave of players", that's the people that decided to play the game after it died and most of the good people moved on.

    Nobody cares about them.
  2. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    Well said you hit it right on the money.
  3. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    Good players as in who. I'm pretty sure I'm better than most who played private matches before and then left.
  4. joker

    joker Active Member

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    i was good at baseball, but i moved onto finances because the yankees didnt interest me. "they moved on" to what shadowrun, gears3, pc? lol or better yet the infamous "i have a life so i dont play mnc"
    nobody. miracle kckzi shammas (the best 3 from release --> march 2011) kept playing bc they enjoyed the game and get this, started playing alot more because the community skill and volume both increased. or we can believe the drastically far less active pre-march 2011 community had a better number of better players. its always easy to make excuses in reference to a game you dont even play anymore. truth is i would be pro in reach and starcraft but pro status in MNC was more valuable to me.
  5. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Why MNC over Starcraft?
  6. joker

    joker Active Member

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    mnc takes more skill
  7. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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  8. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    That's a bad game, too.
  9. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    Good people as in who?

    Theres better out there now
    get into game with the newer players and find out yourself
    write down some names of players youve never played and try and get in a game with them and see what happens.
  10. joker

    joker Active Member

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    the starcraft comment was clearly just a troll, that game takes immensely more skill than any other game out there by a good amount, that coming from a huge halo fan for a long time, i would put that second highest only to fall short of starcraft due to its 1v1 nature (halo competitively takes a tremendous amount of skill) but in pm aggressive environments, idk about others but several of the longer term veterans consider any OT decision a draw basically, an OT win means little to nothing and not all that many with fair teams are decided in regulation, it takes a particular core group or a very lackluster/slacking bot play for a regulation win, earning it some competitive merit (more than most would think, but you know, trolls will be trolls just riding the opinion of whatever is against the meta and pm community)

    feedle tells it how it is though, you can say what you want about the past credentials of some of the older players or what they did during their time, but the very peak and prime of competitive mnc play has been after most of the "older top players" left the game. yeah you can say they lost interest, but lets be completely realistic and fair, to be good during a very weak era of competitive play and put forth your "could haves" and "would haves" means close to nothing to those who have previous competitive backgrounds and are familiar in the current metagame and helped develop it. while players like wraith and deadeye may have been big names in past games with more of a following or whatever, i would safely take chollo or theyieldingram over either of them in a pickup, and that includes given their due diligence of learning the metagame. the only people who would disagree are those who are not part of the active pm community and trolls who just post here because they have nothing better to do than continuously downplay a thin community that they are not a part of (aka pathetic)
  11. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Better sniper than SIGMAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR

    i lol'd

    push was black so he doesn't count <3 you push
  12. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Zatchmo/Knives in their prime > sigmar in his prime, by far.

    I've played against sigmar on GP as an assault and had to focus on him. I've played against zatchmo in matches as an assault and had to focus on him as well. Zatchmo pulls off more headshots than anyone I've ever seen, and knives will almost always land a body shot no matter what.

    If you look at the old gameplays from tourneys, they look like such pub play. ZyN's videos were good but you could see how underdeveloped the meta game is. They flat out said that the other team was wasting their resources by leashing the gunner, and that the support could be used somewhere else. That turned out to be false and any good gunner/support combo would have wrecked the entire team. Their snipes aren't putting up good ice traps, and they just have a random sense of decision making as a whole.

    I could have placed top 16 in Halo 2 in 2005, because it was a limited community, and the meta game was barely developed. If I went in 2007 I probably wouldn't have made it past top 48 because the competition was that tough. A lot of the 05 players quit, but everyone else got better. Deadeye seems to be the only one who feels we are only good now because everyone else stopped playing.
  13. joker

    joker Active Member

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    its simply alot easier to just ride that excuse as well. he will never play in a pm with the people whos ability he ridiculed because there is no chance he would ever put his ego on the line at this point.
    as annoying and cocky and just flat out wrong skill can be sometimes, i at least respect the fact after all the endless talk back in the FoH days that he put his money where his mouth is and plays with us. his ability to play to win has alot to be desired, but his ability to purely slay at least lived up to his own hype lol
  14. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    FoH, FOR DAYS!!! Fun group, after you get past all the sh!t talking from Skill and Agitating :roll:
  15. joker

    joker Active Member

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    yeah but agitating is terrible lol
  16. Zatchmo

    Zatchmo Active Member

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    LOL @ Agitating haha. Wait I mean Slapasaurus. Or is it Matt Rages?
  17. the_feedle

    the_feedle New Member

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    give me some names you think are deserving..
    pub players are pub players.. not team players
    I've played on two teams now and a bunch of pick up privates.
    Both are great experiences because
    a) you play as a team and want to win which is the main goal
    b) you play with others you have never played with before and adapt to their play styles

    Basically there is no I in team.
    Take advice from your old teamate teapot.
    The game has changed and alot of people play it differently now.
    Being good at one class doesn't mean your good at the rest. Being able to play as every class effectivly to help a team win is what makes the best player.

    You've been gone from this game how long now?
    Get ahold of chron or teapot and give a few games a shot to see how much things have changed.
  18. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    This seems like a bold statement to make. I have no doubts that all of you have progressed and meta game this meta game that. Fact that you have the..... Wherewithal (billy refrence for you "young ins") to say the older players were and still are bad baffels me. Where we're you at the time of launch? Probly playing some other game? I wonder where all these players went, to play other games perhaps. Like I said, you may have progressed and done this or that. But I'm sorry meta games change but if all the older players came back there skills would shine through. It's a controller two sticks and some buttons. Kinda hard to forget what ones to push. Sorta a slap in the face when you wonder how the community of a game you spent a lot of time on. Is know talking about the founding fathers if you will. Just my thoughts hope you guys keep evolving the game so when I come home I can bitch slap peachy.
  19. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    lol nobody cares basement dwellers
  20. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Zander, I've seen so many matches from that time period and they all look like glorified pub matches. Everyone seems to be running around with their heads cut off.

    This may be a bad example, but sometime in 2005/6 Zyo's (founding father of halo) quit playing. If he was to come back in 2007 he would get destroyed but the players who progressed past his quitting point.

    Maybe you can still pick up a controller and shoot, but your team's ball would be down so quickly and wouldn't establish map control once. Sorry if it's harsh, and you may wanna talk about meta game this and that, but fact of the matter is the game was very under exposed when you played, and we now have seemed to expose everything the game has to offer.

    I didn't play at the time of release, but I still played competitive games. When I first started playing MNC it took me a while to get good, and now I'm 10x better than the first 3 months I started. So just because people were good at a time where more people played, doesn't mean that they were the best. People improve at anything over time, especially game wise.
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