So, the game is starting to feel almost done

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by chronosoul, March 3, 2014.

  1. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    Modding support is also something that still needs a fair amount of work. The existing system is already epic but it still needs a few other features and Uber has said that they're planning to have an official mod shop/manager.
    moldez, aevs and lokiCML like this.
  2. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I just realized we could make a mod that lets you change the system name from the lobby. I'm going to try that out and see how it works.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Multi planet starts aren't missing. Besides a clerical error, they were planned for this build.

    this game has been a work of endurance so far in feature building. It is due for release so working on necesities is necesary.

    there are still important features. Others are important but could be "free dlc" in the less perfect word we live in. Besides. Important features, then release, brings in huge "player appreciation" for "new fresh features" a la minecraft horses and stained glass and other quality of life improvements.

    believe you me that Uber knows this. Don't know details, but my concerns about release features:

    -it is badass they got pip in. They were working with no success on it, then suddenly one day pinbender has it on his machine and now we all get this direly necesary feature. This game sort of needs it, seeing at least two locations at once.
    -I'm no dev, but I could settle with unit cannon, gas giants, and submarines being post release free updates. Nobody wants more than I, but if anything they will keep the game fresher longer. As long as release works, it can be enjoyable while fun things come one at a time. Also, they don't break balance gamewide to add, those three. When added, it would only add to existing balance as long as internally balanced the unit itself
    -unit balance needs to permit no "only one competitive way to play", no one way that has huge advantage to make necesary to use. Besides that, even ta anti air was said to be too strong on ground units and rebalance was done in player patches, so perfect balance is overemphasized, functional balance suffices, because perfect balance is only for sure provable after half a year or more playing the game, and should only be adjusted very small because close balance can be fucked up easily with a single overnerf. Reference: Castlevania HD balances, we need none of that.
    -functionality, we still sort of need saves, chronocam bug ironing, pause and play button for simulation. Not all dire but those are useful.
    -functionality, we need a fully ironed out single player, it makes sense people playing it play offline so wouldn't like updates to make functional. If galactic war was partially ready, let single player utilize it while multiplayer waited a short few months for it.
    -obviously, most bigbugs ironed out. This includes os related ones, as well as server related ones. They really should ought to release server half a month in advance, just so testers can run it on their machine, confirm working or not, and iron it out so server for sure works for 90% of players on hard copy.

    if it took till summer, well worth it if functional, despite new features. I don't consider new units features because orbital might need them just to function and other areas might have new units added just just because its easy to add fun if something comes to Scathis' mind.
    Last edited: March 4, 2014
  4. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    Just imagine how close the game will feel to being done when we get to Sigma!
    lokiCML, drz1, LavaSnake and 5 others like this.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    mod manager is post release possible to me. Mod support at release, by how the devs talk to us about their server work many an empty patch on our end, should be already built. They will build a mod manager and make the game more moddable "eventually" though, possibly post release, but total conversion mods sound possible now were we to have server side files.

    surely you jest. If not, in sigma we better see even more units and unit cannon and all that. Lest you hint that Sigma is the designation for your post release support (badass idea, name your post release support stage)
  6. vyolin

    vyolin Well-Known Member

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    As in the letter sigma, or the numeral sigma? Just double-checking, you know.
  7. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    I was expecting you to say omega... Sounds like we're closer than I thought!
  8. LavaSnake

    LavaSnake Post Master General

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    A mod manager is possible later but it is probably best to have from the start to keep it uniform and have all mods on the system. There are also some missing client-side modding features that it would be nice to have and more engine hooks through JS have been promised.
  9. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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  10. arsene

    arsene Active Member

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    Planetary Annihilation, From Alpha to Omega.
    LavaSnake likes this.
  11. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    I'll stay optimistic on what I listed in my Original post that all of those can make it in. I was commenting on the latest live streams the insurgence of "that won't make it into the final build" "post release stuff".

    I just think in a Mile stone sense the Final build should feel like a solid structure. And the post release is just icing on the cake. Not a perpetual building onto the structure. Maybe the game development scene has changed since back in the 2000's/1990's, where going gold meant updates were far and few in between and development was in spurts instead of a constant stream of patches and updates. I am in no way saying adding stuff after release is a bad thing, just that there is a distinct trend in the gaming industry(maybe due to Free to Play, and Really long In-Beta Games). Where the game seems to be constantly built and added on, and I'm just coming to terms with adapting to this change.

    I'll still look forward to the post release stuff as much as the final polish that makes the complete game.
  12. paulusss

    paulusss Active Member

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    In my opinion the UI is nice, functionality will improve and allot more will be added, i'm not worried about that. Altho it could use a touch more colour, everything is now black and white. The guy who did the voice of TA sounded awesome, altho i never played TA (i know i know i should be ashamed to my very core) so i don't know what the voice in TA is supose to be, what did he voice, units responding to commands or just some story telling stuff?
    cdrkf likes this.
  13. Taxman66

    Taxman66 Well-Known Member

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  14. forrestthewoods

    forrestthewoods Uber Alumni

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    Omicron > Sigma
  15. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    The release everyone is looking forward to is Rho. We all can't wait for Rho.
  16. metabolical

    metabolical Uber Alumni

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    If you want to see close, obviously you should consider Epsilon.
    lokiCML likes this.
  17. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    just call me if you reach omega ^^
  18. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Rho is where it's at.
  19. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    Imo. sounds should be up there on the list as well. Sounds are really terrible atm. but again i know its just place holder. But i cannot wait now that we have gotten the full soundtrack, to get some proper sound effects for commands as well as units. Thats gonna add a lot to the game imo.

    But yeah there is so much missing, there is still more missing than there is done, but thats okay, last update really took a huge step forward.

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