Are the downtimes still a thing, or is the initial launch stuff gone now that it has been released for a couple weeks?
SimCity 4 is bagels -- easily the worst out of all Simcities (including the newest one) Mass Effect 3 is outshined by both 1 and 2 No opinion on Deadspace, never played any of those I'll personally pick BF3 to scrub it up with some of my RL mates that no longer play Quake with me.
Couldn't tell ya on DS3. Got DS1 long ago but stopped playing after 20 minutes due to the god-awful control scheme on PC I think people are saying DS3 is more action than horror, but I haven't paid much attention so dunno
I'm not much of a fan of singleplayer shooters so I'll probably end up going for simcity 4, even if it's not considered the best. Still, it was a pleasant surprise. They probably figured anything that I haven't bought on this list by now, I was probably never going to buy...
That's surprising to hear. All my Simcity-playing buddies seem to prefer Simcity 4 out of the bunch. (Simcity2000 is probably the best but sometimes you need dem graphics . . .) Also, worse than the new one? Surely a game you can play is better than one you can't. [EDIT]Just to add on, all my buddies play with numerous mods installed so that probably contributes much to the game.
In over 40 hours of SimCity 2013 I had 5 minutes of issues, your mileage may vary. The reason I absolutely despise SC4 is the My Sim mode, I won't support or stand for such retardation.
Not really on topic but: I used to play Civilizations III when I was young, And I had no idea what I was doing but also still had fun OT: I watched my favorite Let's player stream the new SimCity for a loooonnng time, and it was awesome :mrgreen: