Ah yes... Smitty loves his bewbs. Yet I have yet to learn how to draw them. And not look like a total sociopath. I just looked at it again and the light on the paper kinda looks bewbish right?
I think I'll stop talking about the bewbs in the picture so that Nyx doesnt get creeped out. Any more than normal, I mean.
Ok I drew this about 10 years ago I guess And I fixed it up a few days ago Also I drew my avatar that I'm using.
whoa. Two things did you draw your avatar on a computer. And that is some mighty fine work there. Gold Star for you.
I draw on paper, Scan, Then edit them. I would have more pictures to show but I don't like showing pictures that aren't perfect so I don't upload them.
Neutrino, what do ya think? I'm afraid Eddie wound the mouse out of my hands and took over but true MNC fans will recognize the Gunner's armor instantly... *whistle* I can proabably sqeeze in a job description and maybe an Uber logo if you like.
Is there a higher resolution version of this? I want to get a t-shirt made or something! Really great job!
I'm glad you like it. A high- *cringe* resolution version? I composed the sig of several parts and they were slightly larger as the sig, maybe 150%. I'll try to make a larger version but I'm not sure how much I can increase the res. The masks will probably need some cleaning up too then. I'll get back to you on that.