SO Comm rush is still prevalent

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by beer4blood, January 17, 2014.

  1. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    Com bombs will always be apart of the TA universe due to the super unit nature of the commander.
    attackshark likes this.
  2. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    No apparently you didn't play TA it wasn't that prevalent. I maybe got comm rushed about five times in the sixteen years the game has existed.
    Pa however beyond ten maybe even twenty. I understand may the best tactic win but I'm here to build an army and fight not plop down a factory, combat meds and use essentially one unit to win the game..... doesn't that make it essentially experimental status????
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    The Comm rush is due to a large number of factors working together. If you can not name at least 5 of them, please stop.
  4. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    Who exactly are you directing this to man of the obscure???
  5. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    Its silly to ask for 5.

    It comes down to the high damage to health ratio and the fact that the commander is ridiculously tanky. Unless one of these is changed, or some other aspect of the commander is improved, then we will keep on seeing commander rushes.
    beer4blood likes this.
  6. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    No. It is in fact quite simple to ask for 5. You have a good start. Keep going.
  7. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    Well they are the only two factors that matter. Everything else is insignificant clutter for people to get hung-up on.
  8. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Don't mean to jump in here, but pretty sure it is everything about the commander, literally, if you think about it, but the main contributing factor really is that he has so much health. That is objective too, health is only how a comparison of how much damage over time one thing can take, so it also plays into how little damage everything does, but that is just the definition of health.

    Lower his health a bit, sure makes snipes a wee bit easier, nukes honestly don't have to be as damaging as they are to be one hit everything else... otherwise just strengthen the damage early game stuff does and increase the health of early and late game stuff, which basically scales everything around but accomplishes the same thing, minus possibly making units less paper thin.

    Besides this, just tweak the mechanics that allow a commander to go in superhealed. Somehow. Open ended.

    There arent "5 factors contributing to the problem". Is is more true to say "the problem isn't the commander, it is the universe in which we live in".
    beer4blood likes this.
  9. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    I think the New tank combat meds are not alleviating the situation any either. I think the combat medics would be more suited at t2 instead both tech levels.
  10. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Wrong, but think that if you'd like.

    Of course there aren't only 5. There are MORE. Early game is the most complex aspect of an RTS. But if you seriously can't come up with 5 (check my backlog, it's there), you don't know what you're talking about.

    Dear gods, I'm setting the bar as low as I possibly can.
  11. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Commander rushing in TA didn't happen because commanders were both fragile, and could one hit ko each other.

    Id love to see that making a return, maybe not the nuke explosions killing each other, but having commander one hit KO each other, so a commanders worst fear is an enemy commander.

    But this doesn't deal with an enemy commander walking and and getting the first shot off. so what advantages could a stay at home commander have mustered in 10 unites?

    Radar is a possibility, requiring a active radar to use the uber cannon to shoot the weak spots?
    beer4blood likes this.
  12. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    If your going to tells us that we are wrong, then at least suggest why we are wrong. You won't persuade anyone without any reasoning.
    beer4blood likes this.
  13. tohron

    tohron Active Member

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    One possible solution - Advanced Air factories are cheaper than the other advanced factories, so if you go for relatively early T2, you can assist-rush out 3+ Hornets in response to a Comm rush. The'll be able to carpet-bomb any reinforcements & fabbers the commanders have, leaving them exposed and vulnerable to further bombing runs, possibly supplemented by your own commanders backed by fabbers.

    I just won a 1v1 yesterday with this strategy, though it may be less effective against multi-Comm rushes.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  14. v4skunk84

    v4skunk84 Active Member

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    Bring back the TA D-gun.
    Also when a commander dies it should wipe out the other players commander, like in TA and Supcom.
    Then make PA so your commander dies it is game over for you.
    Problem solved.
    beer4blood likes this.
  15. Xagar

    Xagar Active Member

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    I hate how the deathnuke works in TA. It's totally binary and there's no way to outplay it other than just run away early enough.
  16. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Want 5 things that affect it?

    Commander Health, Commander DPS, Commander Speed, Build Speeds, and Ease of Information.

    What is my reward? How does those 5, being vague and not the only factors, really reward me in any way?

    Your silly game playing irks me. If it is a problem, then they need to tweak the actual situation as a whole, as to have the least effect on the game, while having the most effect on the situation. We like coms where they are in balance, we don't want to wreck their speed anymore and they technically have health to spare sure, but thats all opinionative.

    Also, I don't see the 3 com weapons implemented yet. Also, I am pretty sure combat medics just sheerly being able to reclaim like they do is an exploit, so you can't argue they function as intended. Really, you are assuming a whole lot out of all this.
    liquius, beer4blood and Arachnis like this.
  17. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    Make the advanced version of the most mobile , flexible, and deadly units in the game quicker to access??? No thanks. Just fix the cannon, and eliminate the T1 combat medic. Seems that would do leaps and bounds.
  18. Antiglow

    Antiglow Well-Known Member

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    Why are we still arguing about this? a com rush is just as valid as a nuke is just as valid as a unit blob is just as valid as smashing a planet. If you cant handle it then you need to learn to play the game better.

    completely agree.
  19. krakanu

    krakanu Well-Known Member

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    Why not just remove commander repairing and give the comm some HP regen (with a cooldown after taking dmg)? This would mean you can't really use him for frontline combat for extended periods of time.
    beer4blood likes this.
  20. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    I probably should. Even have a 2 page answer figured up. But nah. The simple answer is to lurk more. I have already explained this in exquisite detail, in many previous posts. Repeating myself is boring.

    No one has still got up to 5. Why should I bother with the interesting stuff if the basics are too difficult to grasp?

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