So 360 Monday Night Combat is dead...?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by 2wynbge, May 30, 2011.

  1. mute

    mute New Member

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    Just want to add that resetting your 360 by unplugging the mains is one of the dumbest things you could ever do. I've had plenty of games lock up my 360 (never had a lock up with MNC though, just a handful of game freezes but i could still goto dashboard or eject/insert a game in the cd tray). Hold down the power button. Even if it doesnt seem responsive it'll still eventually turn off. The power button is not strictly tied to the O/S, thats why these are called "hard resets" on almost all computer based devices. If it doesn't behave like this then your 360 is already f'd up from some other stupid crap you've done in the past. No pity for the stupid.

    Back on topic, as everyone has stated and I said earlier.. there are still tons of full lobbies, even way into the AM.. which is when I typically play. I still don't play much, but everytime I've loaded it up.. lobby instantly. I still see several ranked players too, I don't think the exodus is nearly as big as some people want to portray it. Still... dont really seeing myself returning to the game much until an update happens.. this wait is getting beyond ridiculous.

    As for Brink, it's a bit of a letdown. I've been playing it alot too, but I have a ton of MNC 'friends' and rarely do I see any of them playing it. The initial backlash the game got because of the buggy network play before it was fixed scared alot of people off. The lobbies are disappointing now. Maybe that'll change when it's DLC comes out.. we'll see.
  2. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    A usual game of MNC
  3. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    Game isn't dead as a whole, but from the looks of it, in Europe it is becoming dead very quickly. I'm only aware of one team in Europe worth playing and that's Royal Flush. I think we are all tired of waiting for new DLC, but I decided to just play other games as well as MNC which helps in easing the pain?

    But I am always up for helping some new players if they are willing to learn, my GT is InsolubleFluff. I main in Assassin and can do some damage in public games as Gunner. Anyone reading this and thinking there are better teams in Europe to play, please PM me as I am sure we would love to play some private games that are fair for everyone.
  4. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    idk how many euro players can bare an american host but there has to be close to 70 or 80 competitive private games going on these last few weeks.
  5. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    And SlinkyGuy, you know, they guy who shouts a lot when you play against him. He's pretty good too.

    I think he might have played against you before but he ragequits because you're too good for him.
  6. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Do you mean dead for teams or pubs? 'cos I find plenty of games with just UK players.
    When I see see a team with just 2 members with [RF] I know the best I can hope for is coming top of a losing team. (unless I'm on the same team of course)
  7. CCSoloist

    CCSoloist New Member

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    the bottom of the winning team isn't so bad

    i do it all the time

    winning is winning :D

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