So 360 Monday Night Combat is dead...?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by 2wynbge, May 30, 2011.

  1. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    I will see you on there :)

    Added everyone in this thread who had a GT visible, lets make magic happen :)
  2. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    Feel free to add me. I play almost everyday.
  3. AmazeTheory

    AmazeTheory New Member

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    Lol sorry I've been deleting your FRs because I had no clue who you were and didn't check the forums until now, I'll resend it again. :oops:
  4. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    No problem brotha I figured that's probably what happened lol :p

    Will do :)
  5. NapalmLipBalm

    NapalmLipBalm New Member

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    Well for me it's about as close to dead as possible. One of two scenarios plays out the vast majority of the time...

    1. I get into a lobby full of jackbots and other highly ranked players that are pub stomping. I end up being one of the couple of players on my team that actually knows how to play and we still get our arses kicked due to noobs or highly unbalanced teams.

    This is NO FUN!

    2. I get into a good match with balanced teams and when there is too much "activity" on-screen the game lags terribly.

    This is NO FUN!

    <sigh> This game is reminding me of some hot chick that you REALLY, REALLY want to like but she has a flaw or two that you just can't get over no matter what.

    It pains me to not play but sometimes it's more painful to play. Wasn't always like this.
    I've gone back to Battlefield BC2, & COD, i'll return after the update to see if it's any better.

    Still the best $15 i've spent on live though.
  6. mangaman01

    mangaman01 New Member

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    Feel free to add me and spread the MNC love.
  7. th3cozy

    th3cozy New Member

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    It's probably the best time ever to be a new player in MNC because most of the team pubstompers are gone. Yeah there are vets still around but there's usually one per team at this point.

    XENONOX New Member

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    I never have a problem with what you described.

    Perhaps what you need is "FRIENDSHIP."

  9. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Me neither, and I don't even have friends.

    Wait, did that just come out of my mouth?
  10. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I still find the game fun and I've never played privates. I just pub around lone wolf or play with a few friends.
  11. Mrsubguy

    Mrsubguy New Member

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    What? if the game lags most of the time it's due to someone spawning like 15 gapshots in which case the match isn't very balanced >_>.. Or you just have really bad connection to the host
  12. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    People on this site talk more **** then what goes through my toilet in a year.

    6,000 players a week out of just over 295,000 people that bought the game is not the signs of a game that is thriving. It has not been in the top downloaded games list in months (since about a month after spunky) and has not been in the top 20 most played XBLA since around the same time because of all the glitches,lag & frame rate problems and the same repetitive scenarios (don't blame the pub stompers for ruining the game blame uber for not fixing the issues with their faulty game).

    Monday night combat is a total flop of a game and uber should close up shop and stop making console damaging products (my console froze during a host migration so I had to turn it off from the mains as the power button on the console wouldn't turn it off and for 24hrs it red ringed. Did I ever get a reply from uber? no. Why not? because they got their money and thats all that matters to them JUST LIKE EVERY GAME DEVELOPER)

    And "when" the dlc comes out with many more new bugs it will be another X months till they get fixed as we watch the pc get more content that wont be in the 360 dlc a week after the 360 dlc comes out.


    game is dead & uber flopped with their "continued support" slogan
  13. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Talk about a hypocrite, huh?

    A dead game implies no one is playing and rooms/matches can not be found. This is not the case for MNC.
  14. Nova Warlord

    Nova Warlord New Member

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    Dude last week i checked on the weekend and it was atleast 10,000 players last week. This game is far from dead.
  15. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    monday night combat pubs are thriving and you shouldn't have a problem finding games. privates and scrims are dead though. There are 2 maybe 3 teams still trying to get their **** together, the rest are pub warriors.
  16. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    Nova, where do you check such stats?
  17. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Weekly leaderboards.

    As of Wednesday there are 6,457 players you played this week in Crossfire.
  18. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Yeah have been playing a fair bit the past two days and although I have a strict NAT I don't have any problems joining lobbies. Sometimes they're a bit laggy and sometimes I join into a lobby with just a few other people but from most my experiences it has been busy
  19. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    Thats all you took from what i said?!? so your just going to ignore all the faults with the game & the fact that the 360 can't handle such a badly put together game and tell people to buy it? People don't play for as long or as often anymore coz of all the issues that should have been fixed months and months ago. Most games are full of lag exploiters (internet icon pops up then goes back again & stops gameplay so that person can avoid/gain kills) then you have the spawn killers, poor matchmaking, framerate issues and all the glitches that uber have left in the game that are driving people away. 9/10 times you end up in a game with 3-5 on each team then game starts people leave coz all the prestige players are on the same team and repeat that scenario over & over & over again.

    and with the weekly numbers the way they are the dlc wont sell that much even if it is 10k a week coz its not like its a different 10k playing each week ( as of now its +7k last week on the sunday it was around 7,800 and for most weeks its been between 6-7k since march) so whats the point of continuing work on the dlc if 200k people gave up on the game? to win people back? ha that aint doing to happen. better multiplayer xbla games are coming out soon that will hopefully be made by developers that know how to make a fully working game that lets you play and do what you are intended to do in game. Monday night combat is a flop on both platforms and thats a fact and uber will not be a long lasting company because they don't know how to make a well made game.
  20. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Learn how to use punctuation. And if you don't like the game, go away. No one wants to read your long and annoying walls of text.

    You honestly sound like a spoiled brat who whines every time he doesn't get what he wants. Regardless of the glitches and faults in this game, Uber made a great game that you played. And you obviously care enough about the game to type this wall of text talking about it.

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