Sniping Basics, a guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by grimbar, January 19, 2011.

  1. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    There is hardly any surprise to be had when you're stuck in an animation
  2. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    Just wanted to point this out: ... 558#p85558
  3. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    1. Look 3 posts below that one
    2. realise it's me
    3. realise the guide is younger than that post
    4. ????
    5. Profit

    also read the end of the thread for some insight into the engine.
  4. PizzaBoy

    PizzaBoy Member

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    How about updating your guide then instead of waiting for people to try and help keep it updated and then acting like an *** when they do try to help. That bit of info was nowhere in this topic, and now it is.
  5. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    The guide is as updated as I see it fit, don't like it? Write your own one, for the betterment of all people make it original research
  6. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Chewing someone out for pointing out missing information in your guide is a **** move. It would take you all of .5 seconds to update it, and he was even polite about it. Why must you be hateful to everyone about everything, grimbar?
  7. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    He didn't read the thread he linked, he obviously did not read the guide. Also feel free to search my name mail and see that I am more helpful than anything in this. Get used to my tone or don't read what I say, simple as that

    When I see someone not putting in any effort I don't act all too nice, a tiny bit of effort goes a long way; tis all I am saying.
  8. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Also to point out the interesting bit here is the timing of your post and the release shortly after that. A bit of thought would bring you to the conclusion that someone was waiting for the release to gather new info (which I am doing right now).

    The topic mouse input isn't as simple as it seems with this Game, just sayin' but I'll make sure to be all nice and comforting next time, have a nice day
  9. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Couldn't you have just said "I'm waiting for release to gather more information" instead of being condescending, which your posts consistently are in both tone and language? There's literally no point to the way you seem to want to pick a fight wherever you go.
  10. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    If I wanted to pick a fight I would say so. I spoke this way for as long as I can remember (which isn't all too long), people are diverse, I respect diversity. Do you respect diversity?

    You brought a fight in here by not adding anything to the topic at hand but rather questioning my personal being, think about that for a moment before you think you should reply with some witty rebuttal.

    I'll update the relevant portions in their entirety when I get the info I require; which I am in the process of (I'm not here to keep a diary on what I work on for what guide, the portion at the top is a key part; "as-is" should be a term to you, as well as fundamentally flawed. Which this type of info isn't and I won't bother to explain why)
  11. Al_Kamone

    Al_Kamone New Member

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    I don't mean to interrupt. Just wanted to say thanks for the guide :)
  12. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You're welcome, expect an update
  13. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Being a **** to everyone is not diversity. I'm not the only one who dislikes the way you act on the forums. I came to the thread for the guide, not to piss on you, but acting the way you did to that guy is just rude and purposeless. It might not surprise you, but I'm kind of terrible at playing sniper :roll:
  14. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Truth be told, so am I but I help where I can. My tone might not be sugar-coated but it does serve a purpose. The negative reaction is just a side-effect.

    Gonna put it out there, do people want some advice on trap placement, flak spam, how to approach assassins and other things? I always considered them personal playstyle so I don't quite know.
  15. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    I'd like to hear about trap placements and approaching sins, just to see if I'm missing from those parts.

    Other than that, I'd like to know something else. When I shoot and my zoomed in crosshair is on the target, should the shot be instant? Because I'm having issues shooting people that way. The shot doesn't seem to register when I do what I just described.
  16. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    The animation is misleading, as you see the tracer is somewhat delayed, according to Scathis though it is hitscan. Ignore the tracer and play it like it hits instantly, feels odd but works better.
  17. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Ah, okay, I'll try that out this afternoon. Thanks.
  18. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    True that grappling jackbots can be done as a sniper, but it shouldn't. Soon as you spot where it comes notify your teammates and hopefully some will respond while you in turn pound headshot after headshot into it's eye(?). If it by some reason manages to get as close as the last turret of defence to the moneyball that's when I consider it ok to grapple it since im less likely to be interrupted on home turf unless its escorted. Thing is the sniper grapple, doesnt move around much at all. Its two three jumps, then freeze in place, 3 kicks, jump down. Already on the part where he gets ready to kick you could be dead. I would only use grapple as a last resort.
  19. elevul

    elevul New Member

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    Thanks for the guide.
    I've been using crits as a gold sponsor for every class I've been playing.
    Why aren't they in the sponsors lists you wrote? Is crit useless for the sniper?
  20. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Crit is based around chance, I prefer to enhance my damage potential using things that give me a consistently higher potential. Crit is best used on Assault or Gunner if you ask me because they already have built-in mechanism to enhance their crits and they let out a stream of bullets.

    A headshot is a headshot, no matter the crit. A tank is capable of surviving a headshot on little health and a deployed Gunner, both are so slow you can just shoot their body to kill them after that; also good for making them want to nerf RoF.

    Enjoy your day!

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