Snipers, take aspects out of the game?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, November 1, 2010.

  1. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Yeah, but then they aren't free to run around the arena and score kills. Coordinating a team strategy? That's for tryhards.
  2. Rannek17

    Rannek17 New Member

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    snipers and assassins shouldn't be in the game in the first place, that was a yet another stupid move on uber's part.
  3. The Onion

    The Onion New Member

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    YEAH! In fact, gunners and assaults are basically walking easy-mode buttons, they should be removed too. The only character we should be able to play as is the tank. but not for killing other pros, that would be griefing. And you can only kill a bot if it started shooting you first. and at the end of the game, EVERYBODY gets the victory bonus, not just the side that won!
  4. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    I about DIED reading that. LOL.

    Why is it that every time Deadeye posts, it ends up being an argument about "Who is better than who?"

    This is like the forums in the Halo 2 days, except on a much smaller scale. You get these people who think they, and the people they play with, are gods gift to whatever game they happen to be playing. Whether they're actually GOOD or not is irrelevant, since even if they're horrible they stomp around the forum huffing and puffing, hijacking ALL threads with 'get better' or 'not my fault you suck' or 'I/my friend is best at x' You add literally NOTHING to the conversation. And, if you'd paid any attention, it wasn't about skilled sniper vs x, it was about the snipers dominant role in map control. As such...


    1. Snipers are SUPPOSED to be the long-range fighter. Granted, some sight-lanes are HUGE, but this is still their role.

    2. 90% of "pushing bots" is killing the enemy bots. Snipers can do this from their base or close proximity to their base. Only exception is Grenade III, where they HAVE to move up to see past midfield.

    3. The biggest threat to bots besides another sniper are the assassin and tank. The assassin is easy since you just shoot your bots with exploding rounds and they die rapidly. If they don't, they certainly FLEE rapidly. Tanks you have to work harder to suppress, but not by much. Shoot them, and when they close for the DB, shoot your bots. You might scare him off before they do the DB, or get a partial and some of your bots survive. Again, you do this from your base, or very close proximity to your base.

    Some of the issues involve the sniper himself. He is a light class and is either tied with the assassin or is a very close second for highest base move speed. He also regenerates health very quickly too. The gunner, his easiest target, has the lowest speed and health regen. The tank does too but he has skills that mitigate this a great deal. The snipers speed allows him to reposition rapidly, so that the gunner who just switched lanes is now back in the crosshairs.

    The other issues are his skills. Passive three wrecks people. A sniper doesn't even need to hit a dodging target anymore, just whatver they might be close to. Granted, it has been stated that this is intentional. Just a risk to dealing with a sniper, but a great addition to his map presence, nonetheless. His ice traps are absolutely brutal too, and relatively easy spots to drop them are at the landing for jump pads. Flak 2 and 3 are devastating to turrets, and help take out big waves of blackjacks even faster combined with passive 3. The Snipers grapple, even toned down, is superior to its only skill grapple equivalent: Gunner Grapple. The sniper has a far easier time landing the grapple due to his speed.

    I think what would help with this issue is the snipers effectiveness at super long range. I think body shots should drop off in damage a bit the farther away you are (headshots remain full strength) and explosive damage should be maybe 60% of a body shot to players only: leave bot damages alone. This way, to take down pros at distance like they do now they'll have to land more shots, or nail a headshot (difficult but not impossible)
  5. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    This would nearly wreck the class's viability and usefulness, given how middling (at best) the Sniper is at dismantling turrets.

    As I've said in another thread, when the game first started and people were learning how to aim, NOBODY thought of a Sniper as a threat. You could be shooting at a pro, and he'd charge you like a bull from the other end of the arena, jumping around and moving back and forth, thinking that once he reached you, you were a free kill. It was (and is) too hard to land headshots on erratically-moving targets. Body shots were easier, but still required a deft hand. People go behind cover now, as they should, when a Sniper turns his attention toward them. This is largely a result of better custom builds and overall better skill from the Sniper playerbase.

    Scale body shot damage down over longer distances, and it would be week one all over again.
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    2-3 shots to kill an enemy pro... without once hitting him is a bit ridiculous with passive 3..
  7. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    Because then he destroys my turrets. It's already written there so I don't have to say things again.

    Not mah job to shooting people shooting me, team guys. Kill him for me now.
  8. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    Host snipah is OP
  9. bro1016

    bro1016 New Member

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    This was already a terrible necro-thread.

    Yes, I hate the sniper, everyone who doesn't play him does, everyone who DOES play him does. Still, he actually ADDS aspects to the game. Like it not being safe to stand perfectly still. I couldn't imagine a shooter where you can safely stand still since snipers were added to the games.

    And this.

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