Snipers, take aspects out of the game?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, November 1, 2010.

  1. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    so are gunners with turrets, their mortar gun is bananas. whats the point in killing turrets, or the enemy team defending turrets, because gunners can tear them down faster? like snipers can tear down bots, whats the point in destroying bots or pushing bots?

    seriously, if you dont defeat gunners, their mortar guns can destroy every defending turret and pro in your base, all in the same minute. the point is to defeat them, so they dont get the chance.

    snipers dont have a lot of health. throw stars at them. fire mortars at them. assassinate them. fly up and head-crab them with an assault bomb (for added fun, dont detonate the bomb immediately, let the sniper run away and come to terms with God before sending him to meet God, detonating his brains all over his base 2 minutes later :twisted: ).

    anyhow, they are getting nerfed. as it is wrong to not nerf an overpowered class, its also wrong to swing the nerf-hammer too hard at a class already getting tuned into balance. causes the same problems, unbalance. which is bad for everyone who did like playing the sniper fairly every once in a while (i dont bot farm, i like sniping, its balanced when you dont juice-boost)

  2. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    ^^^ Did i NOT just say this thread isn't about Snipers Vs Other Players.

    And to say Sniper is a 'Hard' Class to play.. yes it is hard.. hard to completely suck at it. Its one of those classes that even if you completely suck at it you can still be a huge benefit to your team as you don't need skill at all to sit there and push Lanes without moving at all.

    And yes the Sniper may not be the 'best' at killing turrets.. but they still are pretty damn good at it.

    Killing Bots = Best
    Killing Turrets = Very Good
    Killing Pros = Arguably the Best (If not then #2)
    Gaining Money = Possibly the best thanks to Bots

    If you ask me.. that doesn't add up to be Balanced..
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The easiest classes to play competently are the gunner, sniper, assault, and assassin. The hardest to master are the tank and gunner IMO. The sniper is such a dominating force without even having to shoot people in the head or aim a whole lot. Don't act like it's hard to get body shots.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    i think you made i typo, so i fixed it here.

    Enough Said.
  5. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    How can you even say the Sniper is hard to play? You just stand there and shoot... You don't even need a Headshot like Shammas said..
  6. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    Let me clarify my turret statement. Measure how long it takes for your SR to takes out a lvl 1 Rockit turret. Now measure out how long it takes for a gunner mortar strikes to take out the turret. Who does that job more efficiently? Can a Sniper take out turrets? Yeah, after a considerable amount of time that leaves you open from possible pro attacks. Turrets are a secondary objective if you will.

    You also say most Snipers sit in their base racking up money. If a Sniper never leaves their base, then they are probably a terrible Sniper that you shouldn't fear. The only place I can think of Snipers doing this is on Steel Peel and the problem is about to be fixed. If they are pissing you off, head to the back door and take them out. They shouldn't be a problem once you're up close because they probably won't have the skill to deal with a close encounter of the pro kind.
  7. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    Well, while you might not need a head shot, the skill comes in to play by knowing where to use your explosive rounds. Sure you could fire into a crowd and hope for some kills. Or you could look for active fire fights and pick off the wounded opposition. Or save a comrade currently playing the grapplee by firing a few explosive shots his way and killing the grappler. The Sniper ain't easy mode fellas. Sure you have a big gun, but knowing how to use it makes all the difference in the world.
  8. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The assault is the easiest in my opinion. Little to no gun skill or intelligence required. Assassin requires intelligence, but any decent player has that. The sniper just requires you to shoot at bots until you get juice or ice trap/body shot. The tank requires gun skill, and more awareness than just about every class. The gunner requires awareness and intelligence, and the best gunners can use their mortar effectively.
  9. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Then pushing Lanes would be the primary objective then.. Which of the Sniper is the best at.. without ever being put in Harms way.

    That you at least cannot disagree with.
  10. southsidesox24

    southsidesox24 New Member

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    Snipers are not the best lane pushers. Assassins are. Or Tanks.
  11. Red Rain

    Red Rain New Member

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    irrelevant tanks snipers and assassins can all do this altho not from their base
  12. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Snipers can clear and regulate lanes, but not push them. They can defend against incoming bots, but they can't move up with the bots very effectively. All you have to do is take out the enemy sniper who's doing this, he dies in 4 shots, and then your bots will just waltz right in. If he camps there the entire game, you'll win in overtime, it's a win-win.
  13. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Maybe we have different definitions, but isn't killing wave after wave of your bots (with near zero effort) pushing his bots forward? Sniper traps are great for taking ground. If anyone gives you trouble just pop your juice and smoke them.

  14. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Because you can camp an area and keep their bots from coming in, but you can't really move up and escort your own bots.
  15. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    True but by killing their bots repeatedly, once your bots gets into their base they will eventually push through themselves from your overall help. In some cases no if their team is playing Defense. But bots do kill bots, but i see your point, but it does push in some ways (just with bots' help)
  16. dredd

    dredd Member

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    cry more about the sniper? the assault is the real Op class i can 1v1 a Gunner with his mini gun upgrade and kill him every single time even if he starts fireing first

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    after the dlc update i think all the classes are going to be as close to balanced as possible. the real problem is some peole are set on playing their fav class even when on a map that isnt great for said class.

    not all classes are great on every map.
  18. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Not really irrelevant then, because if I'm escorting the bots I have a chance to fight off and kill the tank and/or assassin. All I can do when a sniper does it is curse and hope he isn't watching my lane next time the bots come out. Assuming the exploding rounds didn't kill me while I was escorting.
    But I suppose I'd let him have that if Uber tweaked the exploding rounds down a smidgen.
  19. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    The Sniper has the same problem as the Gunner. There is one skill worth upgrading to 3 and one that could go to 2.

    Passive - Face it, the penetrating/explosive ammo are gimmicks. Once in a blue moon will a double headshot line itself up for you.

    Flak - this is useless at 1 and 2, but godlike at 3.

    Grapple - gimmick, the throw is only really effective in an open area (i.e. not your base).

    Traps - these need to be level 2. Skill drain is a gimmick.
  20. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    You are hung up on the fact that Snipers can protect lanes from their base, but you keep ignoring the fact that they can only do this on Steel Peel and that won't be the case for much longer. Every other arena the Sniper has to go out of the confines of the base to push lanes effectively, which puts him in harms way. Get over it. You're annoyed about a Sniper shooting from far away. That's what a Sniper does. Are you as surprised when you watch Shark Week and you see a great white shark eat a seal? It's kinda what they do.

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