Snipers, take aspects out of the game?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Bambam Bm, November 1, 2010.

  1. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Ahem... let an experienced assault tell you...

    ...that all that is very true. if yours isnt triggering it, your not putting the bomb right near the ice trap, and it might take lvl 2, tho a dev said in another thread that anything with AreaOfExplosion damage can trigger it. well as a jump-charge. a jump charge can bypass traps like a charge at edge of range, but is easier to do with less risk.

    so snipers are beatable. besides, any tank, assault, or assassin that dies in an ice trap they saw ahead of time deserved to have lost the game anyhow.

    once in an ice-trap:

    assault- assault rifle if within range, and with enough reflex a bomb just before being entrapped will usually lure a sniper to walk on top of it. a grenade launcher works seldomly at a ice trap being camped at range.

    assassin- shuriken launcher, one clip kills snipers. effective the closer the range, you can still manage to off a sniper or scare him away from the kill if you attempt it at a range.

    tank- lvl3 product grenade if you have the reaction time to fling one at the corner, as the resulting secondary explosion will kill a sniper if he walks into it, or buy you time if he doesnt walk into the nade area. railgun often has success if they fail a quick headshot.
  2. dredd

    dredd Member

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    @PohTayToez Yeah i think that would be the noob Gunner and Tank numb nuts who stand still for it and get shot in the face and cry on the fourms here "Nerf da sniper"

    @Cardboardwarior If you dont like the sniper useing explosive shells on you or you're turrets in base its really simple to stop this get a fast class such as the Assault and harass the hell out of the sniper use the bomb as offten as you can and get Juce and mow him down dont cry on the fourms that the Sniper is Op and needs to be nerfed
  3. Injun97

    Injun97 New Member

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    All is said with BroTranquility's post.

    You will need tactics, persistence, and timing to take down a well trained sniper who has been irritating you the whole game.

    You see, the sniper is nothing without a good team behind his back, they provide the open gates that he needs, he can open the gates himself, but he will die too many times while his base is being ripped to shreds in the process.

    Once you get the tactics down, you will have no problem with a good sniper in the future, and there would be no forum posts like "overpowered snipers?" or "snipers take the fun out of games?"

    I believe the sniper is fairly balanced and fairly powered, theres really nothing to tone down besides the juice power against the moneyball.

    Teamwork, Communication, and Strategy is all you need.
  4. dredd

    dredd Member

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    Agreed good sir thank you for you're post ;)
  5. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Heads up for some of you who didn't understand what i was saying, my main post on this wasn't about "Dying to a Sniper" its about how he has the material to control practically the whole map with no risk making jobs likes Turrets and Lane Pushing (Especially Lane Pushing) Pointless for the other team (as well as the team the Sniper is on). No one is remotely close in Lane Pushing as the Sniper.

    And didn't i say that this doesn't work most the time, its near impossible to get complete strangers with no mics to work with you. And basically you proved the point, that it takes so much to kill one, even though this thread wasn't about "Killing" a Sniper.

    And until the DLC, party's will almost never be together fully.
  6. Divine x Ninja

    Divine x Ninja New Member

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    I think the only nuisances that Snipers cause are freeze traps in your spawn, and the only aspect of the game they take out is... Well... The GAME.

    I think that because if you have 1 sniper at each bot lane, and they both have level 3 sniper, they can constantly take out any bot that comes down, while their bots advance. You are doomed to lose if they just keep destroying all your bots, which is completely uncool.
  7. mute

    mute New Member

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    Ever played against a sniper that doesn't sit back and snipe but treats his explosive ammo rifle shots like a full on frontline assault riffle and is constantly in everyone's face? Good luck b/c meanwhile he'll be dropping traps and flac 3's (that take out nearly everything!) and at the same time, gaining juice like 4 Support's on CRACK. Oh, and watch for that grapple too. Ah crap, here comes the never ending cycle of Juicing with the obnoxious Pea Shooter out.

    I'm not going to say they're overpowered.. but holy f'in hell... they're overpowered :lol:. If they didnt have the grapple kick from hell I could live with the rest, nothing more F'ing frustrating than finally gettin to the bastard only to be kicked across the map and dead when the skinny jerk only has 1 sliver of health left.

    That said, most snipers suck and I more often than not ignore them (outside of just being aware of where they are/firing). Let `em stay camped up in their lil corner. Yawn. Put it in the hands of a half capable player though and ouch.

    However... I dont think they really take any aspects out of the game, on the contrary I think they're a vital part to the game. Only BS about the character that I absoultely hate is juiced sniping of the MB. Freeze-traps may make me want to pull my hair out occassionally, but meh.. not that big a deal. Kind of lame that some characters cannot trigger/blow them up easily (or at all).. but at the same time you can't do anything about the Assaults mine/bomb except stare at it so..
  8. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Explosive shot always feels like cheating to me when I play Sniper. Enemy near a turret or bot? Blast it a few times and he dies. Gold RoF means they have to be very quick to escape in time. Enemy assassin grappling your Jackbot? Just aim anywhere on that gigantic target and shoot it a couple of times. Assassin dead. Group of bots and a couple of enemy tags showing in the distance? Blast randomly into the group. You'll invariably hit something and most likely get a kill.

    Sniper should be about aiming skill.
  9. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    You know what I hear a lot of in here? "Waaaaa. My favorite class doesn't have skills I like as much as the snipers skills." Seriously.

    We get explosive shot because without we don't have an effective crowd control option. What about Flak 3 you say. I'll tell you about Flak 3. It only works to push people out of an area or destroy stationary objects, like say turrents. We can't throw Flak very far, unlike the godly range of the air strike that can be thrown across a map. So that means we have to get close to use Flak to take out turrents which means someone should have probably seen the Sniper and stopped him.

    "It's not fair that you can take our turrents out from far way." Well I can do this because I'm a Sniper. What the heck do you think a Sniper does? I know this might surprise and shock some people, but a Sniper shoots from far away. Mind blowing, I know. Other than Steel Peel (which is being addressed), a Sniper has to leave his base and go out into the map to get a line of sight on a turrent. This usually means he is in harms way. So go after him. If you let a Sniper stand there and empty clip after clip into your turrents you deserved to lose them. End of story.

    "B-b-b-but you earn juice too fast." Valid point. I agree we earn juice a wee bit too fast. Again, I believe this is being addressed.

    "Ice traps are so unfwair. The fweeze me and I can't do anything." So they why did you walk into it? Seriously. Play a sniper for a couple of rounds and learn the radius of the traps. I was playing with an assault over the weekend who was amazed, literally amazed that I was walking around an enemy snipers traps without setting them off. It can always be done. I haven't found one surface in the game that is so small that an ice trap radius takes up the whole walkway. NONE. And our Ice Traps don't increase in radius per level unlike the Bomb or Air Strike.

    "The Grapple is way overpowered. It hurls you and is unfair." Snipers are the daintiest class in the whole game. Even with armor 3 we might as well have wet toilet paper on for protection. Kill him before he gets in range for the grapple. It's that simple. If you get grappled, it's your own fault. Plain and simple. Besides, ever since the patch a lvl 2 Grapple won't kill anyone unless they get rung out. Tanks, Assaults, and to an extent Gunners have ways of preventing the ring out built in. Try using it. Everyone else, enjoy your free flight.

    TL;DR Stop crying about the fundamentals of different classes. Played well any class can seem overpowered.
  10. DeadEye

    DeadEye New Member

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    Personally i think a sniper, should be a skilled slayer who gets headshot on a regular basis and takes out players. Snipers in this game shoot bots and turrets till they have juice, then rush in and smg everyone with their overpowered smg and easily obtained juice. This game took skill out of snipers, and makes it so 'good' snipers are lucky to get 5 headshots a game, even with ice traps.

    The jump should be nerfed, smg should be nerfed, juice should be nerfed, and icetraps should freeze for slightly less time. Sniping should be about canceling out good players and keeping gunners and tanks back... Not shooting bots and turrets until you can juice and run inside the enemy spawn and be overpowered.
  11. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    hint dont upgrade your passive as a sniper and watch your hit detection go way up. ;P
  12. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    I was about to critique every single classes (especially how you provided no way for the assassin to detonate one [like I ******* said, detonate, not dodge] and the tank a stupid way) but I'll just say this: If you're a competent player who actually pays attention, and you see an ice trap, you should be able to destroy it with whatever gun you're using. It'd make snipers stop being such pussies and actually play the game and maybe try to use strategies with their traps instead of just blocking paths. There are too many factors (like make the sniper has... oh... I dunno, a whole team) when destroying ice traps with those methods. Snipers don't give me much trouble (like some of the idiots reading this I know are assuming based off my complaining), I'm just saying it would help balance them.

    EDIT: edited out some things I don't agree with.
    Last edited: November 2, 2010
  13. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    DeadEye, you are being ridiculous. So from your point of the view the Assassin must be a really cheap class as well since they farm bots for juice and then rush the base. Not to mention that this isn't they way most people play Sniper.

    I will say I agree that the juice buildup rate is too much currently, but that is obviously being addressed.

    You think a Sniper should have his current slow walk speed with no vertical jumping option and his default low health level (aka turn him into a sitting duck), have his SMG damage reduced so he has no close-medium range options, and reduce the effectiveness of the only skill that gives him the ability to be competitive in close range or escape. That is completely absurd. Lets just take away his ability to defend himself mid range while simultaneously decreasing his survivability. Sounds very reasonable.
  14. alanebro82

    alanebro82 New Member

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    The problem is that explosive shots are just as damaging as actually getting shot. They really shouldn't be as strong as actually taking a bullet.
  15. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    ^^^ Great Idea

    I Also love how my topic gets misinterpreted.
    If You have a Sniper on your team, there isn't a point to Push Lanes as the Sniper can do it much easier, and with less Danger.
    Before the Assassin nerf many people said the Assassin was the best as pushing Lanes, but they at least were in danger.
    I'm not 'crying' that they are overpowered.. just the fact that they do in fact make the game less fun.. even if they are on YOUR TEAM. As they will even take away the aspect of the game of Lane Pushing for your own Team.

    This thread is not about Sniper vs Other Players.
    Its about how their class/Abilities is completely dis-proportional to other classes in the Actual Aspect of the Game (not being a Deathmatch)
  16. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    This is especially bad if you are escorting a group of bots. Usually dead in 3 shots or less, just from the explosion damage that is multiplied by the multiple bots hit. So it gives you 1-2 seconds to escape from the area of effect of the explosion. I never escape on time :(

    I'm not sure, but doesn't it also make makes turrets a giant exploding hazard, no matter where he hits it?
  17. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    I don't mean to come off a jerk, especially to the OP. I know what you were getting at, but the fact of the matter is that every class has a job. A Snipers job is to kill bots and pros. Plain and simple. He's not really meant to take out turrets, but can if given the opportunity. Not as well as say a Gunner, but better than an assault. Different classes have different purposes. An Assault can go after bots, but that sure as heck isn't his forte. Just because a Sniper can clear a lane well it doesn't mean he shouldn't have help.
  18. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    The thing about Snipers is that they need space to operate effectively, and they need to be able to control it at their own pace. Snipers can play a close-range game, too, but only when they choose the time and place, and can initiate confrontations themselves. Snipers, more so than any other class, need a team taking care of everything else so that they can be as effective as possible.

    Think, for a moment, all of you. Whenever you spawn camp a team and keep them locked in their base, which player do you want to see come out of spawn the most? Sniper. Sniper is the class that can't do anything to you with no territory locked down. He's a free kill when his defenses aren't set up or he's trapped in a corner and he's surrounded by pros. People keep saying that every pro should be able to fight with any pro, anytime, anywhere on relatively equal footing. This is silly. Every pro should be able to fight with any pro equally as long as both pros are at their best, and are being played by players who can use those classes to their fullest (this is turning into a tier list theoretical). If all classes were perfectly equal, there wouldn't be much of a point in even being able to choose what you spawn as, outside of personal preference. We DON'T want all classes to be the same. There should be differences between classes, noticeable differences. Learning these differences is part of the learning curve.

    I'm fine with the Sniper nerfs. The nerfs are incidental to a majority of Sniper playstyles, really. While I rarely (okay, NEVER) use level 3 traps, the skill drain seemed kind of odd in it's own way. If you willingly chase a retreating Sniper, or blindly charge into an area where a Sniper is likely lying in wait, RT-only sounds like a good fit for you.
  19. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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  20. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    True.. every class does have a job, but the Sniper has jobs he shouldnt.
    You said its not the Sniper's job to kill turrets.. how is it NOT?! if a turret is out in the open.. which a good amount is, it should be the Sniper's job to kill it as its the easiest to destroy it.. especially in the safe confines of his own base.
    Plus everyone used to argue that Pushing Lanes and Killing bots was the Assassins job, even though the Sniper was by far better than it, and you could also argue that other classes' jobs could to be kill other classes.. which by far the Sniper is also the best in that job.
    And as most Snipers do is sit in their base racking up money, it should also be their job to build a Defense (Turrets) with that extra money (As there is no point to buy level 3 in anything expect passive)
    The only thing the Sniper isnt GREAT at is Healing.. oh wait.. thats because he cant do that

    Btw guys.. i do play as a Sniper a decent amount of time, so no im not bashing Snipers because i don't play one.. look at my Signature

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