Sniper class ruins crossfire matches

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by utopia6, December 19, 2010.

  1. utopia6

    utopia6 New Member

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    Im new to the forums, but have been playing MNC since it came out. AFter all this play time, I've come to notice that matches with snipers come off cheap whether they are on my team or the other team. Whether we win or lose, it doesn't seem right. If your team doesn't have an assasin, a good sniper can be virtually invincible. Most classes won't have the speed to get near him, and most will have freeze all over the ground around him anyway. I had an unjuiced sniper kill me with the uzi from like 20 paces away in a matter of seconds, which I thought was bs also for a short range weapon. I usually play tank or gunner with gold speed because of snipers. If I see the other team doesn't have one, I have other customs I use that are more power (ROF, Accuracy, etc). Maybe this has already been discussed, but its my real only complaint against this great game. Hope to see you all online.

  2. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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  3. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    A few things to kill a Sniper: Gunner's Mortar, another Sniper, an Assault(Jet pack flies over ice traps), Tank's Product Grenade + Rail Gun combo, a good Assassin(Smoke Bomb), a well placed Air Strike. Hmm, seems like every class can kill a sniper. Just use walls as your advantage to seeing where the sniper is and move accordingly. It will be harder to kill a skilled Sniper though. But it can be done.
  4. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    This has been debated to hell.

    Sniper has many pros and cons and there are many ways to beat him, it's just that people don't take Snipers seriously so they end up racking up the kills like a Gunner or Support that isn't taken seriously. If you see a Sniper camping should you expect there to be ice traps around?
  5. Organous

    Organous Member

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    Need help against Snipers? I'll admit a good Sniper can definitely be a handful, but any class can still get him.
    Assault: Assault is a tricky match. His Fly ability makes traps effectively useless against an intelligent Assault. There's a pretty nice "sweet spot" range for him where his bullets will become effective and the Sniper will have a hard time dealing with him. There's a lot of back & forth between these two. Both characters will want to throw something behind the other, be it a Flak to lure the Assault in to the Sniper's special grab or a grenade to launch the Sniper to some random spot, usually one that'll be at the least very dangerous to him. Charge is kind of a last-ditch effort, even though it's extremely effectively against one that's not bunny-hopping. It still does some damage, though. Worst-case scenario, the grenade launcher can be effective if the Sniper's in an area with any kind of walls (including the smaller glass railings).
    Assassin: You probably already know how an Assassin typically deals with a Sniper, but not necessarily how she should do it. She's got to get around behind him without his knowledge, which means eventually the cloak should be turned off as you stay behind him. The lunge can also be used to go through traps, even though you'll be frozen once you're there. Never lunge in a Sniper's face, or you risk getting lobbed away.
    Tank: At the very least, the Tank can disorient Sniper with the Product Grenade. Fully upgraded, this can even be lethal. Like the Assassin though, the Tank has to rely on getting in undetected. Merely having good knowledge of the map should accomplish this, as even the best sniping maps are versatile enough to let you threaten a Sniper. Once you can get in, it doesn't take much to burn him away. Worst-case scenario, you can try to out-gun him with the Railgun. Assuming he doesn't manage a headshot (which should be difficult as long as you're moving), you two are actually quite even in firepower. It's got similar accuracy, too.
    Gunner: Gunner definitely has problems against a Sniper, but it all relies on getting close. At long range, you can make a great strike against a Sniper focusing on another target. Simply deploy, shoot a couple mortars (2 or 3 depending on your RoF), then get your *** out of that position. Of course, assuming the Sniper's not distracted, you have very little chance from long range. It's all about taking whatever cover you can and surprising the Sniper from behind. Never approach the Sniper from the front unless you're incredibly close and just around the corner.
    Support: Admittedly, this one's crap against a Sniper. He's actually the only one with a highly valued ability that forces him to stand still (hack)! Even if Support does surprise Sniper, he's gotta get a couple shotgun blasts in very quick succession, meaning RoF endorsements are desired here. However, it's just as much against the Sniper. You get to just hide behind cover and do your job of healing turrets. The Sniper can't outmatch you there in anything but your firebase. My absolute best technique against a Sniper aware of my presence: carpet-bomb level 3 air Strikes first to where the Sniper would retreat, 2nd to where he is, and 3rd to where he might advance forward. Upon hearing the Air Strike, his initial instinct would be to retreat, which could do him in, and your third one is there for if he's wise enough to try something outside his instincts. Furthermore, do this from a position where you can immediately move in with your shotgun. Yes, this is highly draining and not even that effective. Still, it's the best I can conceive.

    Notice a running theme here. You've generally got to get in undetected, which requires playing the player just as much as playing the character and stage. You've got to know where he's watching and be cautious of ice traps.
  6. Snappyguy

    Snappyguy New Member

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    It's just a damn waiting game and the sooner you make the first move the better.

    Till they respawn.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    i personally dont think snipers are op. but i do agree that the game would be more fun without them.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    I agree. I have NEVER thought that Snipers were OP. Maybe it's because assassin and sniper are my main classes. A sniper who knows how to use his flak is definitely a pain in the *** when I play support, and I suck at sniper vs. sniper fights, but honestly, other than exploding shots needing to be toned down, I don't think sniper is really all that bad. I think tank is much worse.
  9. Ian

    Ian New Member

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  10. mute

    mute New Member

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    Supports used to be useful against snipers because they could easily get rid of most the ice traps with the airstrike. Two things ruined that for the Support. 1) Airstike counter takes too long so you dont want to waste it on little things like icetraps. 2) The icetraps once exploded now slow your speed down still enormously, so even if you did WASTE a rare Airstrike on some icetraps, theres little benefit because you can't chase after the guy. Only time I do it is very rare, and there must be another player or two after the guy to make it worthwhile.
  11. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    Assault: Get on rails, use your jetpack to hover over to the sniper and headcrab him if he isn't facing you. Even if you miss, your bomb will send him flying and he will be effectively removed from his sniping duties while getting back to his little playground.
    Tank: Use your Deathblossom to keep their bots from getting past midfield, and make sure you bring armor/passive/charge to the fray to get back in cover once you poke your head out.
    Gunner: Fight somewhere else. Or switch classes.
    Sniper: Body shots and flak. Don't go for the head, it'll make him harder to hit with his wiry frame. They'll bitch at you for this, but you'll win so who cares what they think?
    Support: Set your firebase out of his LoS and hope he's too dedicated to his spot to move. Work their bots out of sight. If/When he moves up, cut off his escape with airstrikes and shotgun, or hope he stumbles into your firebase's range.
    Assassin: Get behind him uncloaked, and don't miss your grapple. Watch for ice traps and his allies.
  12. Unic0rnSunshine

    Unic0rnSunshine New Member

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    A good Sniper can be near unstoppable, but a good player of ANY class can be near unstoppable, like Sahelkhan on 'sin or Deadeye on Gunner. Whenever I go against them, it's a buffet of buttrape, but their classes don't 'ruin' matches simply because they outplay my class from theirs.
  13. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    Sounds delicious.
  14. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    before the patch, you would get frozen after stepping into a set off trap...
  15. Pothocket

    Pothocket New Member

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    Snipers do ruin matches because they tend to force games into overtime.

    The real question here is why does this game even have sniping in it? Variety just for variety sake? This game doesn't need em and would be alot more fun without them in it.
  16. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    Snipers can push Lanes without ever moving.. tell me how that makes the game funner for everyone? It doesn't it makes it less fun. Having someone stand relativlely close to their Spawn and push Lanes without ever putting themselves in danger is ridculous.

    Other than that, you just have to know how to fight them 1 on 1, but as for pushing Lanes.. they do ruin the game in that sense.. even if there is a Sniper on your team, there is no point for you to push lanes because the Sniper can do it better.

    I hate when Snipers are on my team because they take Pushing Lanes away from the rest of the team.
  17. m0nkeyb0y77

    m0nkeyb0y77 New Member

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    As a gunner, snipers don't bother me in the least. Jump jetting + Mortar Fire + Armor 3 gives me plenty of time to rain some hell down on a sniper. If there are more than 3 well then, yes I'd better switch classes. I seriously don't count snipers as OP.
  18. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    OH GEE, sorry for "ruining" your game, kiddo.
  19. DonnyD

    DonnyD New Member

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    You know, you can chase after a Sniper and not get caught in his traps. They have a very limited trigger range. You see one on the ground, give it a wide berth. It's even easier if you
    are using a class with a jetpack. Traps are very easy to spot. Avoid them like a term paper.

    Another thing that astounds me is how people go the same route time after time and get picked off each time. Try another route to that pain in the butt. Or use cover. Feel free to try these tactics, although I have trademarked them.

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