Skins for DLC

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by sjwho2, June 22, 2011.

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  1. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Event? Ok seems I need to clarify what I meant yet again.

    First I will take your advice:
    Event can refer to many things such as:

    An observable occurrence, phenomenon or an extraordinary occurrence

    A type of gathering:

    A ceremony, for example, a marriage
    A competition, for example, a sports competition
    A convention (meeting)
    A happening, a performance or situation meant to be considered as art
    A festival, for example, a musical event
    A media event, a happening that attracts coverage by mass media
    A party
    A sporting event

    Now there have only been two maybe three "events" tied to in-game skins. Two of them being the Beta and TF2 skins. The third is the special PAX Assassin costume. To my knowledge the rest of the skins are given to you for free. These free skins were bundled in with patch updates without any prior knowledge of the skins being released within certain patch updates. That means you are missing 3(three) skins.

    So again may I ask WHAT SKINS ARE YOU WANTING!?!?!?!
  2. sjwho2

    sjwho2 New Member

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    I've already replied. Like I said before, read before posting. :cool:
  3. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Super Troll!!!

    OK I gotta know, how old are you? I ask because I'm guessing you're too young to remember gaming pre-DLC. Am I correct?
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    He has already replied. Read before posting.
  5. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    Somebody needs to understand that not everyone in this world is a Activision, who gonna make it able to buy new maps that aren't included from day one, not everyone in this world is trying to milk every little penny of, some people are still in the (good) mindset that you don't have to ask money for everything.

    Badly you see much more lately that people find that everything has to be buyeble. You think Uber is ALL about making money. They aren't, yes they want to make money, but no they don't want to milk everything out of us.
  6. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    Deadstrech...I just love are such an epic anti troll shield :D

    Lets give that guy 2/10
  7. sjwho2

    sjwho2 New Member

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    :/ People seem to think this is a "milking the players" idea.

    No. Its just so the pathetic oldies don't bitch anymore than they already do about the skins being DLC.

    It was a suggestion that anyone who has the skins already shouldn't even comment on if not for the simple bias of already owning the content.

    And just so you know, it wouldn't be mandatory content anyway, so this bullshit "milking the players" is well, bs.

    Its just a way to provide new players with more content. But hey, obviously older players don't understand the absolute biased standpoint they come from so they keep thinking that they actually have a say in this.
  8. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    How is my opinion biased when I have never used a skin except for the default one?
  9. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    your logic has some problems.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Is it really this big of a deal for 3 skin packs? All three of which are special. Beta gear, Pre-Order Gear, and the super special PAX Assassin Skin.
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Even I have not all the skins and I have been here over a year before the game was even announced. I bought it as soon as you could preorder it on Steam. Do you see me complaining?

    Enjoy the game and stop thinking you know anything about Indie game development because clearly you don't.
  12. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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  13. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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  14. sjwho2

    sjwho2 New Member

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    I"m sorry, this is the suggestion section right?

    Am I not entitled.........oh wait *checks other threads* OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    MNC is one of THOSE games?! You know, the ones where people think that any bad part of the game is intentional by the developers and that nothing should be ever changed by player feedback, that every update shouldn't be based on such feedback, but rather w/e the hell the developers feel like putting in.

    Meh. Shouldn't have expected any suggestion to actually be taken. Looking at the other threads its just one of those forums where people deny good feedback simply because they think spamming a thread is better than improving the game.
  15. Robbert

    Robbert New Member

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    So having a skin = improving the game. In one word: no.

    Let me give another explanation why we all think it is bad to make them able to be bought.

    Your at school. There is a possibillity to follow math lessons. No tutoring, but selfenrichment. The only reason you would follow this is because you like math. Halfway through the year everybody who follows that get a bonus on their last grade. They didn't knew they would get it, but they just got it because they follow that lessons. Now people feel betrayed because they didn't got it. Do you then find they are allowed to buy that bonus? Or do you find that they are right to buy a bonus, just because they didn't do something.
  16. TheWilder

    TheWilder New Member

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    ONCE AGAIN: Beta skins: Given to those who helped to the game = means a lot
    Tf2 skins: Given to those who also had tf2 when bought the game and they are property of Valve, so selling them as a DLC is impossible.
    PAX Assasin: Was given to those who visited UBERENT at pax, also quite rare(but srsly, make DLC for this?....)

    So which ******* costume you want?
  17. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I'm not going to repeat myself.

    Wilder, please keep it polite, no pic spam.
  18. sjwho2

    sjwho2 New Member

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    Wilder, i've already answered this question and you really are just spamming now.

    Looking at this forum, its clear that people don't want to admit that the game needs changes or could use them. While i like the game as is, improving a game is always good.

    And not to be captain obvious. But more money for Uber means more money for patches. Patches that this game could use on the PC and 360 versions.

    I merely suggested one way for uber to make money for these patches. This way has pretty much no downside and provides uber with pretty decent money for the effort.
    Now people keep repeating "Uber isn't all about money". Fine! This DLC doesn't do that.

    Now i know no one here is against patches. Well patches take MONEY and the people who stick WITH the game probably want patches a lot more than people who just joined!
    Trade off then. Newer players get DLC skins, and older players know that Uber is now getting money for new patches.
  19. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    You never answered my question though, how old are you?
  20. sjwho2

    sjwho2 New Member

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    I tend to pass on troll questions, sorry.
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