Sit down, pub assassins. We need to have an intervention.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by goathax, February 6, 2011.

  1. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    I'm telling you this because I know you don't know it.

    We can see you.

    Yeah. I know. Let that sink in. We can see you. We can hear you, too. That occasional kill you pick up from grabbing someone who was already chewed up by a teammate who knows what they're doing? Don't let it fool you. When you go 4-17 and eat buckshot by the facefull, the occasional lucky grab is not a sign of skill or improvement. It's a sign that your team is doing their job.

    Pub assassins, you're scrubaholics.

    This isn't about accusations. We want you to seek help. You can get better. You can quit if you really want to. You're hurting your team -- your family. Do you really want to hurt your family?

    We can get you enrolled in a 12-step program. I'm not sure what all the steps are, but I'm pretty sure step 1 is "quit trying to facestab people," and somewhere in there is "use cloak to trigger crit shurikens and advance on bots, not to run straight at big fat shotgun-toting paisanos."

    Reflect on this. With the exception of career snipers, everyone is going to unlock their first, second, third, etc-tier pro-tags for killing you sooner than they will any other class. Do you really want that kind of shame? You need to seek help.
  2. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    If they stop charging head on at people, how will I get my free kills? I won't stand for this!
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I vote this thread gets stickied!
  4. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I promise I'm not using hacks or aimbots. You hum is about as obvious as an elephant riding a Kawasaki motorcycle.
  5. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Delete this thread immediately.

    Don't take my free money away!
  6. Daichiko

    Daichiko New Member

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    Step 1: As I play Tank, please continue to face stab me so I can grab that +25 cash and move my streak forwards a little easier.

    Step 2: Please keep trying to kill me with a team mate Assassin infront/behind so I get two kills with Blossom and not just the one.
  7. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Make sure you use the Shuriken slap! Since the Shuriken is six blades on a frisbee, attack with one for extra damage! ;p
  8. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    They should put some kind of skill limit on this class, it's just annoying how my assassin slots get taken away by some 0 - 20 people.
  9. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    I snipe 90% of the time and ive killed assassins more than any other class :)

    Dont worry assassins, i believe in you! You can get better! You can keep feeding me kills!
  10. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    People fool themselves into thinking assassins are balanced because crappy players run headlong into enemies while 'cloaked'.

    Good players know how to exploit the **** out of assassins.

    How many escape mechanisms do we need before the fact that you have the stamina of a wet piece of tissue paper just doesn't matter anymore?

    -Can blind opponents
    -Can jump basically anywhere they ******* please on the map
    -Can cloak
    -Can sprint

    That's so over the top in terms of escape mechanisms. Any good assassin just uses the typical round-about route and waits for you to busy yourself with enemy bots before waiting to grapple one shot you. Then they instant retreat with their BULLSHIT woo look at me fly away and blind you while I do it because this isn't overpowered at all. Rinse, repeat, get enough money for juice/enough kills for juice, pillage the enemy base of all turrets and a defender or two, jump to safety, repeat again. How OP do you need to be before you realize that this class is beyond retarded? How many times do you need to see an assassin juice up, rape EVERY SINGLE TURRET, and escape scott free before you feel like a change needs to be made?

    The only way to be safe against assassins is to specifically gear yourself out for them. Gold armor is the one and only safe bet against a skilled assassin since it prevents the total one shot from any angle and forces them to use a (negligible, due to how generous backstabs are detected from side shots) almost unnoticable level of skill before raping everything.

    "Oh man we need a class to kill Pro X!" -Get an assassin
    "Oh man they have so many turrets!" -Get an assassin
    "Oh man we need to push the lane!" -Get an assassin
    "Oh man we need to attack the moneyball" -Get an assassin

    Its flipping ridiculous how absurd this class is. People think its balanced because it has the constitution of a diseased baby but what the **** does that matter when

    1) You can't see the bitch
    2) You can't do anything once you're grappled
    3) You can't attack after they strike because they LITERALLY FLY INTO THE SKY AND DISAPPEAR

    What the ****

    "I've killed assassins more than any other class" -- CONGRATULATIONS, you are killing idiot noobs who go OMG THERE IS A NINJA CLASS IM SO PICKING THAT and run head first into your bullet. That has nothing to do with balance and everything to do with player stupidity. Once a player learns how to abuse the **** out of their OP escape mechanisms and OP juice mechanism they become an unstoppable killing machine as assassin that dominates everything.

    What other class just grapples Jackpots and drops their health like a lead balloon...? Uhm...oh, assassins, because someone had an anime boner when they were finalizing this game and made everything OP as **** about assassins. ******* A.
    Last edited: February 6, 2011
  11. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Assassins are balanced, it's just that good assassins can easily keep a whole team of bad players down. In scrimmages, where everyone knows what the f*ck they're doing, it's a whole different story.
    Also, only bad assassins grapple jackbots :> Besides, snipers can do it too.
  12. st0nedpenguin

    st0nedpenguin New Member

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    Let me guess, you're new to the game and die to assassins a lot?
  13. Smaz

    Smaz New Member

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    1) Infact, you can see them :O
    2) Avoiding grapples can do wonders :)
    3) sinse you constantly get raped by assassins, you should consider this a good thing because you probably wont be able to kill them im sorry to say.

  14. Statement

    Statement New Member

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    Love me dem assassins.
  15. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Tank can do everything in fishcbs' post - save for turn invisible. Everyone can go in a round-about path, and wait for someone unsuspecting to gank.

    The only valid point made is about Juice. Yes, a Juiced Assassin can flatten everything.

    News Flash: Juice flattens everything.

    Juiced Assaults do it. Tanks, Gunners, Supports, and Snipers too.
  16. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I recently played a match on 'nade III with two Assassins, one very good one and a newbie. I was Assault and had charge upgraded to level 3 for the lulz and ring-outs. So there is that newbie Assassin, I hear the hum, I go into search and destroy mode. What is she doing? Standing in plain view next to one of the small glass thingies. I look at her, not 10 feet away, I'm waiting...

    To make it short, it was a beautiful kick-off and she flew with the grace of a sack of potatoes. Don't be that player!
  17. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    Yesterday the enemy tank had over 40+ kills and was top scorer, i was thinking how on earth did he get so many, then i looked at my team and low and behold two sins with similar 2 kills 20+ death stats, they must of kept the guy well fed the entire match :)
  18. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    I quit the internetz. These people can suck all they want; Scream OP all you want. I don't care anymore. These dumb trolls piss me off to no end.

    No more arguing. Devs see through their plot to ruin a good class, and they won't give in. So HA! :lol:
  19. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    It's official, Mibuwolf is having a mental breakdown.

    Point of this thread is NOT how sins are OP AT ALL. Rather discussing the stupidity of pub assassins, particularly the ones that don't learn ANYTHING.

    Quit harshing just cos you've been around long enough to have a mid-life crisis.
  20. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Lulz, when Mibuwolf just reads Assassin, he goes berserk and charges...

    level 2 or level 3?

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