sign if you wish that people who trolled actually got bans

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by salomdi, February 28, 2011.

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  1. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I don't really mind.

    Let's say you're walking in the subway. You see two people arguing heavily. What do you do?
    You pay no attention and just walk along.

    See what I did there?

  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    K, a few facts: To the best of my knowledge nobody posting in this thread has ever been banned, few have ever received a warning. There is only one user I have banned repeatedly because he always came back and started a new flame war immediately. All other bans have been temp bans or the user was allowed to return with a new account.

    Let me emphasize that, there is only one user who is on the 'most wanted' list. And only because he behaved like a foothole every time he came back. Btw, he's a PC player. Everybody else has already returned or will be returning soon.

    We have been tough because certain forums have turned into constant flame wars or meme dumps. You like image macros, memes and Horatio Cane style one liners? Please post them on message boards where they belong. You know where... ;)

    Do we make mistakes? Yup, we are human. Every community is different and every user - including moderators - needs some time to adapt and find his place. Sometimes the transition is easy, sometimes it can get a little bumpy.

    What I'm trying to say is this:
    Please give us some time to adept and work things out. Meanwhile try to respect each other and don't make our job harder please. Do you know the burning urge to tear down that stupid balancing suggestion with some snide sarcasm? Don't do it. Don't participate in flame wars. If things start to get heated report the post and ignore it. You really, really want to share that cool new meme you just found out about? PM it to your friends who share your enthusiasm.

    We take your feedback serious and we will try to come up with a system that's transparent and easy to use. Thanks.
  3. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    You forgot to add "one word answers" to the temp ban list.

    How ridiculous is that?

    I will reiterate: Uber should HIRE someone to moderate and be the community manager instead of making the skinniest kids at fat camp mods. Player mods very rarely will be on the same page or view their fellow players with the objectivity that a mod needs in order to be fair to everyone. This isn't a fault of the current's human nature.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    "One word answers" does not get you a temp. ban.
  5. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Emm, I am a player but I never played the Xbox version online. I hold no grudges against any of you guys and gals because you beat me in the arena. Ou contraire, I have the highest respect for players who gave me a serious beating on the PC and more than a few are on my friends list now.
  6. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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  7. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Wow that is ridiculous. He even feels like what he did was justified simply because it was one word? What is this "post" meme that EVERYONE is talking about? How do you guys even consider it a meme?

    I know its pretty much a given that when a community picks players as mods, they let the power get to their head and their interpretation of the rules may be different from others. Just like the MLG forums..

    Deadstrech even felt the posts were on topic.. it feels like you mods aren't on the same page. I don't know you guys have talked about but it'd be a good idea to all chat somehow and get on the same page.

    This forum has spiraled down fast between this ridiculous CoR drama, the mod issues, and the people trolling.
  8. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    You're right. The power is going to me head as we speak with dreams of banning everyone who doesn't agree with me.

    And I'm proud to be the skinniest kid at fat camp. All the fat kids are probably jealous that they're still fat and I lost a ton of weight.

    I am getting sick of all the crap that gets thrown around. It has nothing to do with being a mod. If you're throwing crap at players or mods, you're just not going to be posting here anymore.
  9. xS m o k 3 z

    xS m o k 3 z New Member

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    0 could've said it more mature like and not so sarcastically :(
    A real mod would've said that calmer and with a kindly fashion meany!
  10. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Yeah, any person on Xbox Live experiences enough vitriol as it is.

    So whenever I see the same kind of behavior here, I just ignore it and click on the next thread. Or check up on what is currently my favorite thread in Off-Topic.
  11. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Hell no! I need to keep my sarcasm rate at 80% of all my posts.

    I am serious about people being asses to each other though. Its really getting old.
  12. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I personally feel that the mods are doing a good job. I have no real complaints, for the most part. The only thing to actually bug me is Organous's decisions.

    A couple have been made that seem extreme, and unjustified, even against those with repeated warnings. No one else has made any locks/bans/etc. that actually make me go "Wtf?" because I can actually understand from a what PoV why they would take that course of action.
  13. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I can't take 80% of your posts seriously then. Not too good for someone who is supposed keep this place civil. I am serious about the power going to the mods head. It's human nature it happens in any power position. If you don't want to acknowledge that then so be it. Seriously the mods that lock topics with sarcasm are adding to the problem. Trying to be witty and cute only angers the person who created the topic.
  14. Totally Not Grec

    Totally Not Grec New Member

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    I read Animal Farm when I was in the 9th grade, too.
  15. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Oh, that's never fail to mention you're an "honors" student. Too bad "Non-asshattery 101" wasn't required.
  16. Totally Not Grec

    Totally Not Grec New Member

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    I never said I was an honors student there. Animal Farm is required reading, a book well known for it's clarity. (hint hint)
  17. salomdi

    salomdi Active Member

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    Mods close this now. this is about to divulge into a flame war.
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Locked as per request of original poster.
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