Sick of the pubstompers...

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by IcyZyon, December 8, 2010.

  1. JuniorBarnes

    JuniorBarnes New Member

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    I'm glad to see you take a light ribbing with grace. :)
    Like I wrote in my post, people who are genuinely upset at "pubstomping" would stand to learn a thing or two by observing the better players instead of rage quitting.
  2. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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  3. mintycrys

    mintycrys New Member

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    Just don't put two pubstomping teams against each other. One team will find out which is better, and they'll rage because they finally got creamed fair and square, so little will be learned.

    I learned how to play Smash Bros. Melee by playing 4-player against people who juggled any character I picked. A couple of months later, the shoe was comfortably on the other foot.
  4. Metallic Rage

    Metallic Rage New Member

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    Ohhh myyy Goooodddd Smash bro's melee is my favorite game ever, besides mechassault, and right up there with MNC. It never gets boring and is so fast paced. Sorry got side tracked. Send a FR to some of the said pubstompers and slowly you'll get in their games on their teams and see what it's like with a real team.
  5. IcyZyon

    IcyZyon New Member

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    Maybe I should have been more clear in the original post.

    I hate pubstompers who pubstomp, then go back to the lobby and trash talk, saying "you suck", "get raped", ect. They think they are gods of the game because they beat a bunch of randoms.

    It also ticks me off because it mainly happens when its me and I am a level 30something buzzer and the rest of the people on my team are below level 10. They think they are gods because they beat us.

    If you get sexually stimulated by doing this. Which knowing most pubstompers they do. Get out of the basement.
  6. VagaBond007

    VagaBond007 New Member

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    Generally, there's merit in trying to take notes by watching better players play, but that's usually couched in the context that those better players are facing a challenge. In contrast, there's little value to be gained by observing here. It doesn't take much skill to win with a coordinated team that is facing a group of randoms constantly revolving in and out of the game (i.e. players quit, and then get replaced by others that are starting fresh).

    That'd be akin to watching the Celtics play against three random high school players. Even if the high schoolers are decent, you're just not going to get much out of it.
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    only ever seen this happen once, then i confronted said person on it, and they wont play me in a fair match.

    not a big deal anyways.
  8. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Why is nobody complaining about friendstompers like me? :p
  9. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    I'll admit, it sucks being on the receiving end of a well coordinated asskicking. Sometimes, no matter how good YOU are, you just can't get rolling. I'll usually stick around for two or three rounds to be sure that it's going to stay that way. I usually find it pathetic when they talk s#!t afterward, and start looking forward to the next match.

    It's a team oriented game, and when my friends are on, we get together and do pretty well. We don't crush a team right away if the split is really unbalanced. We prefer a good, competitive match.

    Let the ragequitters quit, just makes room for more experienced guys to come in and help your team shove that smack down the other teams throats. If you can ride it out for a while, you might get lucky and see Tom12121112, Rhineville, Jraw20, Wingman Master, DeadStretch, daiki11, or if you're really lucky, Immortal303 join in and help turn the tide :D

    Take it easy dude, happy hunting, and don't let the bastards get you down.
  10. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    I'll just pull out this Grenade Launcher and put it in your face. :twisted:

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