Shouldn't every class do equal damage to the Moneyball?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Liefglinde, February 8, 2011.

  1. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Assaults are horrible at pushing bots and cracking base defenses. Knowing this and that their strength will be in overtime, experienced players would focus on offense, leave minimal pros back to build the base (since the assaults can't kill turrets) and win before overtime.
  2. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    Not that bad at pushing bots. Teamwork for the turrents. Other team can't handle 3 Assaults? = Loss.
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I think assaults can avoid most defences and just hit the moneyball. Lazorrazor, spunky, steel peel, and ammo mule are definitely not possible to keep assaults out of.

    Not every class needs to do the same moneyball damage. They just need to have less of a gap. No pro should be able to do 2x more moneyball damage than the weakest pro at damaging the moneyball. Shotgun could use 15% nerf damage, Grenade Launcher could use 25%, Bomb could use 30%. Then everything would relatively do in the same area of damage, although not exactly the same.
  4. mute

    mute New Member

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    I dont agree with this topic. It's exactly the same thing as the amount of damage taken by anything in the game. Not everything is equal and it shouldn't be, the weapons are all very different. If anything, some items while Juiced (shurikens, explosive round's AOE) are more OP against the MB than they realistically should be in comparison to anything else. OMG NO. A FLAMING HANDTHROWN SHURIKEN FROM 500FT AWAY. HURRY, KILL HER. blah. Sniper without LOS nailing the MB from a weak corner by hitting everything else around it except the MB, but doing equal damage as a direct hit, also blah.
  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    After seeing the point made about the difficulties of classes accessibility to the moneyball, I must agree equal damage all around wouldn't be such a good idea.

    However, I DO agree that the Assault needs a nerf on the moneyball. Hard. He's THE most mobile pro in the game, imo. I've used a single juice run to take out 75% or more of a moneyball's health with Assault. With how literally impossible it is to keep a juiced Assault out of your base without your entire team and a few Lv 3.3 Rock Its, it seems a borderline mental.

    Oh, and whoever said Assaults can't push: dead wrong. Even if you run no rate of fire, with your mobility, ejectors are easy pickins. An entire group of bots gone. Granted, this is only available once every thirty seconds, but that's enough to keep bots out of your base quite easily should any other pro try to stop you. Not like you're stuck there once you activate it.

    I think a 75% gap sounds about right for the weakest amount of damage to the greatest on the moneyball. Zero being the weakest, 75 being the strongest.
  6. SpcTorres

    SpcTorres New Member

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    I've felt this way for a long time. Why can't each player do an equal amount of damage to the moneyball? If you have several hard hitting players attacking your money ball, it will be destroyed in no time flat.

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