Should quick scopes at close range be possible?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Tiller, April 1, 2011.

  1. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Here is the thing. A-LOT of those kills were achieved while not quickscoping. Or had a scope - fire time that was long enough that an 0.5-0.7second delay wouldn't have made a difference in the outcome.

    However about half of the quick scope kills you get in that video show precisely what the problem with it is. Many of them are at the range that the sniper is meant to be weak at and other classes are meant to be able to fight him (which is why he is given tools to prevent them from getting that close, or to move them away when they do.)

    This means that with practice, there is literally no good place to fight a sniper. However every other class eventually has to succumb to a actual mechanical blockade that prevents them from removing a particular weakness. Skill can mask their weaknesses, but eventually there is simply some things that the game prevents certain classes from being good or even average at. No amount of practice is going to make the tank's railgun fire any faster or more accurately than the crosshair and rate of fire will allow. Thus he will always have some weakness at mid-long range combat. No amount of practice will make the assault rifle's damage drop off any longer than it is. Thus it is only efficient at its intended range of close-medium. The rifle has nothing preventing it from being good at any range against any class and in any situation other than YOUR ability to use it.

    You have good aim, and it shows how these mechanics can be abused to their fullest. You played smart and sometimes simply outplayed another person. But sometimes there is literally nothing they could do because no matter how good they are they are hampered by a mechanical handicap that doesn't affect the sniper.
  2. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    I lol'd. You better use that phrase in-game.

    Also, totally in agreement with the statements that the sniper is meant to be weak at mid-range and weaker at short, hence the traps, flak and grapple - but quickscoping plus enough skill removes that limitation.
  3. reciprocal

    reciprocal New Member

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    For what it's worth, I've had a few games on Australian servers whereby the snipers are at (or near to) aimbot skills. You cannot spend more than half a second in their view or you are going down, regardless of whatever class you are regarless of distance. Mind you the only reason the game managed to last a few minutes was that it was LazorRazor, which was supposed to be the unfriendliest map for snipers.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do as any other class. I even tried to catch them around corners and as a gunner immediately deployed (at Level 3) to try to get a shot in. I couldn't even press Q fast enough.

    Honestly, I've played against medium and good snipers and I'll admit heavies are stacked badly against them but I can still accept it if they take 3-4 shots to headshot me while I'm jumping and ducking. At least it seems possible to drop in 2 mortar shots or retreat. Really good snipers, though, are out there. If you're for quick scopes, all you need to ask is: can I take down a gold armoured sniper in 0.5 seconds without grappling (assuming you can get into grappling distance in the first place).
  4. Shurryy

    Shurryy New Member

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    I sort of agree that the purpose of a sniper is to strike from a long range... However people complain about that too, hence sniper go CQC sniping, now they complain about that even more...

    His tools, freezetraps ETC are meant to keep people at bay, that would be okay in a normal standard FPS game where you do not have jetpacks to fly over the traps and smokebombs to SKIP OVER AN ENTIRE WALL to get to you. I imagine the hit & run tactic doesn't apply much to the sniper in MNC because so many classes have so many easy ways to get to you. The assault can charge jump instantly to your location immediately making him a threat, the assassin can jump over walls to get to you, the tank AND gunner can fly over your freezetraps, not to mention assault of course...

    If the sniper was meant for long distance fighting, the maps simply need to be larger and he needs more time to run.

    I recall the days back in Battlefield 2... I was a lone sniper, hiding in a bush far away, shooting moving targets with awefully flawed hitboxes and even had to calculate the bullet travel-time and bullet drop... That was what made me feel like a sharpshooter, and if you were spotted... Dispose of the threat, or move on to a new location. You could quickscope there too, but It didn't occur to me as much as getting a headshot WITH BULLET DROP AND TRAVEL TIME was soooooo verryyyy satisfying. I remember whispering to myself "I am a sniper..." Whenever I was about to squeeze the trigger! xD

    Damn I was obsessed by that gameplay... ._.

    Of course, this is not BF2 and this is MNC where quickscoping becomes a lot more viable considering how easily classes can close the distance on you.

    Hmmm... I just realized a lot of my points are confusing and less valid than I thought they would be, or I simply managed to confuse myself.

    Ohwell I got to express my nostalgia for BF2 sniping! :D
  5. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    This is the best map evaaaar. It's so easy to gain map control by strategically placed traps.
    Playing gunner against competent snipers = death wish. A few classes can effectively harass snipers, especially around corners. Assault's 'nade launcher + bounces = win. Assassin's UNLIMITED BOUNCE (until it hits a target) shuriken = win.
  6. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    That statement makes me sad.
  7. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    Off topic, but I think it's silly on certain maps if you can hit a money ball without being even inside the base, same goes with assault's grenade launcher.
  8. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    The grenades explode after one second and the shurikens also lose their effect after some time (not exactly sure how many seconds).

    I get the point though.
  9. Snug

    Snug New Member

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    Yahh. They explode after one second, but still amazing.

    I think for the shuriken it's about 2 seconds after launch.
  10. reciprocal

    reciprocal New Member

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    I guess I was referring to the fact that it's easier to get out of the line of sight of a sniper. I have enough troubles trying to get close and thanks to the jet packs traps weren't too bad. However, once I avoided a trap I'd have my head blown off half a second later.
    I do sort of wish that it wasn't such a hard counter. While the tank is the hard counter for the assassin, I'm pretty sure that a decent assassin can find a way to push the field in his/her favour. It almost makes more sense to change class once you see a good sniper on the other side.

    I do admit that other classes can harass a very good sniper. However, that still doesn't mean that they can kill him in that 0.5 seconds. From what I see, the sniper would just toss an ice trap, wait until you poke your head out and then you lose it. Otherwise they just return to their camping position and keep you pinned inside your base.
  11. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    See this was the devil's advocate argument I was trying to convey but I can't form words into sentences this well. It's just stupid hard and incredibly frustrating to fight against. I don't see a way to simply out play a sniper (though few and far between) can do things like the video showed unless you are an even better Sniper.

    If anything is changed, I think that jump shots shouldn't be 100% accurate with a quickscope. Some of those kills kept the sniper entirely mobile when he got a headshot on another pro, which I find total bull.

    I also agree with more places where you can break the line of sight on some current maps. Grenade 3 could use some more cover from the base perch for instance.
  12. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    The base perch is where idiots go to snipe

    The good ones use the middle bridges. Easier to catch people in freeze traps from all the jump pads, better lines of sight on both lanes, much harder to harass with mortar and grenades, access to many ejectors..
  13. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    I heard it in an Xcalizor commentary so I can't take credit for it. It's got a wonderful ring to it though as a combo of noob and boob two similar yet distinct states of being. I don't insult people though unless I feel they really deserve it ie rage quitting or they were just nasty first. It definitely describes me often though.

    And to add to what zarakon said snipers are so difficult on those arches because there's no wall to bounce nades off of and you have to be more exact with the mortar for a similar reason. The nades could use a buff. In TF2 the projectile hitbox is different than the bullet hitbox. Namely it's a larger square around the character. Something like this or give the nades a proximity radius would help.

    I mean you are a candy colored character with a giant name tag over your head on a wide open plain shooting very loud bright glowing balls at an enemy that can kill you instantly while you have to hit him multiple's hard to really get the drop on someone here. I honestly find the vague "suppress the sniper!" suggestions to be a little insincere.

    Since so many people know each other and doubt the sniper as being a overpowered how about you get the top 6 snipers have them go sniper on one team while the best of whoever else goes on the other team for a full map rotation and don't forget to record the results for the youtubes.

    Edit: One of the best ways to find imbalances is to see if massing one class has a weakness. I remember reading some criticisms of 4e dnd and one of the problems was the Mongolian effect as parties of range characters could kite everything in the monster manual with ease because they massed their range strength and suffered no drawbacks from their relative weakness in melee.
  14. Lyrae

    Lyrae New Member

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    So I played sniper today for another 10-12 matches, went 25-5 or so every match. Gained .8 stars. Every 10 to 30 seconds: DING! WTB sliding accuracy, thx.

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