Should I be an assassin?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Moubias1, August 20, 2010.

  1. moodyjm2

    moodyjm2 New Member

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    Ironically, TC should never play assassin lol.

    Second quiz is pretty spot on, especially with the key support point.

    My quiz -

    1. Do you always use all your money at the beginning to upgrade your skills?
    2. Do you only hunt Pros?
    3. Do you model your playstyle after Grey Fox?

    If you answer yes to any of these questions I suggest a different class :D
  2. mrfatpockets

    mrfatpockets New Member

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    How the hell do you wreck turrets with the assassin? (unless you're on juice)
  3. Surberus

    Surberus New Member

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    1) With which class do you offer the most to your team?
    2) If you choose to play that class, are you more or less helpful than someone else would be?
    3) Does your team need ANOTHER assassin?

    Assassin is by far my best class, but I will gladly shelf it if we need a Support or Gunner, or if someone else is clearly better at it than I am. I am by no means good, but few of the other 'sins I've played with come close.

    Personally, a good game for me is a win, where I hit $3500 or higher, 10-12 pro kills, 6-8 deaths, 8+ turret kills, 20+ bot kills, and 6-8 turrets built/upgraded. I'll also be the juiced Assassin at the end with enough bank to wreck your money ball as soon as the shields drop. I buy skills after I build turrets and I often don't upgrade beyond lvl 2 in more than one skill cus I would rather spend the money on the annihilator/juice/turrets.

    I may not be the best Assassin in the game, but I'm a team player, and 'sin best suits my skill set.
  4. Vinticus

    Vinticus New Member

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    I do!!! Only when juiced!

    Assassin needs the ability to deflect bullets with the sword. It wouldn't be OP, right? :lol:
  5. moodyjm2

    moodyjm2 New Member

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    nah, I think that's a great idea :mrgreen:

    and yea, if there are already too many assassins I go for another class, but I try to pick it first 'cause I know I'm most valuable to my team then.
  6. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    It's pretty sad how all those horrible assassin blame their K/D ratio by how they kill turrets, or kill bots, push lanes.. really.. i play as an assassin, i usually end a match with 20+ kills and 5 deaths or less.. and i always have 75+ bot kills and 10+ turret kills and 6+ turrets built and upgrades.. its very easy to push lanes and kill turrets and get a good K/D ratio..
  7. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    ^Agreed. Good K/D as a team playing assassin simply means (for me anyways) utilizing the assassin's superior escape options when a sure thing doesn't work out. For example, if my assassination fails horribly, I escape, not try to finish the job manually.

    New assassins need to get out of this mindset created by other shooters which teach you to stand your ground and fight because everyone has guns.
  8. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Outside of juice? Crit shurikens! Get level 3 cloak and make sure you're invisble before you start shooting, the initial stream of shurikens will automatically be crits (doesn't work with cloak 1 or 2). Make sure to recloak while reloading and if nobody bothers you then you can bring down most laser blaser turrets easy and with a bit more time and effort you can make rockitt towers fall down too, though the level 3 ones take quite a beating :p
  9. Wile E Coyoteee

    Wile E Coyoteee New Member

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    Also, 1 word: Gremlins.

    I find that with the style I play, combined with using Gold = Skills, Silver = Armor, Bronze = Health Regen, I really only need cloak 3, Assassin 2 (the weapon upgrade), and that's it, sometimes smoke bomb 2.

    Depending on the map I ignore everything and go straight to their turrets on start cause they all leave and no one defends, wreck their turrets then start grappling in the back. We're already fast and level 1 sprint is good enough for me tbh. It also helps to make sure you're not outrunning your team and your bots and isolating yourself (which I find myself doing when I upgrade it more).

    Anytime you're in any bad situation, smoke bomb and jump the hell out of there. Also, if enemy pros are grouped, RB-dash so you're behind them but right on them (or even in the middle depending on if you levelled up smoke bomb), and hit smoke. They'll all go blind, and you can get a grapple kill then sprint out of there like no tomorrow.

    Anyway, since I usually only upgrade to cloak 3 and weap 2 to help with bots? I wait until I have about $450-$800 saved up, and then I just go on a Gremlin spawning spree. Those little bastards hurt bad when they get a hold of you and they're hard to hit. I have games where Gremlins are a good 1/3rd of my kills, you'd be surprised! Plus they're just annoying as hell and everyone has to stop what they're doing to try to kill them, and I actually get alot of turret kills from them too! I didn't realize until today that they go after turrets as well!

    And just be patient. With cloak 3 regenning your cloak while you're still, alot of the time you can wait for people to run past you, backstab them, and know you're free to wreck any bots in the area for about 7-10 seconds or so before you have to worry again.

    EDIT: I sh*t you not, and I don't expect anyone to believe it, but using this technique I went 23 kills, --31 assists--, 9 deaths earlier. That's the most assists I've ever seen, lol. I use shurikens to hassle people alot too. When they see the animation, they spaz and run sometimes, which is kinda funny. But hey, level 3 cloak ones do hurt!

    [Double Edit]: The game I was just in, I started spawning Gremlins with $550. I taunted after each kill, and ontop of that, they went on a kill streak so large for me I was getting $100 per kill, and I using both spawn points I couldn't spawn them fast enough, I was making more money than I could spend almost, they were wrecking turrets too, hahahah. If they had a tank it might've went smoother for em but they didn't :p
  10. Lagoon7

    Lagoon7 New Member

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    Done this many times.

    If the enemy team does not have a tank, gremlins destroy hard when summoned en masse.

    I sent at least $3000 worth one game (the spawns started glitching up and took 2x-3x the time to ready up). I was sending so many at once that i was actually bum rushed by two sins one after another for like 3 minutes (they never won once).

    Free Uber Streak :mrgreen:
  11. StrongestMace

    StrongestMace New Member

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    1. Are you and the other 2 Assassins constantly going for the one sniper who has been killing all 3 of you constantly and taunting you?

    Then welcome to the Assassin club.
  12. GoldenLink

    GoldenLink New Member

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    I have to agree with you there. On games that i don't lag thats pretty much the way i play. Sometimes i won't have turrets built because the supports taking care of it, but other then that i push lanes, kill turrets, and get a relatively good k/d ratio of about 1.5
  13. obscurement

    obscurement New Member

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    I have no idea how you get these stats. I'm a decent assassin and your obviously better then me, but we have rounds where our team wins and no one on our team has double digit kills.
  14. UberGunner

    UberGunner New Member

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    Actually here's a legitimate question to ask when picking your class:

    Does the team already have an assassin?

    No? Yes, why not give it a try.

    Yes? You might want to try something else to round out the team. If there are already two assassins you should definitely play something else.

    It doesn't matter how bad you play when you start... it matters how good you could ever become. But having 3 of any class is generally a bad idea. This applies to gunners too.

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