Should factories be on continuous build by default?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by metabolical, January 27, 2014.


Should factories be on continuous build by default?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Depends on the factory type

  1. Slamz

    Slamz Well-Known Member

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    Actually I voted no but maybe yes makes more sense. 90% of the time I want continuous output. It would probably make more sense to turn it off for my initial factory or two than have to turn it on for literally every other factory thereafter.
    lilbthebasedlord likes this.
  2. jodarklighter

    jodarklighter Active Member

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    That would be an issue (I do that with engineers myself sometimes). I think the only point of overlap would be having units auto-assisting a factory of the same type, as those would be the only things with compatible build queue to copy. Maybe if you issue a move then an assist order, it would have units move to and assist no matter what, while a right click with no prior orders on a compatible factory would do the queue copy stuff. Although I feel like that would be a bit clunky to remember in the middle of a match.
  3. miliascolds

    miliascolds Member

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    agreed default should be most used option, not the first used option, thus i voted for on, since only at the very beginning do i want to control things more than just repeat, so turn it off for first factory, then later on turn it back on, but additional factories already have it on rather than turning it on for every one
  4. jodarklighter

    jodarklighter Active Member

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    As another argument against continuous by default, it goes against standard practices in RTS's since forever, and would present new players with one more quirk to wrap their heads around. Now, just because things have been done a certain way in every strategy game that has come before doesn't mean that its the best way, but some things you just come to expect. When I play any RTS, I expect that I can hold shift to queue buildings, left-click to add one unit to a factory queue, shift-click for 5, and right-clicks for deleting. If a single click would by default build me an infinite number of engineers, as a new player I'd be wondering what the hell was going on. An option to have continuous build always on in the options menu would be the best solution for everyone, as long as that option defaulted to off in a new game install.
    miturian likes this.
  5. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    I'd say make it a setting.

    I'd love to have it. I turn it on with all of my factories.

    But it would probably be confusing to new players and not all players like that.


    Make it a setting.
    spartan234 likes this.
  6. shiwanabe

    shiwanabe Member

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    Vote - 12/12/3 (y/n/d)

    Read through first page of thread…

    Load page 2 - 13/13/3 (y/n/d)

    Have we got some sort of conspiracy on this thread to keep all the votes even?

    On a more serious note, personally I feel that it should be continuous by default. Zaphod's idea about having an options menu setting for it is probably the best route in the short term, but I would prefer that the modified idea put forward (in this thread, can't remember who first proposed it atm) by ign be implemented as that would make life a lot easier in the long term.
    igncom1 likes this.
  7. abubaba

    abubaba Well-Known Member

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    come on team yes.. damn them heathen factory idlers
  8. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Totally agree that such options should be available though settings. More settings is good thing. :)
    stormingkiwi and cola_colin like this.
  9. jodarklighter

    jodarklighter Active Member

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    I'm sure it's been posted elsewhere, but that's already in game. You can use the pull out menu if you want, but just clicking (without holding) will toggle between the options. Same goes for the power on/off button too, I believe.
  10. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    I was really torn. I definitely use the loop pretty much all the time, but I agree it's a substantial step away from the accepted norm.

    If shift click added a unit as a looped item, instead of 5, I would be a happy camper. Tap once for 1. Hold the click to que a larger number. Shift click for endless.
    trialq likes this.
  11. Xagar

    Xagar Active Member

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    Absolutely. There's no question.

    The ONLY time I ever want not to infinitely build is for my first one or two factories, and using the existing ctrl-click method to insert into a queue is all you would need.
  12. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Personally, I'd like it - however I'm conscious that it might be extremely confusing for new players so as others have said, I'd make it a setting in the menu with 'default to single build' enabled by default and the option to 'default to continuous build'
  13. EdWood

    EdWood Active Member

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    I want to turn it on by myself. It is so easy to group factories together and do a one click continuous build order...
  14. Tiller

    Tiller Active Member

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    No. It's fine as it is right now because of the early game. You can create an option in the menu to change the default behavior though.

    What needs to happen is a way to have a priority queue and a normal looped continuous build queue for a factory or set of factories. The most common example is when you need a few fabbers but your factories are on a loop pumping out a stream of attack units. You have to waste precious production time stopping production, microing the factories by removing the current build queue, building the fabbers, and then resetting the build loop when the fabbers are done.

    With this new system the priority queue would, well, take priority and build the units you wanted starting from the next new unit you added to the priority queue, but then returns back to the default loop when its done with the build order without any more effort on the player's part.
    Pendaelose likes this.
  15. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    It takes a single click to turn it on.

    Weighing that against confusion for new players (it really does go against the RTS norm) and potential economic failure in the early game by building two times more of something than you want...

    I dunno. It just doesn't seem like a big enough inconvenience to bother. I vote no for default.
    Pendaelose likes this.
  16. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    This looks split pretty much down the middle. I don't care about the defaults for the game itself, just the ones for me. Give me an option in the settings to turn it on for all new factories and I'll be happy. I would still prefer the two queues method though.
  17. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    Just have it as a one-button press, like in SupCom just press 'Z' to toggle repeat build.
    Pendaelose, gunshin and igncom1 like this.
  18. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    Yes, this is not StarCraft to you Babysister you factories, you have more things to do
  19. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    that could be a solution! you should have voted yes :p
    Last edited: January 28, 2014
  20. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    actually Z pasues the build... but implement Z as well
    igncom1 likes this.

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