[SERVER] Queller AI

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by Quitch, November 5, 2014.

  1. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Some videos showing how Queller handles maps differently from the vanilla AI.

  2. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Great stuff quitchy. way better than vanilla ai.

    Noticed how the ai was responsive to compositions, positioning, unit grouping, harassment, and was even doing micros.

    Also no weird stuff like inexplicably running away their 9000 unit army from opponent right outside their base. lol'd at vanilla ai doing that.

    Naval was way less volatile too.

    You should enter your ai into pa tournaments!
    killerkiwijuice and Quitch like this.
  3. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    To be fair to vanilla, sometimes it'll just be be the AI is having a good or bad day. Unit micro should be the same between them, it's just I don't put Dox in with tanks, made it change compositions more in response to threats, changed the size of platoons and their overall composition, etc.

    I have had it playing some humans in PAX Prime FFAs to test it out and get more data than I would from it playing itself. It always wins its planet (though we're not talking uber level players here), though it's long-term orbital game is weak. Some of this is in my control and I just need to improve it, some of it is not. For example, my dev copy now includes Bluehawks in its armies on orbital maps because the AI doesn't move Avengers between maps so will lose entire armies to SXXs. Bluehawks are my work around until the AI is smarter about orbital.

    This is how I found out that the AI is absolutely terrible at handling walls. A bronze player will confound it in ways I never would. In a 1 v 1 it doesn't matter so much because the AI will just take over the planet, but in a FFA it ends up costing it a lead. I watched it crush three players on a moon, then some guy built a few walls and it just stopped even trying to take out their base (despite 900 units to their 30). No idea what's up with walls and the AI.
    Last edited: April 3, 2015
    killerkiwijuice likes this.
  4. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Is there any way to make AI not show the "(AI)" tag in the lobby?
    killerkiwijuice likes this.
  5. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Open up new_game.html and go down to line 466 ;)
    elodea likes this.
  6. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    ah its client side. snap
  7. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Removing the following items from TODO
    • Based around a 1.0 economic multiplier and may not utilise eco boosts effectively
    Testing shows the latest version will be pretty effective at using a 2x economic boost.
    killerkiwijuice likes this.
  8. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    11/10 would like every post by quitch again
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Thanks to @elodea for being a good sport and helping out with testing.
  10. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.2
    • Removed platoon minimum requirements for frontline units to allow Queller to form land attacks faster
    • Will build Bluehawks and Stingrays when there's an orbital threat
    • Will try and go orbital when it has no local expansion options, even if it's not winning the battle on the planet
    • If a game has gone orbital then the AI can go bots late to allow it access to Bluehawks for invasion support
    • Corrected major whoopsie where AI wouldn't build advanced vehicle fabbers when it had a planet to itself
    • Now builds Vanguards in relation to the number of Shellers it has
    • Removed Slammers for the time being as AI needs dedicated anti-naval Slammer platoons to use them effectively
    • Forced some advanced fabbers regardless of eco to get AI out of the trap of never being able to afford them
    • Will keep building Hummingbirds even on empty planets so as to counter Phoenix attacks
    • Stingray now correctly used as a defensive unit in all naval platoon sizes
    • Added support for the Phoenix (but it doesn't build it yet)
    • Higher priority given to advanced radar
    • Increased bomber platoon sizes by 50%
    • Will build Skitters in reaction to sighting combat fabbers
    • Will no longer build orbital factories and advanced factories at the same time
    • Will build Skitters on multiplanet maps to use as advance scouts to avoid invasion forces sitting on their hands
    • Even more aggressive producing antinukes

    • Will use fabbers to construct factories when the commander is available
    • Will build a late bot factory on land maps
    • Builds too many orbital factories on gas giants
    • Doesn't close out orbital games well even when it has an overwhelming economic advantage
    • Doesn't handle enemy walls well. At all.
    • AI personalities will have little impact on the unit composition
    • First fabber always assists as its first action
    • Will sometimes take much longer than necessary routes to attack
    • Fabbers don't always take the closest metal spot when building MEX
    • Doesn't defend its fabbers
    • Attempts to attack with Dox underwater
    • Will queue buildings on the other side of obstacles despite closer locations (pathfinding wise) being available
    • Won't move orbital units (except fabbers and radar) between planets
    • Will send orbital radar to gas giants
    • Won't send Phoenixes between planets
    • Will assign fabbers to a assist on a project that they could start earlier than the fabber they're assisting
    • Will send air fabbers to follow much slower ground fabbers
    • Will only determine where to build with an orbital fabber after it has arrived in orbit leading to unnecessary delays in construction
    • Will sometimes send fabbers which arrive through a teleporter on unnecessarily long journeys to construct things
    • Will count orbital fabber as a fabber presence when looking to send fabbers through teleporters to planets without fabbers
    • Won't attack anything on a gas giant with Avengers
    Last edited: April 7, 2015
    DeathByDenim likes this.
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Just a reminder that I'm always looking for any examples of big problems or AI breakage. If you run across any "WTF?!" moments then please link me the replay. It might be something outside my control, but I only see so many scenarios so more data is always good.
  12. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.2.1
    • Now builds Skitters when it has seen mines or advanced combat fabbers
    • Will now only build an orbital launcher to run away to another planet if there's another planet to run away to
    • Checks ability to expand in addition to availability of metal before trying to tech during dangerous times
    • Corrected minor error in Piranha build checks
    • Will favour an air factory first on planets it's invading
    • No longer sends orbital fabbers to planets only to immediately send them elsewhere after doing nothing
    • Can now redeploy orbital fabbers from gas giants

    • Builds too many orbital factories on gas giants
    • Doesn't close out orbital games well even when it has an overwhelming economic advantage
    • Takes too long transition from a naval start to a land game on mixed maps
    • Often floats its eco on higher eco boosts
    • Doesn't handle enemy walls well
    • Won't use more than one teleporter at a time
    • Stops sending orbital radars to enemy worlds in the late game
    • Will build a late bot factory on land maps when it shouldn't
    • Will use fabbers to construct factories when the commander is on planet
    • AI personalities will have little impact on the unit composition
    • First fabber always assists as its first action
    • Will sometimes take much longer than necessary routes to attack
    • Fabbers don't always take the closest metal spot when building MEX
    • Doesn't defend its fabbers
    • Attempts to attack with Dox underwater
    • Will queue buildings on the other side of obstacles despite closer locations (pathfinding wise) being available
    • Won't move orbital units (except fabbers and radar) between planets
    • Will send orbital radar to gas giants
    • Won't send Phoenixes between planets
    • Will assign fabbers to a assist on a project that they could start earlier than the fabber they're assisting
    • Will send air fabbers to follow much slower ground fabbers
    • Will only determine where to build with an orbital fabber after it has arrived in orbit leading to unnecessary delays in construction
    • Will sometimes send fabbers which arrive through a teleporter on unnecessarily long journeys to construct things
    • Will count orbital fabber as a fabber presence when looking to send fabbers through teleporters to planets without fabbers
    • Won't attack anything on a gas giant with Avengers
  13. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.2.2
    • No longer builds Skitters in reaction to scouting a Commander (herp derp!)
    • Will spam Umbrellas over planets it owns (this is going to need some work)
    • Will attempt to protect the commander from orbital snipes using Umbrellas (might be a bit spammy right now)

    • Builds too many orbital factories on gas giants
    • Doesn't close out orbital games well even when it has an overwhelming economic advantage
    • Takes too long transition from a naval start to a land game on mixed maps
    • Often floats its eco on higher eco boosts
    • Doesn't take over empty planets fast enough
    • Doesn't handle enemy walls well
    • Won't use more than one teleporter at a time
    • Stops sending orbital radars to enemy worlds in the late game
    • Will build a late bot factory on land maps when it shouldn't
    • Will use fabbers to construct factories when the commander is on planet
    • AI personalities will have little impact on the unit composition
    • First fabber always assists as its first action
    • Will sometimes take much longer than necessary routes to attack
    • Fabbers don't always take the closest metal spot when building MEX
    • Doesn't defend its fabbers
    • Attempts to attack with Dox underwater
    • Will queue buildings on the other side of obstacles despite closer locations (pathfinding wise) being available
    • Won't move orbital units (except fabbers and radar) between planets
    • Will send orbital radar to gas giants
    • Won't send Phoenixes between planets
    • Will assign fabbers to a assist on a project that they could start earlier than the fabber they're assisting
    • Will send air fabbers to follow much slower ground fabbers
    • Will only determine where to build with an orbital fabber after it has arrived in orbit leading to unnecessary delays in construction
    • Will sometimes send fabbers which arrive through a teleporter on unnecessarily long journeys to construct things
    • Will count orbital fabber as a fabber presence when looking to send fabbers through teleporters to planets without fabbers
    • Won't attack anything on a gas giant with Avengers
    DeathByDenim likes this.
  14. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Version 1.2.3
    • No longer prevented from building basic fabbers when advanced ones exist
    • Advanced fabbers can now build Umbrellas
    • Removed any meaningful cap on the number of fabbers used
    stuart98 likes this.
  15. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    After testing Queller on the map used for Clan Wars Showdown I've discovered it's pretty poor at teching or going orbital in FFAs. Will need to work on that.

    I also want to have it build Pelters when its base is close enough to an enemy base after seeing people do this to Queller on smaller maps.
    galaxyisos likes this.
  16. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Thus far Queller seems to have the measure of the silver league, but gold is too much for it. I want to see if I can make it at least the equal of gold leaguers.

    Version 1.2.4

    • When unable to expand it now checks its need for an advanced factory against the number of advanced factories not fabbers
    • Inferno, Spinner and Skitter ratios are now calculated only against units which are relevant to their potential platoon makeup
    • Added support for Pelters and Holkins
    • Will always get at least one orbital fabber out
    • Corrected error allowing the AI to build Bumblebees and air fabbers when it's losing the air war
    • Less air fabber spammy during the opening on naval maps
    • Maintains a higher Hummingbird minimum force
    Neumeusis and cdrkf like this.
  17. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Just keep in mind that Gold league is actually pretty good. Bronze and Silver encompass the first 2 thirds of players... it strikes me Queller is already pretty good, if you get it into platinum I may have to arrange for a 'tragic accident' to happen to you.... I've got to remain better than an AI haha!
  18. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Queller fights the default AI head on. See this thread for details.

    Both videos use a slightly modified version of Queller 1.2.4, so there may be some odd behaviour from changes which haven't yet been fully tested.

    burntcustard and cdrkf like this.
  19. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Queller fighting on the water. I gave Queller the north island since in my experience that's the one the AI performs worse on. Due to the fact that Queller is far less reliant on the ai_config file for naval battles I only ran a game using the default ai_config.

  20. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    The default AI likes to hit orbital early, so I put them on Styx to show why Queller goes orbital later.

    I'll need to offload the ai_config dependency for Queller before I can do larger FFA or orbital comparisons.

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