Server In 1.0

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tehtrekd, July 26, 2014.

  1. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    They used to run 8 games per server but that might have changed.
    lokiCML likes this.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    cptconundrum likes this.
  3. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Yeah that's the closest thing to a confirmation that we're ever going to get. It definitely looks like it has been delayed.
  4. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I would like to start by saying that these are the sort of thread titles that discourage Uber from actually engaging with the forum community. They give the discussion the wrong tone, and demanding stuff this way will only turn them off from discussing and replying.

    And yeah, I picked up the impression that PA is running the way it is currently for developmental purposes, and that the game proper will be drm free, offline, play however you want as well. But then again, I picked this info up from the community.

    I just double checked the kickstarter page, and there is no promise about offline play or drm-free-ness although I might have missed something.

    My impression from the last few days is that Neutrino knows what he's doing, and don't forget he sees waaaay more sides of the story than we do. We only see a tiny shard of the big picture.
  5. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    The kickstarter video did promise no drm, but I don't think they are required to include it at 1.0

    You're right that we just don't have enough information about what is going on at Uber to make this call. I would also say that while we get to provide input on the development of the game, issues of when it happens are usually business decisions. I don't think our support for the game entitles the community to the right to make business decisions for Uber.

    Now with all that said, a 1.0 release that does not include offline mode might still be a mistake.
    lokiCML and popededi like this.
  6. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    In the meantime I found it, first update:

    I think this is reasonable and exactly what Uber's been working toward.

    I would love offline mode myself, there are so many people in so many situations where the internet connection is not good enough to play properly.
    lokiCML, kjotak109 and brianpurkiss like this.
  7. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Active Member

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    Eh, to me 1.0 is just an arbitrary declaration anyway, as development is going to continue past that point for an indeterminate amount of time. Its mostly a PR stunt, and a way for Uber Legal to discharge thier kickstarter obligations in a conclusive manner. Neutrino and the other devs have done so much already, it seems that we need to let off them a little bit, each new day comes a thread telling them what they should be doing/prioritizing. Whether or not an offline mode post 1.0 is a mistake is really a matter of how long after 1.0 they actually get said features in. I could see them wrapping up outstanding todo's for the 1.0, and then immediately getting started on the first "by user request" update. If they could get said update out in around 30 days or so while making sure that all the new peeps who pick up the game are told that they get a chance to vote on what the first post-release update might also make another nice publicity stunt. There are ways to work this that free up some time for the devs to get all the little details sorted out. We just need to let up a little.
  8. kjotak109

    kjotak109 Well-Known Member

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    I agree. My computer is a beast (very powerful) when it comes to running graphically intense apps, but my internet connection is mediocre at times. :(

    Being held back by an always-online requirement is not what I want to happen. :mad: What if my internet connection goes dead for an hour? A day? Or even a week?

    The fiascoes with C&C4 and SimCity have proved that always-online DRM is never a good idea.

    Edit: Forgot to mention the possibility of Uber servers overloading from the huge player volume due to said DRM.
    Last edited: July 26, 2014
  9. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I agree. All this needs is heavy communication. In game videos are there, they can do updates when you launch, little news bits in the main menu to vote on the next feature etc etc etc...

    Nothing Brad couldn't handle while admiring himself in the mirror. ;)
    lokiCML and cptconundrum like this.
  10. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Did we learn nothing from Simcity? Always-on DRM is going to give people more incentive to pirate the game.
    Last edited: July 26, 2014
    Jaedrik, tehtrekd, tatsujb and 5 others like this.
  11. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Yeah that's completely right except that as far as pr stunts go, this one could end up going horribly wrong. There are a lot of people out there that have fun getting angry and even more that aren't paying attention enough to understand all this. Releasing without offline mode could end up backfiring because of that. I guess we'll see how it goes.
  12. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I get what you're saying and I usually agree. Tom clancy's hawx2 was a horrible early warning for this. And yes, obtrusive DRM encourages piracy, this is a fact.

    I'd love to have offline myself. But on the other hand, can we try to actually help Uber by trying to show the advantages of giving us the server rather than simply saying "learn from sim city, it was a horrible idea!"

    It doesn't really get the point through why they should do it.

    Let's at least compile a big list of why offline is very important for us and hand it ot them to consider properly.
    kjotak109 and squishypon3 like this.
  13. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    I've thought for a long time that the phrases "1.0 release" and "offline server" were synonymous, to me that's sort of been the point of 1.0.
    lokiCML, optimi and cptconundrum like this.
  14. Nicb1

    Nicb1 Post Master General

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    Not including the server in the 1.0 release is a horrendous idea. Please as the title of this thread already says DO NOT RELEASE 1.0 WITHOUT ALL THE CLIENT AND SERVER FILES. Some of your loyal fans may be easy on you, but I can promise that you will be absolutely be torn apart by both reviews and other gamers.
    I repeat myself DO NOT rush 1.0 and make stupid decisions like this in the process. The fact that Uber has even hinted at a 1.0 release without the offline files being included is simply put stupid.
    galaxyisos, meir22344 and kjotak109 like this.
  15. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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    If it was a digital-only game, you would be 100% right.

    But we're going to have a physical release too. And if physical copy relies on patching and playing online, then it's objectively pointless. And the promise of DRM-free game, will be broken, not just delayed in fulfillment. Printed discs will forever stay DRM'd with online connection. You can't patch printed discs - physical copy has to be self sufficient from the start. And it just isn't without the server.
    Last edited: July 26, 2014
  16. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    My very powerful arguements for why they should client side release at 1.0...

    ...One is that being dependent on server for a released product, means being responsible for it to work for everyone trying to use it. You relieve a LOT of that stress by laying it onto other people's machines. Uber servers wouldn't be responsible for function on the game release if the player machine was responsible for it instead. I doubt it is as expensive to release server as it is to maintain uber server and risk uber server being overloaded and landing a heap of trouble, it is probably much cheaper just to get it out to players.

    ...Another is that it is one of the most instrusive things to need to patch later. Ladders require online to use anyway, so patching it online is using a requirement for a requirement anyway. Offline requiring online initially to play offline, requires something to allow the absence of that something.

    ...One more is pr, on this one it would be a lot stronger than other missing features. Any other feature will have a group complain, they won't have much weight and ultimately will probably concede. This one will pull much more negativity and is actually scary and dangerous, like the game is being shot by a fragmentation sharphead pellet instead of a red rider BB gun, which is a large step up in danger for the game's wellbeing.
  17. Bsport

    Bsport Well-Known Member

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    Is it pick your pet feature that might not make it for release 1.0 and jump on the forums and complain week or something ?? did i miss the memo?
  18. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    This really isn't a "pet feature" like a ladder, or matchmaking, this is arguably one of the most important and most expected features for this game. If the game releases with DRM still present (and continues to promise on the steam page that it contains no DRM) this game will be attacked by so many people. People will claim Uber is some sort of evil corporation and spout their hate for EA. I most generally support Uber, through anything, and I still do... but I think they are underestimating the flak they will get from enraged, and ignorant players. This is one feature I could see making a sizable dent in not only the game, but Uber's reputation. Do I think it goes unwarrented? Definitely! But I wouldn't be surprised if it happened...
    nlaush likes this.
  19. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Just drop it guys, really. Let Uber make the game and release the servers when they are able to.

    If they catch flak, then they'll catch flak and learn a lesson. If they don't, then all this was pointless.
  20. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I'm actually a little surprised to see you on Uber's side, good on you. :)

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