Server Connection Lost / Server Crash

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, March 3, 2014.

  1. ohnimus

    ohnimus New Member

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    i can offer 2 kinds of hangs ( since gamma - yeah it worked in beta )
    1: infinite "generating planets" when trying 2-Team vs. 1-AI
    2: 50% probability of having a server hang every 10mins in 1.vs.2ai games
  2. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    Disable one of your cards, i have 2 5870's in crossfire this game dont like crossfire or sli right now.

    Let me know if this solves your problem.

    Also "do not run the amd 14.1 beta driver. It will crash alot.
  3. raphamart

    raphamart Member

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    I'm experiencing the crash when I move my t1 fighters, in general.
  4. saulkain

    saulkain New Member

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    I have had this issue twice today. Both times involved building and using basic air units. Both times involved using one AI player at "Easy" difficulty

    I was doing a 1v1 game with an Easy difficulty AI.
    In the first I had been building and using bots for the majority of the 15 minute game, to augment my bots I built a basic air factory. I was issuing commands to hummingbirds and bombers to attack the AI.

    In the second. I had just finished constructing my Basic air factory. I had built a single air fabricator bot and has issued him a series of commands. I looked back and noticed he had lost health and appeared "stuck." I issued a command to build a metal harvester when the game gave me the server connection lost error.

    Both of my errors occurred when using an opponent with Easy difficulty. In games against sandbox, I have no problem. In a 4v2 game last night with two normals, my friends and I had no difficulty. Easy difficulty may have something to do with it. As well as the presence and use of air units such as fabrication bots and hummingbirds. Both happened within the first 10-15 minutes of the game.
  5. raphamart

    raphamart Member

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    I was in "Normal" difficulty and this happens as well when I gave any order to my hummingbirds.
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I have not played much since the tournament, but I had multiple server crashes in it and my games before (like 50% or so). I was consistently thinking that the server stability is too low for a tournament, but it seems many others had no issue. So I might tend to do whatever it is that is bad.

    I can't remember anymore what I did exactly in those games on saturday, but it were all single planet games.
    I do have them recorded on PA Stats, dunno if that helps as it does not record any single command players do. Shows unit compositions though: <= crashed around the time we usually finish t2 air <= same <= my opponent already had t2 air, I had not <= yet again a bit before t2 air <= longer game.

    Since these records only append data every 5s they probably would not even show a sudden drop of units i.e. in case the crash happens on hard fights or so, so dunno.

    Gonna play a few more soon and be more careful about what I do, in case it crashes.
  7. forrestthewoods

    forrestthewoods Uber Alumni

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    It does seem to involve some type of player behavior. It could be how you issue area patrol, factory rally orders, etc. We're working hard to narrow it down but so far no one in the office is able to get it.

    It definitely involves air units though. Just not sure what the other piece of the puzzle is.
    drz1 likes this.
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Guess I need to do a few more mass air games :)
    drz1 likes this.
  9. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    There was a nasty bug back in alpha that caused the game to crash bad. When you force attacked an air unit with itself the game would slow up and crash. I understand that this isnt the issue as I have tested it when the patch was released but may have something to do with the new firing mechanism.
  10. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    The last 4 games I played all ended with a servercrash :3
    I only remember I was building a T2 air factory, and we had some interplanetairy battles. But the crash seems to be late game every time, so then there is too much happening at once to know what you did.
  11. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Played 2 games, both had air.
    Everything was fine.


    3rd game:

    Game crashed the moment I was placing a bunch of t1 vehicle factories, while I was watching my scout hummingbirds die on the pip.
    Last edited: March 3, 2014
  12. talkyn

    talkyn New Member

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    I just started playing today and came here due to encountering this issue in all 3 games I've attempted to play. Windows 7 64, Radeon HD 6750, 8 gigs of RAM.

    First game, default system, 1 AI on Normal. Was getting destroyed by the AI, but crashed before I was wiped out. I was too flustered with trying to learn under pressure to notice much, but I did not have any air units built at all.

    Second game, default system, 1 AI on Sandbox. I built a bot factory and a dozen bots or so and starting scouting the map with a dozen shift-commands. Vehicle and Air factories followed, and after assembling around 30 units on the map and verifying Sandbox AI is zero threat, I settled down to explore the tech tree. As soon as I built my first advanced construction aircraft, the crash occurred.

    Third game, designed my own system with 5 planets, a binary, a few moons. I played for nearly half and hour, had over 100 units, 3 nukes, orbital energy generators, planes flying all over the place, tons going on but no combat due to Sandbox AI. Game crashed suddenly while I was manoeuvring a massive pile of tanks into a tight choke point. Many of the units were skittering around, unsure of where to place themselves so they could all fit through. I was also building my first advanced metal generators, but I wasn't watching them so I'm unsure if they had anything to do with the crash.

    I don't know if any of that helps, but I hope you guys don't have too much trouble tracking this down!

    P.S. I can't wait to see this game continue to evolve.

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    druss07 likes this.
  13. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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  14. darksx

    darksx New Member

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    Devs, why are you trying to reproduce this in a test environment? I work in IT, and there is one thing in my 25 years that I have learned. Never, ever try to reproduce something in a test environment. Go out to Steam, host a game and play it there and see what happens for yourself. You are not going to find answers in the test environment if you can’t reproduce it there.
    druss07 likes this.
  15. LmalukoBR

    LmalukoBR Well-Known Member

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    This really seems to be the problem I've been having, I can finish small games but when the game gets big or it is in too many planets the game crashes. Seems to be some kind or RAM limitation on the server side. After that i have to exit the game and try to reconnect cause i can't even join new games at the lobby. Oh and if the other game is still running even reconnecting won't solve the problem, and every time i login it asks me if i wanna abandon that game. If i click abandon I can't join any new games, if i click reconnect it tries to reconnect and crashes to desktop. So i have to wait for an hour or so to try again when this happens. Its REALLY frustrating.
  16. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Test environment means the public build with a ton of extra debugging stuff on server and client.
    Also I am only working as a programmer in a professional environment since like 3 years but from my experience being able to reproduce a bug in your testing system is the first step to ever fix it. How do you want to debug a bug that you are seeing somewhere in a productive system that has only limited logging and no way for you to quickly throw in some extra lines of code to do tests and extra logging/attach a debugger?
    cptconundrum and talkyn like this.
  17. dalegribble

    dalegribble New Member

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    The issue seemed to appear in two instances for me, the collision of a large body of Gunships against a large body of skitters and in an instance where two large bodies of T1 Anti-Air collided. Something to do with air units, doesn't seem to happen when the battles are small scale.
  18. Stalp

    Stalp New Member

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    Got the details.

    The crash happened in both games when the commander unit was transported to a moon. The commander was given a build order for a metal extractor. Very shortly after the order was given the game crashed. This happened for both games.
  19. druss07

    druss07 New Member

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    Ok just had two massive games and they went right the way through to the end =D. Albeit small systems but i managed to steam roll the enemy without loss of connection. Gets a bit laggy with massive unit numbers but thats to be expected. gonna try a bigger system now
  20. mrh314

    mrh314 New Member

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    Hi everyone! (Game is amazing btw)

    I just got this when I did a double-tap on C to hop to my commander.

    My buddy and I got it last night as well...not sure of the cause though. I'll keep an eye out and see what else causes it.

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