Scathis Got Melee'd!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by StreetRx925, November 2, 2010.

  1. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    fav qoute. this billy rubin guy and his back slaps. lmao
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    it was the first time i grappled a tank with a shuriken launcher secondary fire from behind.

    you actually knee the back of his head against the ground. groovy. and it killed him (considering i was smart enough to put a clip of shuriken into him before the grapple)

    well anyhow, the game i played with my dev, bgolus, was refreshing. its like playing an entirely different game. even tho we lost, it felt good to play a game where we died in the process of their team going for bots and turrets. i could stand away from turrets and bots, and they wouldnt kill me. thats the point of the game. they used a swell balanced-map-control stradegy, with three pros attacking heavily from left, two lightly suppressing from right, and one traveling between the two (to keep an eye on the base, kudos; most games i could sneak by with an assassin and shuriken every enemy turret, and the enemy can even respawn and pass me up as im killing them, like they are oblivious me in their base).

    but was i the only one that got on a team in a dev priv match that rage-quitted (well 2 of them left when we started losing turrets heavily)

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