How long are we doing this tonight? Also, why so early? Because there is another thing going on, of course!
We're still playing, and I'll be going for another couple of hours if you're interested in joining still Edit: Not any more. Was fun, but not quite as many people as I'd hoped. Will need to make a bigger deal of it next time
At first I thought robocraft was just more p2w bull. But once I gave it a try I got somewhat addicted I'm in T8 atm. If anyone wants to join a platoon with me my in game user is Nova105 . If you happen to be a lower tier than me I don't mind jumping down. Edit: also my steam user is either Nicb1 or [BRN]Nicb1 EDIT: Oh and here's my current build. It can be easily changed between a rail/plasma walker and an smg/medic hover. (Rail Build) EDIT3: And lastly the SMG Hover variation.
I have a tier 9 heavily modified stock robot, y'know, the t1 they put in your garage when you first sign up... I've replaced all but 2 blocks on it, though. It's a brick plasma walker with no creativity involved.
I finally caved and started playing this last night. God it's so good. IGN is TheWrongCat - of course.
Nice. I'll add you in game as soon as possible. Again my ign is Nova105 so don't think "who dafuq is this random?" EDIT: Oh and here's my current T10 build. Looks ugly but it is glorious. Uses sleds and rockets for movement. That feeling when you sneak up on a group and get right in the middle of the enemy team. EDIT 2: Latest build. 4 wheels and 2 treads with gun redundancy for days.