Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by darkgamerone, March 7, 2011.

  1. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    Hopefully so, because you are losing players left and right.
  2. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    You bought the game they got your money..
    how is that losing?
    Theres many people who play the game. Check the weekly leaderboards.

    Im sure people might be happy for some gamerpics or such which could be made rather quickly.
  3. x 2TurnTableS x

    x 2TurnTableS x New Member

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    obviously what I meant was they are losing players from the community.
  4. Ian

    Ian New Member

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  5. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    That WAS kind of heavily implied.
  6. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    UberEnt wrote :
    Damn it. *sigh*
  7. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Pessimism on my internets? It's more likely than you think. Besides, I don't think the PC version has editing tools yet for the modding community to create maps, so that's my bet on what the PC content will be. 360 version obviously has no use for editing tools.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You know they did they same thing for the 360 version at last PAX. Remember Spunky Cola. :D
  9. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    But PC wasn't out then.

    I don't know which is worse, not having access to the game and seeing content come out on a platform you don't own OR having access to the game and seeing content come out on a platform you don't own?
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I just look at the PC version as their testing grounds... when we get an update it's going to be a glorious day. Not to mention the 360 version is way more many thread do you see of 360 players having a problem getting the game to just work? They have to have something to entice the players and keep them playing, or trying to, until they can fix the problems.
  11. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    "When" might be after I've already gotten hooked on Brink. "When" might be too late by the time "when" comes around.

    And if its that case for me, one of the most hardcore and staunchest supporters of MNC, what do you think that means for the general public? Basically, the DLC needs to come soon so they can actually make money off it.

    And why do they need to make money off the DLC? So they have the funds to make the most awesome game ever: MNC 2.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    You just summed up every online multiplayer Xbla title.
  13. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person here who will play a different game for a while after getting burnt out on one before coming back. My definition of when the DLC should come out is "When it's ready". I got Left4Dead when it originally came out back in 2008. I loved it and played the hell out of it. Left4Dead 2 was announced the following Summer. Did not care to get it as I felt it was far too soon and a cash-in on the success of the original. Valve promised that they would support both L4D 1 and 2. They have followed through on this promise. I still don't care about getting L4D 2 as I greatly enjoy L4D 1 as is. Could have I eventually been convinced to get L4D 2? Sure, but even if it was announced now that it would be released in 2012, I would still think it would be too soon.

    Same thing for Call of Duty. I got CoD2 for free with my 360, and I enjoyed it. I got CoD4 a couple months after it was released and I enjoyed it, and still do to an extent. I do not care at all for any of the other Call of Duty games released since then, as the core gameplay has not changed, only "optional" features that have been tweaked or added.

    Same thing again for Gears of War. I purchased it when I got my 360 and enjoyed it. I purchased the Hidden Fronts map pack when it released for 400 MSP as I felt there was enough new material and concepts in it to justify the purchase (Kryill in one, Toxic gas in another). I purchased Gears of War 2 shortly after it released as there were enough changes in the core gameplay to justify it. Chainsaw dueling, Boomshields, Meatshields, 2 handed Heavy Weaponry, ability to crawl when down, and Horde. When the DLC started to come out, I felt that it was too soon to justify purchase at the prices that were asked for. When All Fronts was released, I purchased it as it was all of the DLC in one package for a reduced price, as well as a deleted scene that fills in part of the campaign plot. I feel that getting All Fronts for $20 was a fair price, even after it dropped to $10 at a later date.

    I plan on purchasing Gears of War 3 as the core changes to matchmaking appear to even the playing field, as well as the twist on Horde where you play as the Horde trying to eliminate an entrenched platoon of Gears, and the major addition to the Lambent all interest me.

    I have the same ideals for MNC. Yes it's a great game, and I believe it has legs that it can stand on for years to come. However, if the next game Uber creates is very similar in gameplay to MNC, and releases before I think MNC will "perish", then I simply will not purchase it. I research what games I wish to buy, and get ones that will give me a different experience than others I have already played. I am not someone who will simply buy something for "more of the same", as if I want more of the same, I'll just play what I already have.
  14. Mr Dillon

    Mr Dillon New Member

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    I'm not going to read 8 pages of drama but i am going to say this:

    Best $15 i ever spent on a game DLC or no DLC. i was aware of the rigmarole around updating games through Microsoft so i understand what the hold up is. in short 80% of the stuff the pc got is cosmetic or balance shifts purely for keyboard and mouse play. we will get content, just be patient for gods sake.
  15. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    But this one could and might be so different. It has the legs to last years if could only keep updated with balance and content packs.

    This game is clearly heads and shoulders above any online MP XBLA title and even outclasses many full version online MP titles.

    But over 1/3 of a year without an update will kill any game. Especially when the game needs balance changes and has limited maps already. AND ESPECIALLY when other platforms are getting the updates.

    Basically I am sad because this game could last me years with more consistent support. (Not blaming Uber for any of this, mind you)
  16. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Hi there, you must be new to gaming. Only in the past 5 years have automatic updates been possible on consoles. PC games haven't been getting automatic updates for much longer than that. Before digital distribution hit the mass market, most PC game patches had to be manually located and downloaded from the developer's website, and/or included in the retail disc.

    The gaming industry is only now entering its awkward "teenager" stage, where it is testing new boundaries such as automatic updates and downloadable content, while still relying on older traditions such as retail releases and the common "points" award system. Nothing that we know about gaming as it is now is guaranteed to still be true in 10 years. In fact, we may not even call it "gaming" in 10 years.
  17. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    It's good to read O's confirmation of support for the 360, which ends the debate over whether the 360 version is dead. Less frequent updates that have been tested on a more-frequently updated pc version make sense. And O's poll here shows that Uber are still listening to the players.

    Uber are a relatively small dev studio who've released a great XBLA title, been very busy with the PC version, and look like they're now giving some love to the 360 version again. I'm very happy with that. And this is coming from a UK player who has been VERY frustrated by the limited lobby options on 360 which I've posted about more than once. At the end of the day I've got a bunch of AAA games sitting unplayed on my shelf and I get home and want to play MNC. I think that says it all and is why there are so many negative posts. This is a great game with so much potential and people are playing it to death.

    Regardless, I voted with my wallet a month or so ago and bought the Steam version too, although I've not actually had time to play it yet. I'm happy to support a small studio and wish Uber luck keeping everyone happy, which is a thankless task most of the time. I'm sure they won't let us 360 players down.
  18. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I've been playing vidja games probably since before you were born. ;)

    I should qualify my initial statement, though, as I see why you said what you did. It should read "But over 1/3 of a year without an update will kill any online based competitive shooter". Many games can go years without updates and stay awesome.

    Competitive online class based shooters can not. That is why my initial statement is relevant to MNC, because it is so dependent on balance changes. (See: any competitive online game that is a shooter or class based, MNC is BOTH) This game needs regular balance changes and exploit fixes to keep the game competitive and grief-free.
  19. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I can name plenty of "online based competitive shooters" that haven't had a single update and are still going strong.
  20. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Lets see that list then. :)

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