Review of some top 500 players I've seen

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Liefglinde, October 10, 2010.

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  1. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Daww thanks!

    Now I remember seeing you!
    Ill pick up the FR next time im on, still sitting in my inbox
    Great games ;)

    PH33R THE M3L33!
    Last edited: October 12, 2010
  2. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Hudson, have you not realized that a guy named Patch posts all over these forums? [EDIT: just realized I might have misunderstood you. Did you mean recognizable from the leaderboards, or from the forums?]

    Also, I've played with him a fair amount, and he's always fun to play with. Usually has a brown stained hurt gun because he's got it up CX's behind. Games with him and CX (and me sometimes, I like to think) usually go fast. I don't consider him suspicious, but, that's just like, my opinion.
  3. PigletB12

    PigletB12 New Member

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    I've played with Patch, CX, and Puma one night. It was a good time, the games were going really fast so I really don't think Patch is boosting wins. The guy ruled at 1 vs 100 every night.

    Anyways I never post on here much, kinda just been a browser. I don't even recall playing with anyone who post on here, but I'd love to play with you guys sometimes. I've always just been a loner.
  4. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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  5. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    There was a great deal of people on this list that I had the misfortune of running into numerous times.

    What I don't understand is why people bash on dbowILL I've played with and against him numerous times and he's done quite well yeah he's had off games but so have everyone. And never once have I heard him get anywhere near mad he's one of the most calm players I've played with.

    On a side note.... I had the misfortune of running into Hudson the other day though I'm not sure if you noticed as I had gone out of my way to avoid you and your dreaded Mays Nades
  6. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I never put two and two together. I meant recognizable from the leaderboards tho.

    Knowing who he is here now, I'm less inclined to think he boosted, insane amount of wins not withstanding. :p

    Sorry if I misrepresented anyone, that was dumb of me. *slaps self on wrist*.
  7. TankShadows

    TankShadows New Member

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    This isn't related to this topic but I was too lazy to find the actual page. I just want to say I played my first game today with what I'm dubbing the "Hudson Tank" which I built based on your guidelines and played similar to arctic's playing style and I went 21-3-0 thanks Hudson
  8. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Thanks dude, I always enjoy playing with people who don't take the game too seriously. Playing against people who trash talk in lobby and accuse me of hacking, glitching, cheating, etc. gets old.

    I think if you're a good player you shouldn't bail on your team just because you're getting massacred or facing stacked teams. Playing with inexperienced players is something we all do unless you're constantly in stacked parties. There is a big learning curve with this game and it's not as simple as point and shoot. I still am learning new things even after how much i've played this game. Not to mention if you're playing split screen you're already at a huge disadvantage playing with default classes and on half a screen. Some of the default classes are so bad it's no wonder why new players/split screeners have so much trouble. I remember being one of those default assassin players who constantly went negative. Does anybody even know why guests are forced to pick to default classes anyways?

    I think the group of guys you play with is good enough as it is, you certainly don't need me. I would have to whip out my custom gunner class with gold speed and go for melee kills. I plan on being the first gunner to 2500 melee a few years :p

    Thanks dude. I think you just caught me on a good night :p It's nice being compared to the other players, they are all very good.

    I lol'd because it's so true..a couple games i played with them when me and patch were both support cx went like 14-0, 22-0, 24-0. I don't think we let him get red barred once :lol: .
  9. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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  10. Bulletr0k

    Bulletr0k New Member

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    I'm not quite in the 500's (I'm in 950-850 though) for the leaderboards, but I've played against a couple of these guys and they are good. Hudson always wrecks me whenever I'm in a game with him.
  11. HagenMichiel

    HagenMichiel New Member

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    I'm in the top 300 but i never played anyone from the OP list. Different timezones i guess.

    I played a few matches with Patch of Blue, but i was constantly on his team and the games all lasted 3 minutes, so i quit and joined another game.

    I played with PeachPony a few times, i can remember he was good, but i don't even know what class he was playing, Support i think.

    Then again, i don't always look at the names i am playing, so maybe i'm just not noticing i am playing you....
  12. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    ooo no sir there was more than 3 assasins in that game. try six all swinging around like a bunch of banshees
  13. PohTayToez

    PohTayToez New Member

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    I seem to recall going up against something like that yesterday.
  14. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I played you last night, had no idea you were a forum member.
  15. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Lmao ya, we saw you and had to try

    I think I killed you with some slaps on grenade3 as well for lols

    Me and zander got in against scubasteve's team
    I melee killed steve 4 times that match as assault :twisted:
  16. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Is your gt "DEAD STRETCH"? Because if it is then I played a game with you today, then the host quit after losing terribly.

    And I'm actually starting to see a lot more people from this particular thread around the game now.
  17. PigletB12

    PigletB12 New Member

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    Just played with PeachPony a little while ago. Played two games and dude you were destroying it. I quit out the third cause the lag was killing me, girlfriend started downloading this huge patch for WoW. You went like 60-0 as the sniper and like 49-2 as the tank.

    I'd love to party up with you sometime, maybe I could learn a thing or two.
  18. Bulletr0k

    Bulletr0k New Member

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    I played with you about an hour ago, I was sniping and calling out player positions, while you played assasin. I didn't get to see you do very well, you were like 4-2 before the host quit.
  19. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    Lol, me and patch play waaaay too much. I usually switch up classes just for the fun of it.

    Girlfriend gamer?? A+ :mrgreen: . I quit out not too long after you as well. Most of the kills were from your teammates, I avoided you a lot and just picked on your teammates :) .

    Shoot me a FR, I usually don't party up but feel free to join in on my games if you want to play together.
  20. PigletB12

    PigletB12 New Member

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    Sounds good man. Haha, yup she is a pretty hardcore gamer, most guys call me lucky.

    When I joined the lobby I knew I recognized your name I tried to snipe you and you head shotted me, and then I tried to avoid you, but man it was hard. Good games man.
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