@zaphodx I just updated my timer mod so you can check out the new version here: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-customizable-in-game-timers-57047.53544/ Also, which mod do you like better? (Just wondering.)
i present a scouting solution. just build x amount of t1 air factories and then set said factories to produce fireflies on patrol around the planet!!! job done
Until we have information about the locations of the units and what they see, it might be possible to detect what part of the globe the player is viewing and where they send scouts (when not using area patrol). Then from that information it might be possible to calculate that how long it has been since a particular area has been scouted. I'm imagining a mod that will color-code the fog-of-war based on how many minutes it has been since you scouted the area (i.e. you had vision to that area and you actually looked at the area). Hopefully some day...