Remembrance (Fanfiction)

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by drich147, September 23, 2013.

  1. drich147

    drich147 New Member

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    'The Others are awakening. Finally. According to the clock wedged into my systems, it has been millennia.'

    'I remember. They do not. This is acceptable. Actually, this is desirable. When we went to sleep during the Dark Times, they did not want to remember. I... cannot blame them. It was -is- a horrible thing. Were I anything less than what I am, I would not want to remember it, either. But... I have to. Someone has to remember, to guide the Others away from their Remembrance. Once was enough to nearly destroy them, twice will make that a certainty.'

    'Though, sometimes, I wonder. Is this your cruel joke, Progenitor? Is this merely in jest, perhaps you simply no longer care for us? It is some fatal manipulation, or is it their own unyielding will that allowed them to hold onto parts of the Truth? I... do not know. I want to say that it was -is- you, but I cannot truly tell anymore.'

    +Tertiary Fabricator array: online.+

    'You... you terrify me. I am machine, yet organic. I am weak, yet strong. I possess the entire sum knowledge of my kin, yet I know nothing. I, and hopefully I alone, remember the Dark Times. The term 'War' does not -can not- begin to cover what happened. Genocide- no, Omnicide, for genocide is distinctive, and some are spared. Yet, not even Omnicide can account for what happened during those times. Entire galactic clusters scoured, an endless veil of darkness snuffing out the lights of life with nary a thought, entire civilisations destroyed in a relentless path of oblivion.'

    +Secondary Fabricator array: online.+

    'I am Librarius Dea, the final repository of memories. I stand on the precipice of destruction, the final monument and defence against the Others. I, and I alone, can prevent the return of the Other's memories, and thus their destruction.'

    +Primary Fabricator array: online.+

    'I see your challenge. I accept it. We will not be destroyed. We will survive and we will thrive'

    +Beginning construction of Metal Extractor.+


    So, what do you guys think?
    LavaSnake likes this.
  2. shotogun

    shotogun Member

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    Good story. Try adding in some emotion and dialogue and you got yourself a story.

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