This was not the only bug. Got a few more. Here the lobby ID: 4875061718680896657 Bugs: 1. I was unable to shoot a nuclear missiles on hessia after it hard started moving, so there was no way to destory the halley. 1b. If an orbital radar is build/goes power on when a halley construction has already started there will be no warning (i.e., tied to placement not first detection). 2. My Ai commander build a anti-nuke on my planet before his own. He also built it way off from where he eventually setteled. 3. After hessia impacted, the partially chewed planet was completely ignored by the AI. Neither made any effort to re-colonise/invade it for the resources. It could be they were just too busy with the nuke war or thought it completely destoryed by the impact. 4. The buildings that were on hessia kept "ghosting" through the system, on roughly the orbit Hessia had before the impact. Not sure if it will be visible in replay, so here soem screenshoots: 5. That the AI commander can help out anywhere on a fully owned planet is a mixed blessing. It exposes him a lot more to nuclear strikes as he will leave the A-Nuke shielded area. This is okay for normal AI, but maybe restrict his movements for higher AI?
It also seems to ignore enemy anchors on planet it owns (ID: 24731758907117333 at the end on the moon) Especially as it has been hit critically by a nuke before it should take cover imo. Also, the AI doesn't build antinukes before building halleys, which makes it really easy to destroy them. Would be much harder to stop them if they did build antinukes before the halleys (ID: 11828977759809876846). Also, I once saw an AI T2 fabber land on a planet I fully owned. It tried to build a T2 power generator instead of anti-air to try to combat my patrolling air units. Other than that the AI is pretty good already, especially if it lands on the same planet.
Maybe the delay between antinuke missle launches should be visible. I had a game with two fully loaded antinuke launcher, but they failed to destroy a set of 4 nukes because it fired too slow. Only 3/4 nukes were taken out. Also, about space commander explosions: It starts fine: But then: A spherical explosion effect for commanderdeaths (or a way smaller one for antinuked nukes) would be nice in this case Team Commander Exposion Color mod for those who ask why it is yellow.
It is. RoF is given as 0.25 for the Anti-nuke launcher, with a damage of 1. So one every 4 seconds with 0.25 DPS.
Two people reported issues in other threads in the support forum (instead of here). So I thought I link them here where they belong. 1. There seems to be a whole bunch of replays that are not playable (I reported something similair 1-2 builds ago): 2. There also seems to be an issue with CoherentUI (totally inable to access the user folders, incuding mods and saving logs) if the Windows user name contains non-ascii characters, like é. PA#3041
I meant something like a recharge bar underneath it when it has fired. I was spectating this time so it could be already there for the owners of the anti-nuke launcher
I have confirmed the AI does in fact use antinukes. Suprisingly, it to is in one of my GW videos on youtube.
The turret and missile launcher of the narwhal seem to be linked, they aim in the same direction. When it shoots at an aircraft the turret and missile launcher turn. If the turret shoots at a land/sea target the turret does not turn in the right direction.
Yup, it's been like that for some time. I did a bit of testing some weeks ago about it, you can check it here. It's mostly aesthetic, Uber surely has better priorities. Just checked on bugtracker, and saw that PA#2595 is closed, but there's one opened recently for the orca PA#4109, so I added a comment there.
I noticed in a recent game (pvp) that after a planet had been smashed, my opponent was able to build structures and move units on the surface of the crater as if the planet had never been smashed (so they were floating in midair)
This 'bug' has sadly enough been there since beta, when the smashing became available. I bet it will be fixed one day when the bigger problems are solved.
It was sort of fixed for a long time. The crater was a de facto death zone. Any unit entering would die. Not anymore apparently?
To be very precise they would have to remove the "land naviation" ability for the area, while also adding sea navigation and changing the air navigation (to be closer to the new ground). That means generating a new nav grid at runtime. So very likely not among the "easier" things to do. Making it a simple "dead zone" would affect air units too and will propably cause issues for the AI.