This looks like it'll be great. There was mention above of having the icons able to get lighter etc if the units are selected - is that something the underlying PA structure supports now?
Hi, First of, Thank you for this mod. I had a slight problem with installing it using PAMM 1.5. My current game version is Beta Build 54994 / 55089. If I copied the alpha file with the live_game,lobby and new_game the game would crash or the lobby wouldn't be displayed right. so i left them out. My other problem was with activating the mod in PAMM 1.5; I would get the error message that the tatsu.ini could not be found. And yes that file was, where it was supposed to be. So I slightly changed your ini-file using the tutorial from the modmanager. Now your mod works fine, except, of course the statusbar hasn't changed, since I did nod copy the nessecary files over. Maybe I did something wrong I don't know. I am still a noob at this. Here my changed ini file: Code: [PAMM] Name=Sup Com Strategic Icons Author=tatsu Link= Category=In-Game Folder=PA\media\ui\mods\tatsu icon_atlas='../../mods/tatsu/tatsu.js' Version=5 Build=53072 Priority=0 Again, thx for the mod. P.S.: the link is still in my ini-file, but to post this I had to leave it out
well thanks for your feedback, I have indeed been neglecting this mod. I'll see what I can do to fix it. glad you got it to work and glad you're pleased with it. If you personally require icons for the new orbital units and for the planets feel free to ask.
Anyone know how to get my icons working again? neither mod format works anymore, nor the mod folder nor the appdata. why is it that icons have always been the only part of the game that don't update with f5? why has the icon rescaling never been removed from the code? I haven't been able to release a new version for centuries even though I myself play with icons for the orbital radar and the single laser turret and an icon in the build bar. if anyone wants this **** come and help me.
I have mine working with this: it's never stopped working for me, but for some reason, alot of people report back to me saying the shader malfunctions, and I've seen it happen on a friend's computer but updating graphics resolved it.
I'm updating / converting this to new modsystem. the textured_unlit_bgra_colorized.fs shader makes PA crash. Investigating And the other shader is the same one used in teamBuildColor. So there is overlap, so testing if the priority of loading mods will help here. In other news I've got white nanolathe
hi there, may I ask for a little advise if/how it is possible to edit the existing uniticons ? .. I´m quite afraid I won´t be getting it right from the start but I am willing to learn thx anyway
I'd recommend you to just download the mod proeleert linked and have a read on it. It isnt that complicated.
can it be fixed? also when i tryed to make icons with MSpaint when i used white it turned into the team color