Oh btw about getting a penalty for that kind of bug game: don't worry. Only a person with pa stats working can report the result of the game, so you can just leave and PA Stats will never know what happend. Also games below 5 minutes will be deleted as well and games with no definite result are not even used in the current 1v1 ladder thing. So just leave the game. EDIT: unless the buggy player somehow manages a reconnect. Then he is in the same situation you were in and can kill you.
http://www.nanodesu.info/pastats/chart?gameId=27614 Now he got it. Random quirks I guess. Generally I am happy with the stability so far. Seems to work. Kinda surprising, the code in the server is a copy of my first version from a few month ago, that I wrote in a daze and a hurry. Also again: A thing I want to experiment with next is some sort of mappool. For that I need maps. I've never cared about builded them. Do we have any map crazy people? I am surprised nobody has repsonded to that so far. Are maps that unimportant in PA?!
I think it would be a lot more interesting to start with some system templates such as number of planets, their sizes, and their positions. Then add a few constraints for water height and things, and randomize it. I prefer random terrain that can't be memorized because I think it encourages more creative game play. Systems with a 700m main planet, a 500m moon, and another 200m moon make for good lengthy 1v1s. Shrink the planets to speed up the games I guess, but that general idea works for 1v1.
Maybe we could have some fully known planets and some random planets as well and see what is more fun.
I think I got the bug sagittari must have had. I got a "webservice error" followed by a pa.exe crash. I managed to reconnect and got in the game, though. *Edit* This game, if it helps with debugging. http://www.nanodesu.info/pastats/chart?gameId=27648
Minor thing - I played the same person twice in a row. Not sure it's a real problem - I certainly learned some things. However, neither of us knew it until the second game started.
@wondible: Currently the system is "first come first server". Basically when you search you are put in a waiting slot and whoever searches next will get you. This is done to ensure that people find each other currently. If we get enough players I can do something better where you are put together with people who fit your rating. Currently I'd say that there are enough players pretty soon if usage continues like this. @cptconundrum: My logs shows a fully initialized game that is supposed to start. Nothing unusual in it. So the whole negotiation process worked out. Question is why did PA crash. webservice error means that the ajax call to the ladder service ended up on an error callback. I however cannot see any errors in the webservice on my side, all your requests got a http 200 (ok). So the error happened in your PA. I am not doing anything that should crash PA, so I'd say: looks like a PA/coherent bug. The webservice error might be a result of pa.exe going down.
from the logs I would say your partner ([RLM] SirBostonTBagParty) somehow cancelled the request before the game could start. In such a case you are told "timeout". It should research the search after a few seconds. EDIT: or something else bad happened on your side. Not quite sure. In any case error reports are best when they contain an accurate time and what message you were shown before something bad happened. And ofc what the bad was that happend. How did it fail?
Didn't "fail" per se. Just timed out, then re-searched and then nothing. Will keep trying. Good work cola Edit: When I saw that 1v1 Search button I must say it tickled me in all the right places
I will look into making a map or 2 later. Would be good to have like 16 maps or whatever like faf had.
It absolutely should be specific planets, sometimes mex distribution is just horrible, but it's not too difficult to find a fairly decent mex distribution if you try a couple seeds. Please specify a size range - maybe 500-650, single system? With 1 small smashable?
Released an update that introduces an 8 systems mappool. Also the "1vs1 available note" is now also visible in the server browser.
Released a tiny update that makes the mod play the uber cannon sound twice once a match has been found. It should be possible to minimize the game and write more mods while searching at the same time EDIT: It appears this: api.audio.playSound('/SE/Impacts/cannon_uber'); only works until one game has been played. So when I start PA and search I will get a sound just fine. However once I have finished the first game it wont work for the 2nd time. No idea why. It just plays nothing
It seems the ubernet is pretty slow about creating servers currently. This let to timeouts. I've fixed the mod to respect this. It might work now ... took like 2 minutes till the server was created in my test though. EDIT: @Uber devs: When I call engine.asyncCall("ubernet.joinGame", lobbyId) and I get this kind of repsonse: ["t19", true, "{"PollWaitTimeMS":1000,"Status":301,"Queue":[8268546284496977439]}", 200] Can I do anything about it? My current response is to wait 5s and try again. (Yes, I ignore the PollWaitTimeMs, it took far longer than 1 sec usually anyway?) My test right now took over 30 such tries. So it took 3 minutes to set up the game overall. Wtf? EDIT 2: automatches seem successful in general for now though.