that was mostly about the ladder though, I just added the chat on top, as I considered both features equally important. Anyway the chat we have in PA Stats now already shows positive things, I ended up chatting with people I so far only sometimes saw in the forums. So many nice people in this community that we never really get to see without a global chat.
ufff reading all that horrible "global chats are baaaaad" stuff in those old threads makes me want to throw up again :s It's like saying "playing together in a multiplayer game is baaaad"
There is a new, but untested version on github in the branch AdminImplementation. Maybe you want to take a look. But before someone freaks out now: nobody except @cola_colin can use this in the global chat atm. If you have created your own channel (your name is red there), you might want to use /help and read very carefully!
If you are using google chrome then global chat is now available on for testing. Sign in using your PlayFab account and you will be logged into XMPP as a second instance using /PALOBBY. At this time no friend data is pushed back to Uber servers so friend requests do nothing. (lots more testing required to enable that). Out of game notifications like join game appear but do not currently launch PA. Firefox and Safari support will take some effort as flex + tables + bootstrap breaks badly.
Works on chrome for desktop perfectly but mobile is a no go for chrome. I can't binge on pa general chat on the go.
HowTo: create new PERMANENT channel: 1. open pidgin 2. add a new identity : 3. click on tools->chatrooms (or however this is called in the english version) 4. click on retrieve list 5. click somewhere in the list 6. click add new chatroom : 7. double click the room in your contact list 8. choose configure in the popup menu: I hope this helps and: DON`T SPAM CHANNELS maybe uber will turn this feature off otherwise.....
@cola_colin When you populate the chat history for a user that is no longer online (or for system messages) you create a UserViewModel via makeChatRoomUser with an undefined uberId which causes lots of bad requests to /GameClient/UserName?UberId=undefined Try this change in your uberbar.js: Code: if (!self.hasName() && self.uberId() ) self.requestUserName();
PA Chat on has been updated with the following: desktop notifications for room messages (linger for 5 seconds) desktop notifications for room mentions (linger for 10 seconds) desktop notifications for private messages (linger for 10 seconds) notifications checkbox to disable notifications for a room or conversation improvements to signout with orderly clean up and disconnection (more improvements coming) fix for incorrect display name Under the hood stability: improvements to xmpp and ubernet proxying (now using nginx to bypass origin and mixed content issues) fix for all the bad GameClient/UserName?UberId=undefined requests (see above post) improvements to user tag map handling Still to do: support for updates (friend requests, etc) support for other browsers (painful) investigate xmpp timeouts investigate chat invite spam loop
I'd be interested into any kind of bugfix that could be put into PA as well. The signout is on my list as well. Though it seems that PA just kills coherent processes, so there is no way to do something on PA closing via the X. I guess I will add something to the Quit button in the main menu at least.
mobile? You can't run PA on mobile. And if you can, I can't. And is not my project. I would never try to open that on a mobile device xD Do you realize how much bandwidth that thing eats?