[REL] Legion Expansion [Released!]

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by Nicb1, May 3, 2016.

  1. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.20.0 - 2021-02-14

    • Updated file shadows
    • Added vertical icon offset to Advanced Mass Extractor
    • Added new UNITTYPEs to match usage by MLA
    • Orbital
      • Fabrication Starship
        • Changed ground and air vision to sight from radar
    dom314 likes this.
  2. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.20.1 - 2021-06-24

    • Updated file shadows
    dom314 likes this.
  3. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.21.0 - 2021-08-05

    • Updated icons for units given water-hover (shallow water) navigation
    • Air
      • Comet
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Lockheed
        • Build cost increased from 800 to 900
      • Marauder
        • Weapon blocked by enemies and terrain
    • Land
      • Archer
        • Icarus added to priority target list
      • Arsonist
        • Damage increased from 20 to 40
        • Splash increased from 20 to 40
      • Deathmark
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Earthshaker
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Enforcer
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Havoc
        • Can now intercept missiles
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Lancer
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Maul
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Miniman
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Monstrosity
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Odin
        • Icarus added to priority target list for AA
      • Orbweaver
        • Weapon blocked by enemies and terrain
        • Icarus added to priority target list
        • Build cost increased from 600 to 750
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Panzer
        • Removed ability to shoot Air units
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Patriot
        • Icarus added to priority target list
      • Purger
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Shredder
        • Icarus added to priority target list
      • Stoke
        • Torpedo can no longer target WaterHover units
      • Thor
        • Multilaser blocked by enemies and terrain
        • Removed underwater vision
      • Tola
        • Weapon blocked by enemies and terrain
    • Orbital
      • Centurion
        • Weapon blocked by enemies and terrain
      • Imperator
        • Weapon blocked by enemies and terrain
      • Kosmos
        • Weapon blocked by enemies and terrain
      • Paladin
        • Weapon blocked by enemies and terrain
    • Sea
      • Akula
        • Torpedo can no longer target WaterHover
      • Catfish
        • Movement changed from deepwater to water-hover
        • Torpedo can no longer target WaterHover
        • Laser blocked by enemies and terrain
      • Hammerhead
        • Torpedo can no longer target WaterHover
        • Ram blocked by enemies and terrain
      • Manta
        • Anti-air blocked by enemies and terrain
        • Icarus added to priority target list for AA
      • Ripple
        • Torpedo can no longer target WaterHover
      • Talos
        • Weapon blocked by enemies and terrain
        • Icarus added to priority target list
      • Tsunami
        • Torpedo can no longer target WaterHover
    • Havoc fires from both pylons
    • Added wakes to ships and subs that didn't have one
    dom314 likes this.
  4. stealthpiloter

    stealthpiloter New Member

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    Just wanted to Report that the mod is currently broken: none of the units show up in the unit list, and build bars don't show up for legion commanders in-game
  5. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    It isn't. Currently there is a bug in Community Mods that prevents Legion from being merged with other mods that add units. Disable other mods that add units, like Second Wave, and the issue will go away.

    Because Second Wave and Bug Mode don't properly handle their dependencies you will need to go into your INSTALLED tab to make sure you disable all parts of those mods.

    The fix for Community Mods is expected any day now.
  6. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    To use Legion with Second Wave and/or Section 17, install the relevant DAEDLAUS ComPatch mod from Community Mods. This is a workaround pending a fix being applied to Community Mods.
  7. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    v1.22.0 2022-02-16

    • Improved PNG compression to reduce mod size

    • Air
      • Flyer Foundry
        • Build cost decreased from 660 to 600
      • Loki
        • Damage to air increased from 50% to 100%
      • Meteoroid
        • Damage to structures decreased from 150% to 100%
        • Increased guard radius from 100 to 250
        • Give higher priority to air defences
    • Land
      • Armour Foundry
        • Build cost decreased from 660 to 600
        • Energy demand increased from 640 to 765
        • Metal demand increased from 15 to 17
      • Corsair
        • Increased standard deviation of shots from 0 to 1
      • Havoc
        • Damage to commanders increased from 67% to 100%
      • Lancer
        • Damage to commanders decreased from 133% to 100%
        • Damage to structures decreased from 133% to 100%
        • Damage to vehicles decreased from 133% to 100%
        • Damage increased from 125 to 166
      • Panzer
        • Damage to structures decreased from 300% to 100%
      • Peacekeeper
        • Build cost reduced from 75 to 60
      • Walker Foundry
        • Build cost decreased from 660 to 600
        • Energy demand increased from 640 to 765
        • Metal demand increased from 15 to 17
    • Orbital
      • Imperator
        • Meteoroids can now be controlled
      • Starcannon
        • Energy demand increased from 1900 to 2250
    • Sea
      • Catfish
        • Shots reverted to hitscan
        • Movement changed from water-hover to deepwater
      • Manta
        • Damage to orbital increased from 25% to 100%
      • Ship Foundry
        • Build cost decreased from 660 to 600
    • Scout with Stokes if no better options
    • Fixed the building of too many Purgers
    • Won't build land titans due to pathfinding issues
    • Builds more Stokes
    • Builds more Corsairs
    • Obsolete scene loads
    • Some Legion theme elements not being loaded
    • Failure to stop to engage a target while patrolling for:
      • Purger
      • Panzer
      • Maul
      • Deathmark
      • Nanoswarms
      • Earthshaker
      • Scorpion
      • Shank
      • Epoch
    • Panzer description with thanks to Thorveim for the report
    • Radar jamming no longer prevents the triggering of Spoilers
    • Monstrosity secondary weapons pointing at the primary gun's target rather than their own
    • One of the Imperator's side-guns not firing
    • Imperator moves into range of all its guns when attacking orbital targets
    • Viper not firing when chasing a target
    • Particle shape for nuke explosions
    • Supernova causing an error to be logged when built
    • UI style errors
    • Black Knight idle animation not playing
    Strategic Icons

    With thanks to Quildtide for these.
    • Fixed inconsistent energy symbol for:
      • Power Catalyst
      • Advanced Power Catalyst
      • OmniSilo Storage
      • Fixed inconsistent radar symbol for:
      • Radar
      • Overseer
      • Fixed inconsistent targeting symbol for:
      • Shredder
      • Archer
      • Ripple
      • Tsunami
      • Fixed inconsistent metal symbol for OmniSilo Storage
      • Fixed inconsistent walker/armour symbols for Starcannon
      • Replaced all #FFF100 with #FFFF00 for Radar
      • Horizontally centered icons for:
      • Power Catalyst
      • Advanced Power Catalyst
      • OmniSilo Storage
      • Starcannon
      • Radar
      • Shredder
      • Archer
      • Ripple
      • Tsunami
    dom314 likes this.
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.23.0 - 2022-04-16

    • Improved Tyr effects
    • Bots brake instantly
    • Tank braking aligned to acceleration
    • Further improved PNG compression to reduce mod size

    • Air
      • Firebird
        • Health reduced from 300 to 240
      • Lockheed
        • Health reduced from 400 to 350
      • Loki
        • Health increased from 9000 to 11250
      • Scythe
        • Health reduced from 150 to 120
    • Land
      • Advanced Mass Extractor
        • Build cost decreased from 2000 to 1800
        • Metal production increased from 16 to 18
        • Health reduced from 5000 to 3000
      • Deathmark
        • Health increased from 125 to 250
        • Turn speed increased from 60 to 90
        • Turret yaw rate increased from 30 to 60
      • Havoc
        • Projectiles per shot reduced from 2 to 1
        • Chain jump vision increased from 10 to 50
        • Chain jump range increased from 25 to 50
        • Chained damage reduced from 1500 -> 750 -> 1500 to 750 -> 750 -> 750
      • Hive
        • Nanoswarm damage type changed to metal
        • Nanoswarm damage reduced from 30 to 5
      • Investigator
        • Radar range decreased from 350 to 300
      • Jackal
        • Cost decreased from 350 to 325
      • Lancer
        • Range decreased from 75 to 70
      • Maul
        • Speed increased from 8 to 10
      • Miniman
        • Speed increased from 8 to 10
      • Monstrosity
        • Turret yaw rate increased from 30 to 45
      • Odin
        • Acceleration increased from 5 to 100
        • Braking increased from 5 to 100
      • Panzer
        • Speed increased from 10 to 14
      • Peacekeeper
        • Cost increased from 60 to 75
        • Health increased from 150 to 165
        • Range decreased from 75 to 70
      • Purger
        • Health reduced from 40 to 20
      • Praetorian
        • Range increased from 100 to 110
        • Build range increased from 20 to 30
      • Rampart
        • Energy consumption increased from 0 to 1200
      • Scarab
        • Cost increased from 500 to 550
      • Scorpion
        • Range reduced from 150 to 140
      • Thor
        • Health reduced from 80,000 to 60,000
        • Acceleration increased from 10 to 100
    • Orbital
      • Rig
        • Storage removed
        • Energy production reduced from 7000 to 3750
      • Starcannon
        • Range reduced from 800 to 600
    • Sea
      • Hammerhead
        • Acceleration increased from 4 to 30
        • Brake increased from 25 to 80
    • Builds the Hive
    • Rampart blocking three times as many shots as intended due to change in engine's handling of ammo
    • Removed Rampart's energy efficiency requirement as it only led to the appearance of a non-operational unit
    • Factories not blocking projectiles properly (with thanks to Taiga for the report):
      • Armour Foundry
      • Flyer Foundry
      • Walker Foundry
      • Ship Foundry
      • Advanced Armour Foundry
      • Advanced Flyer Foundry
      • Advanced Walker Foundry
      • Advanced Ship Foundry
    dom314 likes this.
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.24.0 - 2022-05-11

    • Updated selection circle diameter for (with thanks to Anonemous2):
      • Archer
      • Decimator
      • Gustav
      • Hive
      • Holocene
      • Kosmos
      • Lockheed
      • Loki
      • Miniman
      • Monstrosity
      • Nova
      • OmniSilo
      • Orbweaver
      • Overseer
      • Paladin
      • Panzer
      • Ripple
      • Salamander Turret
      • Sky Bridge
      • Starcannon
    • Updated mesh bounds for (with thanks to Anonemous2):
      • Advanced Armour Fabricator
      • Arsonist
      • Gustav
      • Holocene
      • Jackal
      • Kosmos
      • Lancer
      • Loki
      • Meteor
      • Miniman
      • Orbweaver
      • Panzer
      • Rampart
      • Ripple
      • Salamander
      • Scarab
      • Shredder
      • Theodor
      • Thor
    • Visual improvements for Rampart
    • Rampart size increased
    • Rampart strategic icon updated
    • Air
      • Meteor
        • Won't launch Meteorites until ammo is fully reloaded
      • Scythe
        • Damage reduced from 35 to 29
    • Fixed Meteors not moving with air platoons
    dom314 likes this.
  10. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.25.0 - 2022-07-17

    • Added support for the Bugs' Faction metal extractors
    • Land
      • Odin
        • Removed stomp weapon
      • Omni Silo
        • Energy storage increased from 75,000 to 225,000
      • Thor
        • Removed stomp weapon
    • Orbital
      • Rig
        • Cost increased from 3000 to 4000
    • Manta not showing DPS for any weapon on its unit card
    • Manta's anti-drop-pod weapon being linked to its missile targeting system
    • Manta AA effects not being tied to where it was shooting
    • Interplanetary speeds and unittype tags for Infiltrator - with thanks to Dreadnought for the report
    • Havoc missing UNITTYPE_TacticalDefense
    dom314 likes this.
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.26.0 - 2022-09-19

    • Aligned Legion orbital travel speeds with those of MLA
    • Air
      • Salamander
        • Removed secondary fire
        • Purifier no longer self-destructs
    • Land
      • Havoc
        • Cost increased from 750 to 800
      • Lancer
        • Health decreased from 120 to 100
      • Peacekeeper
        • Health increased from 165 to 170
      • Scorpion
        • Range reduced from 130 to 120
        • Cost increased from 800 to 900
    • Orbital
      • Starcannon
        • Health decreased from 3000 to 2000
        • Unit slots reduced from 14 to 9
        • Added Enforcer as a buildable unit
      • Viper
        • Removed the 100 range weapon
        • Attacks at full range
    • Enabled usage of Star Cannon following crash fix in base game
    • Unit types for Purifier
    dom314 likes this.
  12. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.27.0 - 2023-04-21

    • Transports always move to units, units never move to Transports
    • Updated for PA 116931
    • Orbital
      • Chariot
        • Brake increased from 25 to 30
        • Speed increased from 25 to 50

    • Ship Foundry can no longer be blocked in a way that prevents production
    dom314 likes this.
  13. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.28.0 - 2023-06-12

    • Meteroids don't leave wreckage due to potential sim speed impact over time
    • Updated for PA 116982
  14. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.29.0 - 2023-10-18

    • Visual update for:
      • Archer
      • Arsonist
      • Centurion
      • Clot
      • Decimator
      • Gustav
      • Hive
      • Investigator
      • Jackal
      • Lancer
      • Peacekeeper
      • Purger
      • Purifier
      • Ripple
      • Scarab
      • Sea Urchin
      • Shredder
      • Spoiler
      • Theodor
      • Tola
      • Tsunami
    • Build Titans only when the threat level on the planet is high enough to justify their usage
    • Build all titan types
    • Able to open with Walker and Armour Foundries again
    • Sea
      • Jaeger
        • Can now travel through teleporters
    • Land
      • Jackal
        • Attack changed to burst fire
        • Damage increased from 10 to 40
        • Splash increased from 0 to 20
        • Splash range increased from 0 to 6
        • Standard deviation of shots increased from 0 to 1
      • Theodor
        • Ammo capacity decreased from 1000 to 100
        • Ammo per shot decreased from 1000 to 100
        • Damage decreased from 200 to 20
        • Max firing velocity increased from 200 to 250
        • Rate of fire increased from 0.2 to 2
        • Standard deviation of shots increased from 0.25 to 0.66
        • Splash damage decreased from 200 to 20
        • Splash range decreased from 18 to 12
      • Purger
        • Turret yaw rate decreased from 3000 to 540
    • Sea
      • Ripple
        • Damage increased from 50 to 125
        • Projectiles per fire decreased from 5 to 2
    • Fix Theodor referencing nonexistent bone for aiming
    • Fix missing node_idle entry in Thor animation tree
    • Fix missing being_built entry in Manta animation tree
    • Correct invalid shapes in effects
    • Remove broken particle emitter from Odin
  15. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.30.0 - 2024-04-12

    • Commander updates:
      • Added Core
      • Added Scion
      • Added Cataphract
      • Added Reclaimer
      • Removed Wasushi
      • Removed Rockteeth
    • Investigator can attack move and will stop short of enemies
    • Land
      • Praetorian
        • Build range increased from 30 to 45
      • Tola
        • Antidrop shot velocity increased from 200 to 400
    • Sea
      • Manta
        • Antidrop shot velocity increased from 200 to 400
    • Fixed minor visual issue on Purger
    • Icons for Iron Dome and Supernova aligned to the MLA icon style
    • Updated:
      • Orb Weaver
      • Monstrosity
      • Power Catalyst
      • Advanced Power Catalyst
      • Stoke
      • Necromancer
      • Maul
      • Cyclops Commander
      • Overwatch Commander
    • Air units will automatically engage underwater units
  16. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.30.1 - 2024-05-01

    • Added missing unit type to Spoiler
    • Fixed some ammos not being properly intercepted
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.30.2 - 2024-08-01

    • Add missing unit type to Sea Urchin
    • Prevent regular fabricators building Spoilers
  18. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Version 1.30.3 - 2024-08-23

    • Orbital
      • Starship Foundry
        • Build cost decreased from 6000 to 4200

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