Hey, I'm working on a mod for Galactic War, to extend the "move size" between each planets. It was very exhausting to go back, if you explored out a lot of galaxies. Now it is possible to move from a explored system to any other explored system. The calculation to find out the nearest route (or even a possible route) can be hard on slow PC's or a large-explored-galaxy - so there might be delay (1-2 sec) after clicking on a system and see the "JUMP" Button. To prevent this, I setup a setting in the UI-tab to control the maximum move size (OFF to 20) [5 by default]. This is deprecated and not necessary any more.
Version 1.1 out now Bugfix in routing (couldn't find the smallest route in some cases) Faster pathfinding (only stores the closest route, skips possible larger routes) Removed "step-setting" from Settings-UI-Tab (not necessary anymore) Caching for the last route (no re-calculation after click on "JUMP") Moving to any connected "enemy-system" is possible now
Yes, great! But mybe there is a BUG in the "modlist.json" on pamods.github.io. Version 1.1 is missing in this list. I'm not able to test this right now - if this is a problem, I'll fix this soon.
i just wanted to let you know the mod is so good i dont see why it just not in the game as a normal thing..i use this function all the time... just a great mod...
I wonder how that will impact future revisions of galactic war if Uber will make it so that ai can retake solar systems... Because if you can move over 2-3-4 systems in one go, wouldn't that mess with the ai's turn? Although they might never make the ai that clever, which would be dissappointing. On the hope they do revice GW in big ways, I was trying to figure out what could be done about an invasion into one of your system while your commander is away. Do we have a sub commander defending us and we start with a vehicle plant or something? Or do we have multiple commanders? This might be an excuse to bring in decoy commanders which can only help repair or support commanders. looking like a commander but with limited build options and no ubercannon.
This mod has been disabled. The Galactic War Explorer mod allows you to choose your battles and will be included in a future update.