You can't queue a stop command. So Shift S being stop is unhelpful. There's no benefit from hotbuild there. I don't think that stop in particular should be set by default. The other commands are all useful queued. Stop being shift+s by default means you cannot queue mexes for fabbers as easily. Zaphod - you did remap next build tab right?
Personally I would still use it, I hold shift a whole lot and having to not press shift is very frustrating. I double checked conflicts and I don't have any, but shift-b does select the commander for me now, but normal b does not. under select commie I have 'b' (lower case). Same thing if I set 'B'.
I think there is a hidden conflict, meaning some old keybind that wasn't erased. You can try making a copy of your local settings, delete your original settings and try again. If that wasn't the problem you can always put your copied settings back. Or if you don't want to do that, I'll make an update that dumps keybinding info to debuggingconsole. That will assist me in getting info and good defaults hopefully.
Exactly. Way it works in Hotbuild 1.9, if you shift+s, it stops your buildings. So if you are queueing mexes and advanced mexes, you have to remember to take your finger off pressing shift, or you lose the whole queue. I do agree that we should be able to make multiple keybinds per command though. If we so wish. The advantage of Hotbuild Keys is that they generally override whatever the default controls are. @proeleert - I have noticed a "bug" Unit selection with multiple factories cycles. Let's say I want to build Ant Spam, Fighter Spam and Doxen Spam with an air factory, a vehicle factory and a naval factory. I press W, which is my assigned key for unit spam. It builds Ants, because they are highest priority in the Hotbuild2 list I press w again, it builds Fighters I press w again, it builds Doxen. I press w again, it adds another Ant to the queue. Previously it would build Ants, fighters and doxen simultaneously. @raevn - PAMM version of Hotbuild is 1.8 However I'm using Hotbuild 1.9 It wants me to update :/
It was more of a comment to Raevn. Although 1.8 is not equal to 1.9, 1.9 is greater than 1.8, so it shouldn't say I have a "new" version available, when I am using the newest version Of course, in the event that a modder wants to do a recall on a version of a mod.... I see why this could be useful. I edited the above post sorry.
Request: Make the build preview thing disappear when you have deselected. Currently it stays there until your next hotbuild usage.
Yes. But I'm also playing with WASD myself so I'll make "Community Defaults" into a Dropdown with several default options. You can always suggest some good default key settings, so I can add them to the list. So if you have some preference let me know ! Cause now not much "Community" to the defaults
Personally I think everyone does their own thing but I use wasd and: #Building Hotkeys# E - Mex R - Power F - Land/bot factories G - Air/Naval factories (T1 + T2) H - T2 Land/bot factories Z - Storage T - Radar X - Laser defences C - AA / Wall V - Artillery U - Unload Y - Toggle pole lock Q - cancel M - Move #Unit hotkeys# E - Engineers R - Tanks/Bots + bombers T - Fighters / AA F - Scouts G - Artillery
Thanks will add it to the list, it is very close to mine I can also set the uber defaults with the button. Anything there you want to see bound / unbound ?
Ok. Here are some suggestions: - it would be cool if a key and shift-key could be two different commands. atm it does the same - would it be possible that the hotkeys have a different mapping depending on what unit/buildung is selected? - can we save all the settings in a file and reload it when needed? a bug i saw: when in the hotbuild tab in settings and a hotbuildkey is selcted it is possible to click "add" next to the buildings or units dropdown, when there is nothing selected. If you do this a command line is added but after this i cannt do anything until i restore the settings.
I would imagine shift key is used so that you can perform multiple tasks while holding shift key. Not sure what happens with this hot build if not used.
- shift is needed for queuing / if you want case sensitive keys use ubers default keys - is already like this if you selected a bot factory you can build a bot fabber , if you select an air factory you can build a air fabber , if you select the commander it can build a factory (only limit is only 1 type of unit per type of factory) - settings are now stored in the game settings (export / import) I might do in the future, but for the moment I will make 2 community defaults (one with wasd and one without) Oh and about the add button bug, hmm shouldn't be possible, will check
Got the same thing. checking Edit : very strange b is still attached to next build tab Oh I see this sucks in live game after the mod is loaded it still sets b als next build tab. Code: Mousetrap.bind('b', model.toggleBuildTab); So basically it overrides my setting for b. Can't do much about it or you'll have to manually remove or comment out that line in live_game.js (line 2458 almost end of the file) Probably something Uber forgot to remove. Got this working in my version, still playing with the timings how long it should stay.
Test version 1.9.2 attached - added WASD Community default - Hide preview after a while - Go to Notification Button - hotbuild keys may conflict with Uber keys