ui/alpha/shared/js/build.js It appeared with Gamma. I know I saw it called out on the forums (but search is failing me) Uber stated they had a UI but yanked it at the last minute because they thought people (not the ones who use hotbuild) would be confused by having a key for multiple units.
Hotbuild isn't working for me anymore. Not showing up in game or on the settings page. Anyone else having this issue?
when you have a laser turret selected "x" (hold alt + mouse click to place the turret) wait a few seconds.
Select a turret. Press alt and click somewhere. Wait until the build sound is played before you move the camera again.
Yeah. All of the frameworks are activated. Hotbuild and Economy Efficiency both haven't worked since Gamma was released.
Aaah , might be because you are using on old PAMM version. Have you updated to the latest one (applies for windows as for linux / mac) ?
It's definitely there. I'm looking at it right now. Maybe sort by title and look for 'H'? There should be "Hotbuild 1" and "Hotbuild2". Hotbuild2 is the one you want.
Bah, you already replied before I was done editing my last reply. Anyway, you are filtering to show only NEWLY UPDATED, try setting that to ALL. Your PA build is ok, PAMM has no effect on that.