I ran into this last week also, I just saved after each change and then checked it was as I'd saved it before moving onto the next change
Hotbuild2 has been updated to version Fixed Some Layout Issues for Gamma Build Fix Import / Comm Defaults Removed Hack
Hello, kinda new here, first post! Im a old time FA(F) player who has been using hotbuild there for quite a while. I modded the hotbuild mod for FA quite a bit because i have an AZERTY-keyboard. I would add a picture here but i cant because im a new user. But because of the planet style maps I would need to use WASD to look around. And lets face it, using the arrow keys is quite hard. So here are my questions: 1. Is it possible to rebind WASD to ZQSD in my case? 2. Can i set it so hotbuild recognises this and let me fully rebind my other keys? 3. Is there a (hotbuild) key that lets my set factorys on a repeat build? Im sorry if this question has been asked before, but I could not find it. Kind regards, Hamstie
Also Azerty user here. In last build you couldn't change wasd to zqsd. Will check tomorrow in gamma But I guess it still isn't possible. Will let you know.. Tip add US keyboard layout in windows and switch to it using winkey + u
Is there some may to make hotbuild2 more robust in remembering keys? It seems to lose them all the time. I'm not sure if this is due to PA patching, or mod updates, but I keep finding myself in games without my hot keys. Also, some of the community defaults are insane and I don't understand why it's changing them at all. The arrows community default makes CTRL-1 self-destruct... WHY?! What purpose does changing that mapping from capture group 1 to self-destruct serve? Not to mention it maps all the capture keys but not the selection keys. Hopefully these defaults can be reviewed and then trimmed back down to sanity so only keys hotbuild2 needs to claim are changed AND NOTHING ELSE. I click community defaults to get hotkeys to work in the first place, but then I have to go in and undo the damage the mod does to the standard key mappings.
Yes I know they are insane if you have made better ones just export and post them here ! I will make sure they are in the next update then. I'll even bump version for this. I'm not good at making the default community default cause I don't use them. If you click community defaults you have to click save and close first before doing anything else.
Well my question is primarily why is hotbuild2 messing with keys completely unrelated to the function of hotbuild2?
Because Uber added "New" keys and my import function was half broken by it 2 versions ago. (it imported in sequence and sequence was altered so some keys moved to different positions) Then did an export to community defaults (-> bad keys in defaults). Fixed Import in last version. But didn't update community defaults yet. So that's why
Hotbuild2 has been updated to version Better Community Defaults (based on export Cola_Colin) Shift Reset Fix Will only work in PAMM 3.4.0 and up
Just notice a little overlay issue when displaying import / export popup : Doesn't appear if you previously displayed the Key Change assignment popup
Here's mine, I guess so that I can find it later if i reset, or if anyone would like one that's pre-made.