[REL] [Build 51531] Economy UI Mod v4.1

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by YourLocalMadSci, July 2, 2013.

  1. purecaldari

    purecaldari Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v2

    Here is a GIF'ed version:
  2. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v2

    Oh hell yes. I'm getting this next time I'm on!
  3. infuscoletum

    infuscoletum Active Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v2

    Awesome! Mind if I ask how you made that from the vid?
  4. purecaldari

    purecaldari Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v2

    On Linux using mplayer and ImageMagick this is actually done with three commands.
    Movie to PNG > Cropping > PNG to GIF.

    mplayer -vo png:z=6 -ao null ./2013-07-04-1501-52.mp4
    mogrify -crop 640x80+0+0 +repage -path ./crop/ ./*.png
    convert -delay 4 -loop 0 ./crop/*.png movie.gif
  5. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v2

    Ok folks, I've almost got the next bit of this mod working, but I'm once again stuck. I've managed to make a simple pie chart, and place it between the two economic bars. The idea is that when a player stalls, it shows how much they are stalling as a percentage of used capacity. It also changes colour depending upon the limiting resource (blue for metal, yellow for energy, green for no stalling at all). A very rough example is shown below. Please note that the boarder graphics for this are very rough, and not done up to a proper standard:


    However, this is just a test to see if I can stick the chart in without messing up the UI. It isn't actually connected to any of the variables in the game. The HTML for it is:

    	<div class="div_status_bar_TEI">
    		<div class="TEI_container">
    			<div style="position: absolute; z-index:5000;" ><img src="img/status_bar/status_bar_indicator_boarder.png" /></div>
    			<div class="TEI_hold" >
    						<div class="TEI_pie TEI_piegradient" style="background-color: #68c8f8 ; -webkit-transform:rotate(180deg) "></div>
    			<div class="TEI_hold" style ="-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);">
    				<div class="TEI_pie TEI_piegradient" style="background-color: #68c8f8 ; -webkit-transform:rotate(100deg) "></div>
    I will show the CSS classes if necessary, but the fact that the static part suggests (to me at least) that the CSS is fine.

    I have two Javascript functions written to return the hex colour code, and the rotational angle of the pie-chart components. I've tried to pass this information back to the HTML with data-binds, but this simply breaks the UI in the usual manner, suggesting I have the syntax wrong somewhere. Here is one example I've tried for one component of the pie chart code above:

    			<div class="TEI_hold" >
    						<div class="TEI_pie TEI_piegradient" data-bind="style:{ backgroundColor: teiColor() }, style: {'-webkit-transform:rotate('+ teiPerc(0) +')'}"></div>
    I've tried isolating the two functions, and various attempts at moving around the knock-out calls to see if I've just put it in the wrong place. No success at all. For a long time. I've come to the conclusion that I still don't yet have enough experience to debug this. The Javascript functions are shown here:

    //TEI Managment	Colour
    		self.teiColor = ko.computed(function() {
    			var metaStall = (Math.max(0, Math.min(self.metalGain() / ((self.metalLoss()+0.01)), 1))) ;
    			var enegStall = (Math.max(0, Math.min(self.energyGain() / ((self.energyLoss()+0.01)), 1))) ;
    			if ( self.currentMetal() > 0 && self.currentEnergy() > 0 ) {
    				return "#4FFF69";
    			if ( self.currentMetal() <= 0 && self.currentEnergy() > 0 ) {
    				return "#0279A1";
    			if ( self.currentMetal() > 0 && self.currentEnergy() <= 0 ) {
    				return "#F9EC31";
    			if (self.currentMetal() <= 0 && self.currentEnergy() <= 0) {
    				if ( metaStall <= enegStall ){
    					return "#0279A1";
    					return "#F9EC31";
    //TEI Managment	Shape
    		self.teiPerc = ko.computed(function(piece) {
    			var piece;
    			var totStall = Math.min( (Math.max(0, Math.min(self.metalGain() / ((self.metalLoss()+0.01)), 1))) , (Math.max(0, Math.min(self.energyGain() / ((self.energyLoss()+0.01)), 1))) );
    			if (piece === 0) {
    				return Math.max(0,Math.min(totStall,0.5))*360 + "deg";
    			if (piece === 1) {
    				return (Math.max(0.5,Math.min(totStall,1))-0.5)*360 + "deg";
    As always, I expect it's some misunderstanding of mine about how the syntax is meant to work. Any help in pointing out what I'm doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
  6. jacoby6000

    jacoby6000 Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v2

    If you put the pie chart in it's own divs seperate of everything else, then your css (for positioning) should look something like this:
        top:0px;//Or the distance you want it to be from the top of the screen
        left:50%;//Half way across the screen
        margin-left: This value should be the width of the pie chart in pixels, divided by negative 1/2  
    That will allow you to insert the pie chart without breaking anything. Using absolute positioning causes an element to not interfere with any other elements of the same parent.

    Or is the UI breaking in a different way? I imagine you meant that things were getting offset and funky

    Here's what's breaking your code:
          self.teiPerc = ko.computed(function(piece) {
             var piece;
    piece is defined twice.
    remove the line that says "var piece;" because piece is passed as a parameter into that function.

    Other things to note:

    In javascript, you don't need a semi-colon after condition blocks. for example
    is the correct way to do it. Notice there is no semi-colon after the second curly brace.
  7. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v2

    To clarify, when I say breaking the UI, I mean this:


    This seams to manifest itself whenever there is a syntax error somewhere.

    Thanks. Mistake corrected. However, although it is a problem, it still hasn't fixed the issue.

    For debugging purposes, i tried replacing the Javascript code with:

    			self.teiColor = ko.computed(function() {
    				return "#68c8f8";
    			self.teiPerc = ko.computed(function() {
    				return "180deg";
    No Luck. Whatever else may be wrong with the Javascript portion, it isn't what's breaking the UI. I suspect it's my use of KO, as I'm very unfamiliar with it.
  8. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v2


    So, I've got the colour changes working at the mutual exclusion of the pie-shape-filling.

    <div class="TEI_pie TEI_piegradient" style="-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg)" data-bind="style:{ backgroundColor: teiColor() }"></div>
    Makes the colour change correctly, however I can't alter the amount of pie chart filled. If i Try to add a transform rotation into the databind:

    data-bind="style:{ '-webkit-transform: rotate(' + teiPerc() + ')' }"
    The UI breaks. Is it something to do with the hyphens? I know Javascript doesn't like them, but earlier bits of code have been ok by having them in single-quotes. Any ideas?
  9. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v2


    I was trying to be too clever in how I combined my functions. Works fine now. Check original post update and video.
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    you sir ARE A GENIUS!

    love it!!!!!

    purecaldari make a new gif!
  11. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    I love you people.
  12. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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  13. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    Could you please PM illysian and BurntCustard to fuse thei mods into yours?

  14. glinkot

    glinkot Active Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    This looks great! I'll try this on the latest build when I get to try it. Has anyone given it a whirl yet?
  15. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    Have my babies. I can't believe, of all the references you could make, THAT movie would be it. The simple fact that you remember that...
  16. jacoby6000

    jacoby6000 Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    Not to self-promote, but I'm currently working on making my mod-manager merge modified files together, assuming they don't edit the same methods.

    The next version out should be able to correctly handle exactly what you're wanting.

    Also, from a modders perspective, merging mods is generally not what they want to do (unless they're a team). While modders aren't out there just for glory, it's not common that a modder would willingly merge their mod with somebody elses, simply because there's something about a mod being exclusively yours that makes it more credible when you reference it for a job in the future.
  17. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    TY! <3

    (personally I'd fuse without a thought, I know it seems like you may lose accreditations, but in the end you can say exactly what you did and all in all I'd be doing it much more for the community and myself than for a future job)
  18. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    It isn't about accreditation. At least not for me.

    Its more about coordination and effort at such an early stage. At any point, uber could do a design pass on the UI, or change much of the formatting. At which point, all the extra effort of combining the files would be useless. All the mods released at the moment are closer to tech-demos than fully released products. For all we know, uber could decide to implement features along the lines explored in some of the mods about at some point before release. For example, with the Hot-Keys mod, I would be VERY surprised if PA didn't have a feature like this at some point in the future, as key remapping is a pretty common feature in alot of games. Thus ,it's just not worth going to a large combination effort at the moment. I'm perfectly happy to help and collaborate with people if they want to make a combined mod, but I'm not going to go out of my way to start one.

    Of course, there's nothing to stop you from downloading the various files, and have a crack at combining them for your personal use. I had no web-development experience, and I managed to make a mod. There are a lot of tutorials on HTML CSS and Javascript out there, and the fundamental concepts aren't that hard to grasp, especially if you've ever done some sort of coding in the past.
  19. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    I'll have a go at it. :p
  20. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Re: [REL] [Build 50355] Economy UI Mod v3

    Does this still work with the latest build?

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