[REL] Alliance Bot

Discussion in 'Released Mods' started by trialq, July 20, 2014.

  1. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    This mod writes dynamic alliances in chat whenever they change, so spectators know who's allied. I'm putting it on PAMM despite not being fully tested, because I need people to test it :p I have tested in the limited case of dynamic alliances, two players with the mod.


    There are a number of things that need to be tested, particularly when more than two players have the mod. I found spectators getting alliance updates to be unreliable, so they don't do anything. For up to date alliances to be displayed, at least one player with the mod needs to be alive and present. Need to test:
    • If it works reliably
    • If messages get duplicated when many people have the mod

    On PAMM. If someone can organise a big dynamic ffa where most people have the mod enabled, that would be a good test.
    Last edited: July 20, 2014
    Fr33Lancer likes this.
  2. Fr33Lancer

    Fr33Lancer Well-Known Member

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    If I understand it correctly, every player with the mod generates a chat message every times he/she accepts an ally request or break it, right ?
    That's indeed very useful for spectators.
    One question though, I guess it doesn't show only for spectators, and everyone has full knowledge (provided they all have the mods) of current alliances ?
    Could that be turned into a server mod ? Like having a game option "Reveal Alliances" ?

    On another topic, did Uber acknowledge at some point working on how to show alliances for spectators ?
    Cause Meta used to switch viewpoint in Cloak & Danger to show alliances, and that's very unpractical.
    Will be even worse in the Final FFA with 7 players.
  3. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    All players already have full knowledge of who is allied, you just need to maximise the player tab. Every surviving, present (as in not DC) player with the mod enabled checks the alliances periodically, and writes them all in one chat message if any alliance was made/broken. The recent chat is checked to stop duplicate posts, although if two players update at almost identical times there may be a duplicate post (latency may make this impossible to avoid).

    This mod was made as a hack so spectators can see alliances. Uber may let spectators see alliances soon (I don't know), that would obviously be the preferred option and obsolete this mod.

    BTW there may be an easier way for spectators to see alliances that doesn't involve chat. It seems that spectators sometimes get updated alliance data, sometimes not, it's not reliable and I haven't tested it enough. It seems players that become spectators stop getting updated alliance data, spectators that start as spectators might.

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