[REFERENCE] Per unit area build tweakables

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by linike860, January 17, 2014.

  1. taii

    taii Member

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    Hi trialq,

    thank you for this help... This´ll get me started! I missed out that every unit had it´s file as I wasn´t looking for them so deep in the program. No I will make a save copy and start messing around a little with this special code covering build patterns... I will let you guys know when i suceeded in adapting that...

    Cheers Daniel
  2. taii

    taii Member

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    Sucess! Yep! everything back to normal... now. I changed the name "Line" to "Sphere". That was all!
    Now I just have to got to come back into the game, because I think they just upraded the AI a tiiiiny bit so I need some different understanding of the AI since he comes attacking me now with all this "low cost" Mc Donald´s stuff that is annoying and keeps me from growing in the first place... Well done PA-Developers... I just feel like Jack Nicholson in "shining" when I think of the AI now... hoping the display will "survive" my stressed mind ;O)

    Cheers and sucessfull modding to all of you!
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Anybody either particularly good at this and want to help or show me, or have any online reference or guide on this for me to check out?

    Because I think I am trying to do something fairly simple, place walls in a template over 1 up 1, or...


    They get a placement advantage this way, they stretch more distance diagonally than they do side-by-side and while I see no way to control placement rotation I do see ways to control their template placement.

    However, I just looked at an example of template, and the numbers in the file make no sense for what they do. If someone told me what they did, it might make sense what I was looking at and how those numbers make the build do what it does.

    PM or post here or in my thread if you can, thanks.
  4. nuketf

    nuketf Active Member

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    will there aver be possable to make a working Factory set up save it then use it again in a new match? its a pain doing the same set up over and over when this would make it very easy

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