Quads are extremely stable and nimble Vtol's, i have attached camera's to all 3 of my quad-copters (except the AR Drones as they had them built in), and all 3 quads record the smoothest and most stable footage out of all my airborne craft. They're also very easy to control and fly manually compared to other heli's, and offer a lot more lifting power than the single or twin rotor helicopter I have 2 single rotor heli's with collective pitch control, and even when i have a nice stable hover the recording on them is very shaky and keeping them under control is a constant fight.
So I work with some FIRST robotics at a local high school of mine. This is the game if you are interested So far its shaping up to kick some serious ***. The game is called Aerial Assist, and contenders need to grab a ball and launch it over a 6 ft tall goal post to gain points. There is a scale in the middle since the robot needs to weigh less then 120lbs
http://content.robotslab.com/nao-skydiving#gsc.tab=0 NAO has just been "Publicly Released" for $7990. There's also a draw to Win your money back too....
A real cheetah can easily go 70mph. Even a regular house cat can keep up with the cheetah bot. And they can do it in difficult terrain looking awesome. This is grace! =3 PS: I would say 'stick some fur on the bot' but that would only make it look creepier. If that's possible at all.
Well I could post something cute like Asimo, but where's the fun in that? Instead, RUSSIAN MILITARY WALL-E http://rbth.com/defence/2014/07/02/...ssian_armys_very_own_deadly_wall-e_37871.html
FRC is awesome. I'll my school has is 4 kids, a programmer (me) and no money. So we're stuck with FTC, which is cool and all... but... hydraulics!