Read this before you ask for game/balance changes

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by ObiFett, January 20, 2011.

  1. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    Grabbed this from the PC board. A beastly gunner grapple. Interesting.
  2. sunnydove

    sunnydove Member

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    From what I read, it does 600 damage even, so it one-shots assassins and snipers that don't wear any armor.
  3. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    .....Ill watch your video Sunny before i post anymore on assassin changes. I think they are trying to balance to building level 3 turrets.

    I feel that most of the game is overlooked that most players dont attack bases and leave it up to the assassin to do the base killing work so they can get a larger K/D ratio, and possibly help push bots with whatever tools they do have such as a grenade launcher. Juice gain probably really wont be a problem because most juice i get when on the assassin is due to people wanting to play team death match and dont turn around to go "hey there is an assassin killing our bots"

    Changes need to be done right for a console cause its going to be well over a month before any more changes will occur lol.

    I feel like im playing WoW all over again, waiting to see what gets nerfed and what gets buffed, and then having to play with it for 3 months + lol
  4. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    I think the reduced juice gain on Assassin is a PC only thing because the PC version also has more bots per wave.

    So that's the only thing I think reflects the PC/Console split. Wouldn't work on console unless they also increase the bots ways on console as well.

    And finally, Gunner has a reason to upgrade Grapple 2.
  5. Organous

    Organous Member

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    I am not upset about things I use getting nerfed. I used to play Sniper and fully support the nerfs they made, especially for traps (I'm only neutral on this trap nerf because of the aforementioned mouse aiming). I care more about the reasoning. An Assassin can currently just kill a level 1 rocket if it's unattended. If even one person of any class is nearby, this doesn't work. Good teams should always have some reasonable defense, anyway.
    She has to seek out the lowest risk to strike or die. Nerfing her juice gain across the board means she needs to take even more risks. Now, I can understand reducing it when there are more bots to kill, but still not turrets.
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    maybe the assassin was meant to assassinate, ie pro control. thats an idea i have been playing with for a while, if the assassin was meant for pro control or bot control.

    SAINTofSINS New Member

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    I can't see the Assassin being a strong Pro-control choice given the other Pro's that work great in close and mid-range just do a better job at it.

    The Assassin doesn't have enough HP to withstand any mistakes in close-quarters, whereas the Tank and Gunner are. Her Shurikens aren't the best because they require a lot more skill to aim than say the Assault, Tank, or Gunner. Her damage output (slashing/lunging) isn't as strong as the damage output of the Assault, Tank, or Gunner.

    That's not to say she can't kill Pro's, but I think her main duty basically falls into defense destruction and bot pushing, primarily. All of the other classes have better attributes to help in Pro-control (barring the Support, I think - if only for the fact that the Support has no long-range weaponry at his disposal to help out in certain situations) and can balance off in other areas that leave the Assassin feeling more like a niche part of the team whose main job is now being looked at by the developers as being a bit overpowering.

    I don't think this stuff kills the Assassin's playability, but it certainly feels like it hurts her role - unless of course the developers wanted her role to be more geared towards Pro-control like you're suggesting. For right now, I'm just not seeing it.
  8. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  9. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    if they dont nerf assaults i'm recruiting 5 of the best assault players and making a team "Ignore Objective" and we will pub stomp, ignore bots, ignore money balls, melee bots, & juice chain until our demands are met. we will single-handedly fill the front page of the feedback and issues forum with people begging for an assault nerf.
  10. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i propose multiple teams, to cover more ground quicker
  11. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    LOL awesome, just awesome
  12. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    it needs to be an elite squad to send the message. as it is right now people are use to joining a game and seeing 2-4 assaults on the other team. they will not turn their heads at my team when we rain down our purple stream of crits.
  13. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We'll sure to listen extra hard with this brilliant move.
  14. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    And this is why we support you so much :)
    I wish other game companys that i dont need to name would say something like that
    Bungie, Blizzard, Treyarch/InfinityWard
  15. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I'm actually sad that the Gunner Grapple becomes a throw at level 2. It means that if I want to double grapple, I have to use the Mortar grapple first, which doesn't earn me any Juice compared to the Gunner Grapple which does earn Juice.

    Also, that Assassin nerf to Dagger/Sword damage to turrets doesn't phase me since I usually Shuriken them instead to begin with.

    Only thing I'd like to see is a slight buff to the Support's Heal/Hurt Gun healing function, while slightly nerfing the benefit healing gets from Rate of Fire endorsements. Healing with no RoF endorsement is pitiful right now, but I also don't think healing with gold RoF should be buffed either.
  16. peachypony

    peachypony Active Member

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    it's called a joke.. but..

    best money ball killer, insta kill charges, outgunning gunners, great % of crits for $150, amazing mobility to chase any class down and run away from nearly any situation, hard to hit, best at countering juiced pros, tiny nuclear bombs he gets every 9 seconds...oh yeah, he sucks at killing turrets but get this, he's not the worst.

    ..not so funny.
  17. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    I'm sorry, but would could possibly be the logic behind nerfing an Assassin's juiced effectiveness on a turret without touching a Gunners? Have you SEEN what a mortar launcher does to a fully overhealed 3.3 Rock-It? Three, maybe four, shots tops. The only people who aren't complete and total monsters on turrets while juiced are the Sniper and (oddly) the Assault. The Support's pretty awesome, assuming he has an Airstrike or two with him.

    Point being, there's no real point. If this is to offer turrets a fighting chance, then how about a blanket solution? Like, giving turrets a boosted resistance against juice, or having juice do less damage to turrets. Basically the same solution, just flipped, but whatever. As it is, turrets mean near nothing in a real game. They're just a complete waste of money. The only use in them is for teh lulz for when your Shaveice reveals that dumb Assassin, or when your Longshot pwns a camping Sniper.

    The real problem with this game is juice. It's just too much, really.

    That aside, I cannot emphasize my failure to see the method behind the madness here. Why just the Assassin? Especially since it's been the same since launch (though some may cry otherwise). Anyone else I'd understand, but the person who's forced to go in, with the least health, against the repercussions that no other juiced player is forced to encounter (traps, Lv. 3 charge).

    I'm not truly expecting an answer, not from the devs, anyway. Just my vent, and my PoV. Any input expected from the devs is limited to the occasional crack or clever remark. I know how risky it is for them to ever express what they think if it's quotable >.> People'd murder 'em.

    Ah well. It truly depends on the amount of damage/juice gain tweaked. Still. Again, if affecting damage, why leave the even worse classes alone? Just so odd.

    On a similar note: Really? Really? Absolutely no changes for the Assault whatsoever? Not even able to forcibly detonate the bomb? Lame -_-
  18. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    I always assumed assassins got juice so quickly from the juice box pickups rather than dagger/sword damage. Is that not the case?
  19. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Not the case at all. As a tank, it take me 2-3 times longer to earn juice even if I pick up all the boxes.
  20. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I love the Gunner Grapple buff. Usually, I find myself upgrading the grapple at the very last; if I don't have any turrets to build or annihilators to get. Heck, I'll even spawn bouncers rather than upgrade to Grapple 2.
    This really needs to be put in the 360 version.

    And this is what I like about the PC version, Uber can really test out stuff on PC and then transfer the best updates to the 360 version. Way to go, Uber!

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