Rail Gun Help.....

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by wazupwiop, April 20, 2011.

  1. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    This is exactly my problem. I can beat clawing gunners relatively easily, but OMG snipers and assaults are terrible when you try to shoot them. They are small and WAY TOO AGILE!!!

    Assassins are rarely rail gun targets except for grappling them if they get close. Supports are slow and fat, they cannot do much versus my railing. Snipers and assaults are the most played classes and they give me the most trouble when I play tank.
  2. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    If you're playing off host, then the rail gun is going to be inconsistent. Some of your hits will fail to register. It sucks, but it's just something you have to deal with if you want to play as the tank.

    That said, if your aim is any good, you won't have any problem hitting gunners or other tanks. They're big and slow, and their movements are rather predictable. If you're having trouble hitting a clawing gunner, shoot them as they fall, and you'll guarantee yourself at least one hit.
  3. salomdi

    salomdi Active Member

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  4. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    clawing gunners are no problem for me as I claw with the Tanks rail gun as well, so I just mirror (copy) the gunner and keep my rail gun in the centre or follow their movement
  5. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    One thing that I noticed was that the rail gun shoots at an angle to the reticule. Here is what I mean:

    \ - Travel of Rail "past" reticule
    O - Reticule
    \ - Beam from Railgun
    /---\ "\" - Railgun
    Tank Belly

    If the alignment of the picture messes up, basically I tried to give a depiction of the tank's railgun in relation to the reticule. Basically, the reticule is to the left of the railgun. To understand what I am saying, get close to a bot (slightly farther than melee) and try to shoot it with your railgun. If your reticule is placed in the same location as mine, you will notice something. If your reticule is directly on the bot, the beam should land behind the bot because of the reticule in comparison to the barrel of the gun.

    This could be why one person said to aim right of the target because the beam will travel left of center under some circumstances. The distance the rail travels left of center is decreased over longer distances. I noticed that I had a "sweet spot" for my railgun that is about mid-long range where I could consistently hit people without taking too much damage. The key, I think, is to compensate for the angle to aim consistently.

    I might sound crazy here, but I am not completely sure that being off host or lag is to blame for the rail gun's hit detection "issue". I think it is the player not compensating for the angle of the reticule in relation to the barrel of the gun. This "reticule offcenteredness" would also explain corner hacking firebases.

    I think that the devs should move the reticule in the next DLC to be a little more "accurate" for the lack of a better term. I think the reticule for each class should move right slightly. I think this would fix some of the "hit detection issues" experienced by players due to the reticule in relation to the barrel.
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    nope. aim at something across the map and see where your bullet lands, then do the same for something right infront of you and see. the game accounts for that already.


    \ - Travel of Rail "past" reticule
      O - Reticule
        \ - Beam from Railgun
    /---\ "\" - Railgun
    Tank Belly
  7. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Thanks for correcting my picture. I think the game may account for some of it, but I don't think it is completely counteracted. Over longer distances, it is hardly noticeable, but at short range, it is REALLY noticeable. At mid-long range, it may give the smaller bodied pros an advantage.
  8. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    Play on and off host, and you will notice a world of difference not only with the jet gun but the rail gun as well. It's really not just a perceived difference. It affects all weapons to some degree, but the tank's are particularly affected.

    Another issue with the rail gun arises from how low the tank holds it. It makes shooting through the slots in the walls on lazerazor a nightmare and shooting down off ledges a pain. It wasn't a problem before because you could shoot through the edges of walls.
  9. x Zatchmo

    x Zatchmo New Member

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    For Assaults, I try to hit them as they come down from their jump, because they are the most predictable during that time period.

    Something you might want to try: When you're on the ground about to rail someone, have your hands in the normal position. It might be easier for you to aim. When they notice and return fire, then switch to clawing.

    I don't know what it is, but for me, it's easier to land shots when I'm coming down from jet packing whilst clawing.

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