Quirks affecting competitive play

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by underscore1112, September 30, 2015.

  1. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I regularly hit 150 apm in all sorts of games and rarely have these issues. Mostly because im not super reckless with my orders and I'm constantly checking the position of my commander.
  2. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    This is how modal interfaces work.

    So what what your really after is for orders to be given on mouse down and not release. This is incompatible with how area commands are implemented. So couldn't be introduce consistently across all commands.

    I can't reproduce this. Maybe it's a issue with a mod?
    Last edited: October 1, 2015
  3. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    no, what i'm after is the game to read keyboard inputs that were inputted while a mouse button is held down. this is unaccepted. the entire keyboard is ignored while you click.
  4. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    But how do you want it to behave?

    So you click a command, select another group and then release the mouse button. Who gets the command? Or are you wanting the selection to be queued and applied after the command?
  5. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    bleh, micro...

    bleh, apm...

    bleh, don't see any issues here...
    mered4 likes this.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    One ui quirk I've noted is the strange behaviour with transports. Specifically, I can shift queue a transport to collect a unit and move to a location, but it ignores the command to then unload. Ideally you should be able to queue up a number of pickup, move, drop off, move, pick up... Orders with a single transport. It would make using them to get fabs in position a lot easier. Also if we could get the repeat option enabled for them like spring it would allow auto ferry queues (especially if coupled with area commands)....
    andreasgg, tracert and lordathon like this.
  7. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    I think your mistaken and it's the load command that can't be (shift) queued. The same issue also exists with the use command.
    cdrkf likes this.
  8. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Yeah you're probably correct, same effect that you can't pre order a whole transport operation order.
  9. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    Bleh :p like close said title is troll click bait so you know better
    +1 for bleh
  10. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    Okay, let me try to explain this the best i can.

    If say that in starcraft brood war I could not micro while rapidly switching between control groups, which were limited to 12 units each... would anyone have played it competitively? I exclusively use hotkeys to issue anything other than a move command.
    Imagine if you tried using your PC in a mouse and keyboard setup where you could only click OR type at a single time. I surely hope you can think of a situation that this would be an issue. Say you liked to use the keyboard to look around in this game for some odd reason, but you need to make a line of factories and move your camera while doing so, for example. I believe this is another situation that would be an issue.
    I'm sorry I'm having a hard time explaining this to those who don't understand how this happens or why it causes me frustration.
    Let me just use starcraft as a reference. If I switch a control group, any special commands like build, or attack, or a unit specific ability are cleared. Therefore, there are no conflicts because the default command i will always get is a universal one: the basic move/ contextual command. Just as well if I have a command such as attack or move once again queued up, a left click would execute the command, while a right click would clear it.
    This of course is similar to how PA is and works well. But if you are like me and have the habit of allowing your finger linger as you are clicking or just like to click quickly, you are introducing HUGE dead zones to where you can queue up special orders or switch control groups!
    I'm not asking for some "negative edge" implementation for clicking. Maybe solution might be to take into account clicks being at the very least registered being pressed down and let go. I don't know what lies under the hood, but I know that my inputs are being ignored more often than I'd like.
    I'm asking for the UI to function just as it is, but not handle simultaneous inputs from the mouse and keyboard in the way it currently is. In all cases I can think of, the mouse will always take priority to the keyboard, even when there is no potential action to be done upon release of a mouse button.
    Sure you can argue i have messy inputs and should just tidy them up, but I will never simply not find this an issue because there will always be the possibility of a situation arising that I will have to move faster than the ui will allow me to under this implementation.
    Does this make better sense?
    Last edited: October 2, 2015
  11. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    I believe that for the ladder to be inclusive to all players, the laddar map pool has limited to one planet systems. I've had the displeasure before playing on the single multiplanet system that used to be included in the map pool on a computer than could not handle it. The game can become a battle of FPS, and I'm sure that Uber wanted to avoid this so that the laddar could be enjoyed by the largest number of players possible.
    I would love the mental workout myself of having to deal with multiple planets in a ranked match, but I can't think of any easier way to scare of people with lower specs. :/
  12. underscore1112

    underscore1112 Member

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    how do i delete posts, i meant to hit edit :p
  13. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    Then buy a better comp pleb Kappa

    On a serious note though:
    Uber already has the required specs to run the game in it's description..everywhere I know it's stupid to expect every single player to have the money/components/equipment/etc to have the perfect game but Planetary Annihilation does sound and boast about multi planet fighting and while they have made a lot of changes to orbital. To effectively remove an entire section from ever being used in 1v1 is to me very stupid.

    Perfect example was the ablegamers tournament when a donation to clopse of THREE omegas resulted in absolutely no gain for him (he lost all 3 to 1 umbrella). A top 10 uber player didn't know how to use orbital....top 10. We saw him massing Hermes and other random things but posidian won his match because clopse couldn't orbital.
  14. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    Omegas just suck
    andreasgg, n00n and g0hstreaper like this.
  15. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    The discussion about input capture blocking hotkeys convinced me to finish off the Fast Click mod. The input system is pretty involved and I've done some testing, but not with the kind of APM that runs in the hotkey issues in the first place. I'd suggest testing in casual games that don't matter much, and if anything gets weird, also turn off the Live Game Input Refactor mod which it depends on. (and then please give me reproduction scenario if you find one)
    tatsujb, mot9001, n00n and 1 other person like this.
  16. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    Nice, I looked into making the same but realised that the result wouldn't be something I'd want to use. Another option is to have hotkeys issue commands immediately without requiring clicks (that'd probably be optimal for APM). ;)
  17. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    So the key serves as the click? You'd have to track pointer position independently.
  18. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    Yep. I've now added it to to my expanded hokeys mod. ;)
  19. ljfed

    ljfed Active Member

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    What do the immediately build item x commands do? I was playing around with them and couldn't work it out.
  20. n00n

    n00n Active Member

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    They're the same as control+clicking a build order but via hotkey (e.g. x, control+a will put a single bot fabber that the beginning of the build queue).
    ljfed likes this.

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